Monument p2

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With a blast of fire, and some snarling, night creatures started to come through the alley.

"Sypha, wall." Trevor ordered.

A wall of ice was made on either side creating a path. The night creatures couldn't touch the ice. It would physically burn them if they did.

Trevor through the bucket of holy water. Some splashed on the creatures while the rest ended up on the ground.

And just a bit landed on Levi's hand. He waved off the sudden burn. But that went unnoticed by the people in the front with him.

Levi looked back and showed Trevor his hand. And Trevor was a but surprised it worked.

"Pikemen! Four steps forward!" Levi shouted. He took a few steps foulrward as well. "Hopefully his plan works." Levi muttered to himself.

A  wall of ice curved in creating a back wall. One of the four spotted night creatures ran forward toward the group.

"Rear pikes up!" Levi quickly ordered.

Just as the creature lunged, it got caught on two of the pikes.

"Cut him down!" Trevor shouted.

A man came from the side with a sword. He quickly cut the creature in half, then severed the head.

"Salt kills demons!" Trevor said. "Don't forget- spread the word." He then threw a bucket of salt into the air.

Sypha then froze the salt into spike of ice. It shot down at the demons. It hit one of the remain three.

One blasted a ball of fire at the pikes group, making the scatter. Levi of course stated put, since it wouldn't hurt him.

"Levi, duck!" Trevor yelled as he used his whip.

Levi did as instructed. The demon was slashed in the stomach before bursting into flame from the inside out.

"The whips consecrated for... for fighting vampires and demons." Trevor explained to Sypha in between breaths. "Swords!" He called out.

One guys kicked over a bucket of holy water. The rest ran with swords out and taking down two of the next three demons.

The third demon jumped into the air, avoiding the holy water. It was different from the other demons. While the others had two blood red eyes and wings, this one had three glowing blue eyes and instead of wings, it had protruding fangs that had blue glowing hue to them.

It clawed at Trevor before moving further. Sypha tried to crush it with a huge chunk of ice, but it rolled out of the way. Levi jumped on its back but the demon threw him off.

Trevor tried to use his whip again, but missed. Sypha used her ice again. Once it got close to her and Trevor, she created spikes coming up from the ground.

But then, the demon started speaking. "There's an army of us!" It shouted. "An army.. from hell!"

Those were the final of the creature before Trevor cut its in two with his whip. Levi stiffened, not at the words, but at the eerily familiar voice. The creature then exploded like the one before. Only this time, the explosion covered a much larger radius of the area. Sypha had quickly created a wall of ice, to protect her, Trevor and Levi.

After a moment, the ground beneath the trio cracked. The ground was caving in on itself. Trevor, Sypha, and Levi all started to run from the growing gap, Levi running ahead of the two. Syphacand Trevor were a bit too slow and fell into the gap.

Levi turned and saw the two of them fall. He sighed and jumped into the hole after them. Levi saw Trevor use his whip to pull Sypha close to him. Once they collided, Sypha used her magic to create a burst of wind to slow their fall.

Levi drifted to the closest wall and harshly jutted a dagger into it. It slowed him just enough for him to push off the wall at his own pace. He landed on the ground just as Trevor and Sypha rolled down into a tunnel leading into another room. He quickly followed them.

Once down there he saw them both slowly recovering from their long fall.

"Lovely trip, huh?" Levi said as he helped Sypha up.

All three looked up and saw two blue lights down the center of a hall. In between the two lights, was a coffin. Levi felt the same eery familiarity from before. Like he's seen this all before, but can't remember where from.

"The... catacombs again." Sypha said breathlessly. "I think we're deeper than I went before."

Walking a bit further Sypha noticed giant gear turning. Blue lights showing their presence, like they did near the tomb. Suddenly two pillars pushed against each other coming from either side from where Trevor once stood. The same thing happened to Sypha and Levi.

A cloud of dust surrounded the two. Trevor jumped out in front of them from the dust cloud and dragged Sypha with him and Levi followed. They ran along the edge of the platform they were on.

Trevor and Sypha jumped off and into the giant gears. Levi hesitated for a moment, before following in suit.

The three went down another slide-like tunnel and into another room. This time, it only had to giant gears.

Trevor got up and walked a few steps forward to get a closer look. Not even a second later, the floor beneath him starts to crumble again.

After a taking a second to react, Sypha was quick to use her magic and give herself a boost to jump onto a giant gear. Trevor and Levi took a running start and jumped onto a giant gear. Sypha was on the one next to them.

The gears kept turning at a slow pace. Trevor, Sypha, and Levi used the beam between the gears to meet in the middle.

Trevor used his whip to create a zip line. He held it in place while Sypha went down first. She was nervous about going across like that but kept moving. She made it across Levi went next and moved faster than her. Once they were both on the metal beam away from the gears, he used his whip to swing onto the metal beam below the other two.

Unfortunately for them the rusty metal gave away and started breaking under Trevor. Two other structures next to the one they were on, broke and fell to the ground. Trevor held onto the whip and climbed up.

The three watched at the two giant gears started to crumble and fall.

"Well now you've done it." Levi said sarcastically. The structure they were on started to fall.

The three of them held on tightly as it fell. It landed on the ground and on top of a hole. The three lost their grips and fell into the hole, landing harshly on the ground.

Levi was already on his feet while the other two groaned from the fall. They got up and got down from the pile of rubble they were on and walked further into the catacombs.

Eventually making it to the tomb. Levi got another wave of familiarity that felt eerie to him.

Trevor had accidentally stepped on a particular tile that started up some sort of machinery.

Sypha and Levi met Trevor's eyes. "I didn't do that." Trevor said quickly.

Gas noises came from the tomb as it now started to open. The top slid off to the left. It creaked open.

A man that looked to be in his early twenties, floated out of the tomb. He was still laying flat until he rose out of the coffin entirely. The man floated in front of the three.

Levi got another eerily familiar feeling from the man.

I'm so sorry I waited for so long to update. I've been going through stuff and moving during the last month of school didn't help plus finals. Things were just a mess. I'll try to update sooner, I promise but I can't guarantee anything. Hope you enjoyed. Sorry again for the very late update. Bye people.

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