Six (Desmond)

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Nina's entire body locks into place, her eyes widen with fear at the sight of the scythe in Elijah's hands. Her fellow classmates pay her no mind, although some steal a glance at me. The moment her skin touched mine a bolt of electricity shot straight up my arm. I glance down at the Roman Numeral on my arm, the number seven stares up at me. In my heart, I know what this means. My mother prepared me for this moment before the Reapers claimed her soul. My father, before his end was met, braced me for what would happen when my mate was found. I found it hard to believe this young woman, with misfortune draped over her shoulders like a cloak could be the other half of my soul.

Elijah's pitch-black eyes meet mine, a soft smile appearing on his face. He senses my struggle, gesturing for Nina and I to follow him. She hoists her messenger bag onto her shoulder following him, caution in every step. Fear flashes in her eyes when we arrive at a staircase. This curse has taken quite the toll on her mental health. I hesitantly reach for her hand; our fingers lace together. Relief appears on her face, her lips mouth the words 'thank you'. My thoughts are suddenly captivated with a single thought, what would it be like to kiss them? What would it be like to hold her in my arms? Would she fit perfectly against my body as if she were made for me?

Elijah stops at the end of the hall a door materializes out of the shadows. Nina squeezes my hand painfully tight. Her heart is beating frantically, her eyes are filled with pure terror. My demonic nature desires to feed upon it. I force it into its cage, if she is truly who I believe her to be no harm will come to her or her soul. It is true amazement how quickly my view of her has changed.

"Where are we going?" Nina asks Elijah. Her voice, like her actions, are hesitant.

"My office, we have much to discuss Ms. Winters." Elijah answers, withdrawing a skeleton key from his pocket. I used to stare at it in utter fascination. Even now I can see a spark of it in Nina's eyes.

"With all due respect, I really need to head to class." She shifts uneasily from foot to foot. "If my father finds out I've skipped class he'll-"

"Kenneth Winters will no longer pose a threat to you and your mother." Elijah says in a deathly calm voice.

Nina pauses, tears filling her eyes Elijah's words have the desired impact. My curiosity begs the question, are these tears of joy or tears of sadness? Elijah uses the key on the door entering the infinite darkness that is Limbo. I place an arm around Nina's waist guiding her inside. Surprise flashes in her eyes. I give her the smallest of smiles following behind Elijah.

"Where are we?" She whispers.

"I have always called it Limbo, the Reapers refer to it as the In-Between, and for the souls who wander here looking for peace have deemed it the Void." I answer.

"I see." She wraps her arms tightly around her torso, moving closer to me. I understand why, she believes her father will be here roaming the darkness searching for her and her mother. Elijah would have hand delivered him to the Fates where they would cast their judgment upon his soul.

"Right this way." Elijah opens another door. Nina pokes her head in, relaxing at the sight of the fire burning in the hearth. She walks in taking a seat in one of the chairs in front of the desk. I take the one next to her. Elijah closes the door walking around his desk sitting down, his scythe disappears from his hand.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but why am I here?"

Nina's arms are still wrapped securely around her torso, her eyes are locked onto Elijah's searching for the answer. He rests his hand on the top of his desk, his pitch-black eyes meet mine asking for permission. I give a silent nod, it will bring me pain, but it will answer my unasked questions.

"My dear, have you ever heard the name Philomena Young?"

"I have, my Grandma Meadows told me a story of her." She answers.

"Could you recall this tale for us?" Elijah continues to watch me. I flinch at the last name of my killer. Nina's eyes widen, she opens her messenger back withdrawing a black leatherbound journal. Opening it, she clears her throat summarizing the words on the pages. Her handwriting is a true work of art, neat with an air of caution.

"My ancestors were among the founders of Hell, Michigan. Theodore Meadows was the head of the night's watch. He became weary of Philomena, especially when she started spending her time with a young man who's name he never received. Her family held magic in their veins, her mother a skilled healer. The villagers were hesitant but they were truly grateful for the Young family.

One night, a member of Philomena's family noticed bite marks on her neck. She knew these marks meant the devil was among them. She alerted my ancestor who brought the young man to the center of the square, prepared to cast him out. Philomena cursed my family line and said it could only be broken by the thirteenth daughter and something called the Unseen."

"I must say Ms. Winters I was not expecting you to be so well versed in your family history." Elijah smiles. "Do you know what Philomena meant when she referenced the Unseen?"

"No sir." She says, frustration in her gaze.

"Witches do not take curses lightly, in fact according to their laws it is one of their Unforgiveable Acts." Elijah begins. "Philomena gave her life to place that curse upon her family. Following your family tree, you are the thirteenth daughter. The Unseen refers to a soul who is locked within a Death Echo."

"Like you." Nina's ice blue eyes rest on mine.

"Yes, like Desmond here."

"Desmond..." She looks down at her journal. She covers her mouth, fresh tears falling down her face. "My God...I should have realized...your wounds are exactly the same as the young mans in my grandmother's story...I am so sorry!"

I stare at her in amazement, she is taking full responsibility for her ancestor's action. My life was not taken by her hand, yet she feels compelled to apologize for it. She wishes to make amends for her ancestor's transgressions. I reach for her hand, feeling the same bolt of electricity shoot up my arm. I can hear it, the softest of whispers within her blood. My blood whispers back, a gentle humming begins.

"My death was not at your hand, Nina." I state.

"I know, but I wanted to apologize for what my ancestor did to you." She looks down. "I will not ask for forgiveness."

"Yet you will receive it." I tell her, my eyes widen at our joined hands. They are glowing a mixture of red and black. The same colors my mother and father saw when they touched. My soul called out for its other half, finding it within the heart of Nina Winters.

*Word Count 7045*

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