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Day 4
It took Robin 3 days after being back.. to reach Water 7. And started searching for Franky, Brook and Jimbe. She wanted to go search Franky Family house but knew it didn't exist at this point of time...

She found out that Tom was making the sea train near the shore.. She thought that Franky and others might be helping Tom in making the sea train.. so she went to the shore...

She was surprised to see Sunny... 'It's impossible to make Sunny in just 2 days.. so how?' She went near Sunny and touched it and said with tears in her eyes,"Sunny it's good to see you again and alright.."

"Owwh. That nice beauty can only be Super-archaeologist of our very own crew. If it ain't young Robin."

"You never do change, Franky!"

"I have changed you idiot! Take a good long look. I am only a human.." completed dejectedly...

"Yes. Quite. I don't think I can associate you as a cyborg anymore... fufufu."

And they both started laughing at how different yet same their conversation had been... to the past(?), future(?) They don't know but didn't care...

"How did Sunny come here?"

"I saw her drifting towards Water7 when I woke up.. so even I don't know how she came here.. but I am glad she didn't have to be alone..."

"Yeah we already left her alone for 2 years and then we got separated from her again.... so I am also glad that she is here."
"Franky did anyone else come?"

"Yeah the guys are already here. We were waiting for you to come here so that we can go together."

"So I can get that Boss brought Brook here?"

"Yeah he did. They both came day before yesterday. And are helping in stocking Sunny with as much supplies as possible... and also sharing with the people here... the situation isn't good here."

"Yeah I saw that... but where are they bringing the stock from? And the money required will be huge amount." Robin knew they were pirates so stealing would be nothing but she knew they won't steal the supplies...

"They go different island near here and bring the supplies and for the money... well.. Brook is a superr great singer..."

"Ahh... so.. soul king is back again I see..."

"Yeah. Superr!"

"I have also bought some money we can use it to buy more food supples after all we will be meeting Luffy. Or if we have enough supplies we can use it for the people working on train... though the money won't be enough."

"Oww! You are great Robin." Franky said crying.
"I think including Luffy bro's eating capacity, we have enough supplies of food, sake and Cola. So you can check and think what you want to do with the money."

"If the Sunny is stocked. Then I would like to use the money for the workers.. Also.. I have managed to get ourselves a eternal log pose for Drum Island... we are ready to set sail whenever possible.. fufufufu."


"I will stay hidden here on the ship till Brook and Boss come back.. we can't risk Tom workers knowing me... or about me..  it's just a suicide attempt... fufufufu.. By the way Franky what have you decided to do about Blue Prints of Pluton?"

"I totally forgot about them.. They are with Tom san, I need to talk with him. Will you come with me?"

"I think its better if Tom san can come here.. while I stay hidden if the Marines saw me with them... or came to know I was with them... " Robin knew she didn't have to complete it.. and Franky understood.. and nodded grimly...

After all Robin was someone who the world Government saw as a threat and they will kill anyone who they deemed to have made contact with Robin. The strawhats were strong but now.. half of them were just kids. They couldn't risk a war with such weak bodies..

"Yeah.. you stay hidden here.. I will call them and ask their help with the ship and when they come here, we can talk with them.."

"Alright you do that.."

After a while...
"Tom san, Kokoro Baa chan, Ice berg you are finally here..."

"Franky you said you needed help. What is it?" Tom

"No. I don't. I called you all here to meet my crewmate.. Nico Robin." Franky introduced Robin as she came out of hiding..

"What? Nico Robin!? Isn't she dangerous!?" Iceberg.

"No she isn't. I know her for more than 2 years."

"Franky... I think I should tell what actually happened to Ohara... they will understand..."

"You sure?"

"So.. to tell in short, we Ohara people never wanted to wake any ancient weapons.. we just wanted to know the truth about Void century. But the government even saw that as a threat and destroyed Ohara."

"Is that so? You have suffered a lot.." Kokoro

"I did.. but now I have my nakama, So with them now I am searching for Poneglyphs to find the void history.. What exactly happened there that required to stay hidden...?"

"I am sure you will find the truth." Tom

"Yeah.. after all I have pretty strong Nakama." Robin said with a smile..

"You idiot don't make me cry!" Franky

The Tom family was smiling at them..

"Anyways we told you this so you can decide what to do with Pluton Blue Prints..."

"In future the government will want those blue prints and arrest whoever has the prints... so we decided its better for you all to know and think about it.. umm anyways I had destroyed them when they arrested me and Robin."

"Is that so..? I will think about it and tell you before you guys set sail... when are you guys setting sail?"

"Probably tomorrow. Since all of us are here... we have nothing to wait for..."

"I see.. I will try to give you an answer.. before then. Tahahaha"

"You don't have to answer us.. anyways Franky will probably be back since more than half of our crew mates are kids.. we don't think we can set sail as a pirate anytime soon..."

"Then I will think about what to do. Tahahaha."

"Robin san, you are here!" Brook
"Brook, Boss you are back!"
"Super all the olders ones are gathered."
"Yohohoho... Robin san may I see your panties?"
There was no Nami but there was Ice berg who could punch Brook and he did...

And the others were just laughing...

With Chopper:-
'It's been 3 days... since I started walking around in my reindeer form. I have met Doctor and Doctorine.. but they don't know yet that I can talk.. or walk on 2 legs.. '

'Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ussop, Nami, Robin, Franky, Brook, Jimbe, everyone where are you?' Chopper thought on the verge of crying

'No! I am a strong pirate. I can't cry. I will wait for them. They must be trying their best to come here.. I will wait for everyone.' Chopper thought with determination.

'Till they come, I will continue to make rumble balls and collect the medicinal herbs.'

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