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It is a mess, how all of a sudden you just woke up and decided to never talk to me again.

No hesitations.

You just left me hanging like I never meant anything to you, and what hurts more?

When you make it look that easy.

I miss you.

I miss you too much.

I miss you too often.

I miss you more every day.

I know that I did you wrong.

I know what I did was wrong.

I know I should have never let you go.

I left you for thirteen months.

But I came back, right?

I came back with promises that I would do and I know that I could do

...but with your little revenge that finally completed me then broke me once again.

I never stop loving you - never have, never will.

I swear I would love you better now and won’t leave you anymore.

I promise that I would make it up to you - all the pain and brokenness - even if that would take a lifetime

…but you drifted away.

Forever and AlwaysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon