Chap5 - First time and to cause a scene

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Izuku walked down the street. It had been a few days since he was taken in, and he'd been taught basic things about his quirk by Hisashi.

Now he had a mission  his first, that Hisashi wanted his to play out. He would not let his father down.

Izuku stopped moving, and pretended to be surprised when a drainpipe rattled. It was a fairly populated area, so a few people shot concerned glances his way. 

The drainpipe a metre away from Izuku then burst open, a green sludge monster appearing. Izuku cried out, wishing his drama skills were better, as the villain then monologues while wrapping itself around him. 

Izuku tried to scream but failed. People started screaming, heroes turning up in the next minute. Although, just as Hisashi had planned, they stood by, saying to each other that their quirk wasn't suited to fight the villain. 

Izuku thrashed about for a bit longer, pittying the villain who didn't know what was coming his way, as more people arrived, some even pulling out their phones, even less complaining at the heroes for not doing something. 

Then Izuku decided to end his tantrum scene and made a hurricane inside of the villain. It was eating it from the inside.

'I don't want to murder anyone' He realised. 'I can't be charged with manslaughter, I'm an 8 year old!'

Izuku then stopped his hurricane and was thrown by the villain to the floor. 

"You useless heroes! You did nothing, why didn't you save me! Hero society is flawed, you can't can't save an 8 year old! You don't deserve your titles!"

Izuku then walked off, surprisingly nobody tried to stop him. 'Probably ok shocked with the truth. Pathetic heroes! My dad was right, they're all bad.'

Tomura then turned a corner and greeted Izuku, however not avoided a few phones still filming his step-brother.

"Come on, idiot. Good acting, although it was still trash." Tomura muttered. 

Izuku just followed him, his brother who slouched and had his hands in his pockets. 

'My villainous brother' He realised. "Tomura," he said suddenly, "does this make me a villain? Doing that... and knowing.. our father is a villain?"

Tomura didn't look back, just make a scoffing noise as if Izuku was stupid. In a way he was.

"Sure, doushbag, whatever makes you happy." 

Izuku nodded and replied with a small "ok" sound.

'Did being a villain make him happy?' Izuku wasn't sure yet, but right now, he put his thought to the side. 'I'll stay loyal to my dad and brother, no matter the cost.' 

Little did he know that soon enough, he might have to go back on his pledge and promise.

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