How you sleep

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-Micheal has nightmares very often so he doesn't want to hurt you while having said nightmares, so you normally sleep face to face just a little bit apart.


-he just sleeps on top of you. Be impressed you haven't died in your sleep yet.
-he will just walk in to the bedroom, you'll be laying in bed and he will just yeet himself on top of you.


-you guys sleep in a spooning position that goes in the order of, Franklin, you then chop.
-if either of you get fed up of chop you'll just push him off the bed and cuddle up together.


-he's the kinda guy that'll fall asleep facing you but then you'll wake up with his feet in your face.
-you once strapped him down to the bed when he fell asleep just to see what would happen. When you awoke his feet were still in your face.


-he will wake up on the floor. He tries not to but you start of spooning and he just slowly rolls off the bed.
-you feel bad when you wake up and he's drooling onto the floor.
-he's defo a little spoon.


-you sleep on his chest and with his arms around you.
-he believe it or not also gets nightmares. So when he does, he ends up laying on your chest.
-you both have a bad habit of falling asleep on the couch some times. You just cuddle up as best as you can. One of your hands draping over the edge holding on his.


-you guys sleep back to back.
-he might hold you hand at time. But other than that he's not much of a guy for cuddling or that in bed.
-unless it's freezing fucking cold then maybe a little snuggle.


-he doesn't sleep.
-and if he does sleep, take it in people it's a sight you'll see very rarely.
-he has a bad habit of falling asleep in his chair so normally you guys never have time to cuddle or anything. But if you do it's normally just face to face.


-this man holds you, tightly. Like this man is weirdly scared that you'll either A) fall out the bed or B) leave in the middle of the night.
-he normally spoons you, him being the big spoon obv.
-but if you wanna be big spoon he'll be hesitant but still do it.

I'll sleep in any fucking position.
Love you all!
~The Headcannon Queen

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