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-movie nights, just sit and watch old films with him and he'll be happy.
-he also enjoys just chilling at the pool with you.
-maybe a fancy restaurant at times.


-he enjoys going out to a bar with you and seeing where you both end up in the morning.
-driving around in his truck like idiots.
-watching the sunset is a things he enjoys weirdly enough.


-walking chop along mountains or the beach.
-he would be happy enough sitting at home as well though, snuggling and watching something on tv.
-he would enjoy getting take out and going for a walk to see where yous get to.


-drug dates. Just consume some drugs and see what will happen.
-he might take you out and steal two fancy ass cars and see who will win in a race.
-his dates wouldn't be sitting in the house it would be racing down highways or some shit.


-ICE CREAM DATE, he loves just walking along the beach ice cream in one hand and the other interlocked with yours.
-Wade would just show up at your house and watch some kids show or animation on the tv and he would class that as a date.


-watching his show while cuddling. It's not always his show but a good amount of the time it is.
-he's a busy man so at times you are cuddling on the couch he has in his office, or you sit on his lap on his office chair either one while he does work.
-I feel like he would enjoy going on a run with you then stopping at a nice place to eat afterwards.


-he is a man of class. But he'd happily just get take out and watch a film or something.
-he'd take you up to the roof of government buildings and just watch the city go on with life.
-he is defo a man who'd sit in his back garden at the pool with a beer, so when you come along you'd sit with him.


-gaming dates, you guys could game all night and still work all day. You would both have little competitions then say "one more try" or "your cheating".
-hacking dates, aka who can hack the most secure place in a span of time.
-I feel like prank calling would be a defo. Since he can find top government officials phone numbers. It would be a blast.


-fancy restaurants are a must. He will take you to all the best places. And as the gentlemen he is, he will pay for everything.
-shopping dates, he will take you to a designer store. Could be clothes, jewellery, cars anything you want.
-he will take you to different states over in his private plane. You will spend a day or two just exploring the cities or states.

My ideal date is sleeping all day long.
Love you all!
~The Headcannon Queen

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