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Aria pushed open the front door, then slowly walked towards the stairs. Her body was almost pulling her back to the basement, feeling like someone was in there, that needed her. But her feet quietly kept going upstairs. She materialised a dagger in her hand, then an energy ball in the other, as she looked in the spare room.

When she was satisfied that it was empty, she carefully headed to the main bedroom, finding the door was slightly open.

Aria slowly and quietly pushed it open, finding there was a small light on in the corner, and Amora was sitting crossed legged in the middle of the floor. She could see what she was doing, calming herself down, while she maintained the magical hold over something. Aria listened to her words, realising she was chanting a spell that was keeping Aria from getting in and finding her.

She didn't wait until it was too late this time. Aria quickly used her magic, breaking Amoras spell as her purple ropes quickly snaked around her body, bringing her abruptly out of her chanting. Causing the spell to vanish instantly. Aria then waved her hand, bringing a binding a spell straight away, so Amora couldn't use her magic and escape once more.

Amora stared at her, her eyes flashing blue, before she realised that her magic was now rendered useless against Aria.

They stared at each other for a moment, while Aria held her suspended up in the air, at the foot of the bed. She glanced around the room, finding she hadn't changed anything that Aria had done to the place, that this had been the place herself and Loki had tried to fix there marriage.

And failed.

They failed all because of Amora.

Aria instantly felt a deep hatred for this woman. An anger she had never felt before in her life. She lost all control, the dagger flying through the air, going right into Amoras stomach, back out again, and into her heart.

The blood pooled around the wounds, as Aria's magic evaporated, letting the body drop down onto the bed, almost as if she were asleep. She walked forward, standing at the bottom of the bed, looking at Amoras face, staring back at nothing. Shock on her face that Aria had the guts to kill her.

She held out her hand, pulling back the dagger, letting it land straight into her hand, just as Bucky rushed through the door, freezing when he saw what she had done. He hadnt expected it to look like a murder scene, looking back over at Aria, who had blood sprayed across her face.

Aria brought her eyes away from Amora and over to Bucky, wondering when he had come in.

"We have company" He quickly explained.

She could instantly feel how close Steve was. She didnt say anything, she found herself rooted to the spot in the room, the dagger still in her hand.

Bucky quietly closed the door, then put the gun over his shoulder, and stood in front of Aria, defensively, as they could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. He took a deep breath as the door burst open, and they looked around, finding Steve standing there, looking at the scene before them.

Steve looked over at Amora, lying on the bed, the blood seeping out of her wounds. He then saw how Bucky was protecting Aria standing to the side, at the best vantage point,, while she remained there, covered in blood and holding the weapon.

"Aria?" He asked, uncertain.

She slowly brought her eyes up from the floor, looking straight into his.

"What have you done?" He whispered.

Clint quickly came into the room, seeing what had happened as well.

"I had to" She replied, sounding detatched.

"I dont understand" Steve said, stepping into the room.

Aria said nothing.

Old Enemies - series The Asgardian Witch (books 1 - 4)Where stories live. Discover now