Training The Troops

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By this time, nearly two thousand troops had materialized into the vast field between Hogwarts and the northern border of the Forbidden Forest, with hundreds more arriving every minute. They were heavily armed, as Elise had observed, not only with a variety of rifles and handguns, but also with portable rocket launchers and other larger armament.

While most of the soldiers quickly fell into ranks at the edge of the forest, dwarfed by the line of giants at their rear, others had secreted into the field, concealing themselves in the thick brush and occasional tree.

The possible outcomes of an all-out war between Muggles and the Wizarding World had been the subject of many heated debates within the halls of wizard-kind academia for nearly two millennia. However, Professor Dumbledore was quite confident he knew what the end result of this battle would likely be, especially after the Doctor had reiterated his prime directive.

"Please remember, these men and women are under the control of the Beast," the Doctor said, "and I'm sure their families would very much like to have them back safe and sound when all of this is over."

"You've got to be bonkers, Doctor!" Sirius Black objected in exasperation. "We're seriously outgunned as it is, and you want us to fight without killing anybody? I somehow doubt they will extend the same courtesy to us."

"And without seriously injuring anyone, that is correct," the Doctor added, then stepped away from the sea of groans and murmurings that followed to speak privately with Professor Dumbledore.

As they strode off slowly across the field, they could hear Elise briefing to the others what they might expect in the coming battle.

"...most of the enemy will be armed with older versions of the SA-80 rifle, which has a max capacity of sixty, five-point-five-six by forty-five-millimeter rounds. Fortunately, these old firearms are subject to jams and other mechanical failures which make them easy to disable using a standard Breaking spell like 'Rumpatur'. I don't imagine you have a spell like that in your world?..."

When they had reached a position a safe distance from earshot, the Doctor began to express his concerns.

"Professor, I have seen your people fight in amazing ways against foes of your own world— the magical world, that is—but how do you really think they'll fare against an army of...what did you call them? Muggles?"

"I'm not really certain, Doctor," Dumbledore replied, then moved on to explain. "You see, there are many in the magical community who believe that, given time, a war between the magical and non-magical inhabitants of this planet is inevitable. There are some in fact, such as Lord Voldemort and his followers, who believe that...Muggles...are inferior and should be subjugated under them."

"And what do you believe, Professor?" the Doctor asked.

"I believe in peace, Doctor, nothing more. An all-out war between our two worlds would be devastating to both sides, but more so to our world because we are tremendously outnumbered. The point is that in order to discourage those who would desire war, the more clear minded leaders of our society have enacted laws that forbid us from teaching or even considering tactics for battling Muggle armies."

Almost in unison, Both Dumbledore and the Doctor glanced back towards the rest of the group about a dozen yards away, where Elise was continuing her briefing. She had just removed from her ever-present leather backpack a rather intimidating rifle, which she was now holding up in front of the others.

"...some of the soldiers will be carrying one of my firearms of choice, the M4A1 carbine. Three-and-a-half pounds lighter than the SA-80, with a shorter barrel and better balance. The M4 can shoot thirty rounds on a single magazine and has a max range of about six-hundred meters. It also has..."

"In other words, you don't know?" The Doctor asked.

"I'm afraid not, Doctor," he replied.

", take this, Professor Snape. I want you to feel the weight..."

"Another thing, Doctor," said Dumbledore. "I can truly appreciate your desire to prevent the loss of life on both sides during this battle. I too hold great esteem for the sanctity of all life. However, the lives of the students and teachers in that castle behind us are also precious to me." The headmaster moved in closer to the Doctor as he lowered his voice and spoke in a cold, serious tone. "And should I feel at any time that those lives are in immediate danger, Doctor..."

"No, wait, Professor...Severus! You can't hold it like that! No, there's nothing down that end you want to look at..."

"I understand, Professor," the Doctor said. "You must do what you have to."

"Yes, that's better, thank you... You're right, I should probably take that back now."

As Dumbledore and the Doctor walked over to rejoin the rest of the group, the Doctor could not help but be amused with what he saw."

"So, yeh say this egg thing is called a hand grenade?" asked Hagrid, as he picked up the small, ovaloid from off the table and bounced it in his huge hand.

"Correct Hagrid," Elise replied. She was feeling rather nervous now but hid it well behind a wide smile. "And if you see one of those drop on the ground nearby, just teleport away as fast as you can and don't..."

"Oh, look!" Hagrid exclaimed in delight, "it even has a cute little ring tha' jus 'bout fits me little finger!"

Elise quickly snatched the grenade from the giant, carefully sliding the safety pin off the half-giant's sausage-like finger. Then she placed it gingerly back on the table as she sighed in exasperation, while continuing to force a smile.

"Perhaps we should wrap up artillery for the moment, and move on to tactics," she said cheerfully. Everyone else seemed to agree.

The Wizard's Guide to Timelords and Other Demons Book 1: The Forgotten WarWhere stories live. Discover now