Fifteen (Nina)

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I find myself drifting in and out of consciousness. My body felt like it was on fire one moment, the next it was freezing cold. I could sense Desmond sitting at the foot of the bed holding my hand in his. There were times when his hand would vanish, being replaced by a different one. I didn't know if it was Elijah or Rydia, but their presence felt comforting all the same.

During the moments when I drifted out of consciousness, I found myself standing in the hallways of my old school. The unpleasant memories came rushing back to the surface, yet I felt compelled to keep walking down the hall stopping in front of the English room. My hand hesitates above the doorknob, Desmond didn't tell me what it would my transition would be like from human to hybrid. Would I be a hybrid right away? I didn't ask, curse my stupid brain for not thinking to do so.

I take in a deep breath, releasing it slowly. I need to remain calm; I can imagine the transition will be smoother if I remained relaxed. I open the door slowly, half-expecting my old classmates to be staring up at me with narrowed eyes. I can hear their harsh whispers in the back of my mind, klutz and jinx being the dominant ones.

"Hello, Nina."

My eyes come to rest on a young woman sitting on the windowsill. Her eyes are midnight blue, her hair raven black. Her outfit is surprisingly modern, a simple navy-blue blouse and black pencil skirt with matching ballet flats. I notice that she could be my twin. My mind begins to put the pieces together. I know exactly who this is.

"Philomena," I say her name.

"I am surprised you know it." She tucks her hair behind her ear. "I did not expect the ancestors of Theodore Meadows to recall it."

"My Grandma Meadows told me the story of what happened. She learned it from her own mother. We've kept the story with us for generations." I answer, biting my lip. "We keep it as a reminder that our actions have consequences."

"I see, so you believe this to be your atonement for what you did?" Philomena slides off the windowsill.

"I have done you no wrong." I take a step forward. "There are no words that can express how truly sorry I am for what happened to you. I know it can't be easy losing someone you loved dearly."

"Theodore took him from me because he was different." Her eyes narrow. "What I do not understand is how he came across the knowledge of what Desmond was."

I find myself walking over to my desk, my journal resting on top of it. Philomena watches me closely, her gaze predatory. I can't help but wonder if this is a trial of some kind, a means of breaking the curse that has plagued my family for generations. I open the journal my sketches of Desmond are the first thing I see. He will be the reason I survive this; I need to for my mother's sake. The clock is ticking down, time doesn't appear to exist here.

"My Grandmother had the same question. In the story, she says your cousin is the one who told Theodore about Desdmond's secret." My hands rest on the page where her story begins.

"Impossible." She hisses, coming to stand in front of me. "Desmond and I were always careful."

"If there is one thing I have learned in my brief time on this earth, its secrets don't stay secrets for very long." I sit down, reading through the story.

I wonder if there is something that we are missing, a detail that may have been forgotten or lost over time. It was certainly possible, I looked up at Philomena. There was a part of me that was not particularly fond of being in the same room as the woman who cursed my family. My mother's voice entered my thoughts.

"Everything happens for a reason, blackbird. We will always have our questions; it is up to us to find the answers we seek. We are the masters of our own fate."

"Philomena, is there a way we can see what happened in the past?" I ask her.

"The world you are seeing is of your own creation." She answers. "If you will it, it will change to suit your curiosities."

I close my eyes and begin to concentrate. I want to know if we are missing something. How did Theodore Meadows discover Desmond's true identity? I hear Philomena's gasp, and my eyes open. The layout is exactly the same, the only difference is the furniture inside. We are at my home. Theodore sits in a rocking chair his eyes focused on a young woman standing in front of him. Her hair is platinum blonde, placed in an elaborate updo. Her eyes are liquid gold. At my side Philomena is tense, I follow her gaze covering my mouth to keep from screaming.

At the girl's feet rests a corpse her midnight blue eyes are glazed over her blonde hair in the same up-do. Philomena kneels down, her fingers brushing stray strands of hair out of the girl's eyes, and tears begin to fall down her face.

"Judith." She whispers, her voice filled with sorrow.

"Who is she?" I kneel down next to her.

"This is my cousin." She replies, her eyes narrowing. "The one who stands in front of us is an imposter."

"I have done what you asked." Theodore rises to his feet. "I have found you a vessel that was able to contain your grace."

"I thank you for your assistance, Theodore Meadows, rest assured I will not forget the kindness you have given me." the girl clicks her fingers. I pull Philomena back; her cousin disintegrates into ashes blowing straight into the fireplace. "Now, we shall focus on the task at hand. I am looking for someone. Since you are the Head of the Town's watch, I am certain you have extensive knowledge of the residents of this humble town."

"Yes, you are correct." Theodore's chest puffs out with pride. The girl's smile makes me uneasy, there's something about her that seems unnatural.

"I am looking for a young man." She holds up a piece of paper with Desmond's face on it. Theodore studies it closely, recognition appearing in his eyes.

"I know this young man; I have seen him in the woods with the Young girl. Philomena is her name, she calls him Desmond. At least, that's what I've heard in passing" He answers. "I see no harm in it, they appear to be in love. Who am I to interfere with the affairs of the heart?"

Her eyes narrow, and her gold eyes turn crimson red. White wings protrude from her back. Theodore gasps, falling to his knees, pure terror in his eyes. He begins to recite a prayer; she approaches him her nails extended into razor-sharp claws. She grips his chin forcing them to lock eyes.

"She's a hybrid." I breathe.

"An angel and a werewolf," Philomena says in amazement.

"This young man, this Desmond is an abomination. He is a vampire and a demon, my mother and father thought they had wiped these vermin off the face of the earth. His very existence gives them false hope." She grips his chin tighter her claws drawing blood. He doesn't dare to hiss in discomfort, fear is paralyzing him in place. My hands begin to shake at my side Philomena reaches over taking her hand in mine our fingers lace together. I draw strength from her presence.

"I have one more favor to ask of you, Theodore Meadows. Do this for me and I give you my word your town will flourish. It will know peace and prosperity for many years to come."

"What must I do?" He asks, his eyes beginning to glaze over.

"You must take this stake and drive it into the unholy heart of Desmond Hecat." She places the stake in his hand.

"I will do as you command, what name do I give you, angel?" He stands up, and his eyes have returned to normal.

"You can call me Henrietta." She places a bonnet over her hair to conceal it. "Come, Theodore, let us purge this town of the evil that infests it."

The scene around me fades to black. Philomena bows her head, taking her hands in mine. I squeeze them tightly. No words are spoken between the two of us. An olive branch passed between us.

"Nina Winters, I free you from the binds ofmisfortune and strife." Philomena places a kiss on my forehead."Awaken, blackbird, and save the town you call home."

*Word Count 18,558*

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