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After the Ferris wheel descended, the couple slowly pulled away from the kiss. 

"I hope you enjoyed." Lisa said while her arms were still wrapped around Jennie's neck as the older's arms were around her waist.

"I loved it, it was perfect. Thank you, Lisa." Jennie said while pulling Lisa in for a hug.

"Anything for you, nini." Lisa smiled knowing Jennie enjoyed her surprise. 

The Ferris wheel now came to a full stop, making the pair stand up with their hands intertwined (as always) and step out of the passenger car.

As exhaustion took over their bodies from the rides they rode, the couple strolled around the amusement park quietly, relishing each other's company. 

"It's so beautiful here." Jennie broke the silence and turned to her girlfriend, "but my favorite sight here is you."

That one sentence caused Lisa's hands to sweat and her heart beat heavily. She managed to calmly respond, "Ew Jennie, that's so cheesy!"

"Your sweaty hand says otherwise." Jennie brought their intertwined hands up to her lips to kiss Lisa's. 

"And it's hard to ignore that awfully loud heartbeat of yours. Calm down, lili. You might explode if I go full-on cheesy on you."

"What are you talking about?" Lisa quickly grabbed her hand from Jennie's and walked away, discreetly wiping the sweat from her palms.

Jennie took the opportunity to admire Lisa's back view, while the latter stormed away from her.

'Woah, that's mine.' She bit the bottom of her lip. 

"Lili-yah, wait for me~" Jennie playfully said as she ran to catch up to the younger girl, who she had just been checking out, literally seconds ago. 

She threw her arms over Lisa's shoulders and whined, "You can't leave your baby behind!"

Lisa chuckled at her girlfriend's childish act and jokingly said, "You're so annoying, Kim."

"You love me anyway." Jennie stole a quick peck on Lisa's cheek. "I'm tired hon, let's go home?"

"Yeah." Lisa yawned and leaned her head back to put it on Jennie's shoulder "Me too, let's go?"

"Aww, my baby, you're so cute!" Jennie exclaimed. All exhaustion was gone when she saw her girlfriend yawn like a cute little puppy. 

"Come here, let me carry you!" Jennie suddenly walked in front of her and bent down, signaling the taller girl to get on her back.

"Silly, you're gonna break your ba-AACK!" Lisa was caught off guard as Jennie changed her position and suddenly carried her bridal style.

"You're so stubborn." Jennie smiled and ran to the car, making Lisa wrap her arms around the petite's neck.

"YAH! I'M DONE WITH RIDES FOR TODAY!" Lisa joked and Jennie stopped, still having quite some distance from their car.

"No, you're not. You have to ride one more thing tonight." Jennie smirked. 

Lisa, in absolute confusion, tilted her head and asked, "Huh?"

"Me." Jennie winked and quickly put her girlfriend down as she started running towards the car again with a big gummy smile on her face.

"JENNIE RUBY JANE KIM, GET BACK HERE!" Lisa chased after her while yelling like a madwoman.

Jennie reached the car first, but she remembered that she wasn't the one who drove, so she didn't have the keys to open the locked doors. 

She stood there with her back still facing Lisa and pretended like she was opening it. As she heard Lisa's voice slowly approaching, she turned around at the last minute and caught the latter by her waist.

"JENNI-" Lisa suddenly felt arms wrapped around her waist, not noticing the fact that she crashed into Jennie. 

The two were now face-to-face as the latter pulled her in so that their faces were dangerously close.

"It's locked." Jennie said in a seductive tone.

"Well, what do y-you expect?! I have the k-keys" Lisa stuttered like a nervous wreck.

Jennie chuckled and pulled away, adding some distance between them. "I can drive, you seem tired." Jennie said in a soft tone while she fixed Lisa's bangs that became messy after running.

"You sure nini? I can still drive." Lisa retorted.

"Positive, hand me the keys please." Jennie held her hand out as Lisa handed her the keys.

"Thank you!" She let go of her other arm that was still wrapped around Lisa and opened the passenger's side, while lightly tapping the latter's butt as she climbed in the car before closing it.

In those few seconds alone in the car, Lisa panicked. How did she get from seductive, to soft, to cute in a span of seconds?

"Okay hon, you can sleep there. I"ll wake you up when we're home." Jennie said before immediately hearing Lisa recline the seat. 

'So cute' Jennie thought. 


On the way home, Jennie made sure Lisa was asleep and waited to be stopped at a traffic light before whispering a message,

"I can't believe how lucky I got at that bus stop that one night. Thanks for changing my life, Lisa. I can't wait to make you mine forever. I wuv you my cutie doll!" Jennie grinned and ended on a playful note, just before the light turned green. 

She turned all her attention back to the road, but little did she know, Lisa heard everything.

The younger woman slowly opened her eyes and looked at Jennie's side profile as the moonlight shined on her face. 

'You're such a dork, Ruby Jane, but I'm the lucky one in this relationship. I can't wait for you to be mine forever.' 

She smiled as she went back to sleep.

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