Amusement Park

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"We're here!" Lisa exclaimed, scaring a drowsy Jennie. "Oops, sorry hon, but don't take the blindfold off yet."

Lisa carefully climbed over the driver's seat and onto the passenger's seat to sit on Jennie's lap, a smile slowly creeping on the latter's face.

"Mm, I'm liking this already" Jennie wrapped her arms around Lisa's waist and pulled her in for a hug.

The two stayed like that for a couple of seconds before Lisa pulled away to take the blindfold off of her girlfriend's face.

"Wow." Jennie looked up and down at the girl in front of her "What. A. Sight." Causing Lisa to blush.

"Let's go!" Lisa quickly opened the door and dragged Jennie out before anything else happened in the car that would make them both hurry home.

"Surprise poo!"

"An amusement park! By the beach?! Oh my gosh, let's go!" Jennie squealed happily. Now it was her turn to drag the petite's body.

"Popoo, can we ride the pirate ship first? Pleaseee?"

'Oh god, what did I get myself into? I can't ride those types of rides. What a well-thought-out plan.' Lisa, the younger thought to herself.

She couldn't decline the request though, this was her idea. "S-sure."

"Don't worry, lili. I know you hate rides like this. We don't have to." Jennie noticed the shakiness in Lisa's voice.

The latter thought about it before confidently saying, "Nope, it's your day. We're doing this, I'm fine, don't worry."

"Okay then, just hug me if you're scared." Jennie retorted. The two got on the ride and before she knew it, Jennie got an earful of screaming and skin-tugging from her girlfriend.

"AHHHHHH JENNIEAAA!" Lisa screamed at the top of her lungs with her eyes tightly close and her nails digging into her girlfriend's flesh. 

However, Jennie didn't mind the painful screeches and scratches Lisa may have left her. She was too focused on staring at the frightened woman, thinking how cute she gets when she's scared.

Before the nail-digging got too much, she gently transferred Lisa's hand to hers so that they locked fingers, kneading on her knuckles to calm her down.

"YAHHHH! LISA I LOVE YOU!" Jennie shouted and raised her hands up, making Lisa raise hers.

"I LOVE YOU TOO JENNIE! NOW PUT OUR HANDS DOWN BEFORE I KILL YOU!" Lisa warned, earning a giggle from the woman beside her as she put both their hands down.

The ride finally came to a stop, resulting in the couple's disheveled hair. They looked at each other and laughed before fixing each other's hair and continuing on to more rides. 

They rode the carousel, train rides, bumper cars, etc. Lisa made sure the Ferris wheel was their last stop to reveal the last surprise.

The couple got on the Ferris wheel, fingers locked, enjoying the view sitting before them as the ride slowly ascended. 

"Lili, by the way, you never told me what happened when I was drunk. Be honest, did I give you a hard time?" Jennie spoke up while caressing her girlfriend's hand.

"Actually, yes you did. A guy tried to kiss you and you didn't even stop it. I had to step in for you." Lisa explained with a serious expression.

"Lisa-yah, you can't fool me. This heart is literally all Lisa, Lisa, Lisaaa. There's no way I didn't punch that guy in the face." Jennie responded confidently.

Lisa blushed as she disconnected their fingers to wrap her arms around the older's waist and bury her face in the crook of her neck. 

"I love you. So much," Lisa said, looking up to meet Jennie's eyes. "You didn't punch him in the face, but you did stop him, and in the cutest way too."

Jennie smirked, already knowing that she wouldn't have done that. Lisa was the love of her life, and she wouldn't do anything to lose her, not even while she was drunk. 

"There's no time of day when I'm not thinking of you, Lalisa Manoban. Even when I'm asleep, I"ll fight anyone who tries to get in the way. I'm only yours."

"And I'm only yours." Lisa responded while the two leaned in for a passionate kiss until the Ferris wheel came to a complete stop with the two at the top.

"Hey, what happened?" Jennie pulled away from the kiss and looked out the window to expect.

"Nini, it's okay. Just sit and enjoy the show in 3, 2, 1-" Lisa timed the fireworks perfectly leaving Jennie in awe when she saw the fireworks in front of her.

"Y-you planned this?" Jennie snaked her arms around the taller's waist.

"Yup! Congratulations on the promotion, nini!" Lisa leaned her head on Jennie's shoulder enjoying the scene in front of them. 

As the show neared an end, one last firework exploded and read out "Congratulations! I love you Jennie! -Lisa"

Jennie's eyes teared up while she looked down at Lisa who was still on her shoulder "Thank you, lili. This was the best surprise ever. I love you so much."

"You deserve it poo, and thank you for loving me with your whole heart." Lisa replied.

"Always. I'll always love you." Jennie pulled Lisa in for a long, passionate kiss.

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