When you're on your period

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-will stock up on painkillers and heat pads for you.
-will rub your back or side to try and help with the cramps.
-if you can't handle the smell of whiskey or cigarettes when your on your period he won't drink or smoke.

-"the fuck is a period"
-you had to teach him what a period was. He was so damn confused.
-he doesn't care unless your in a mood then it's just a screaming match "DONT FUCKING TELL ME WHAT TO DO" "DONT FUCKING SHOUT AT ME"

-freaks out seeing the blood but after you explain he's fine.
-"what do you mean you want wings" "are you a fucking angel or something"
-will go shopping for period supplies once and then never again.
-will bring chop in to lay on your stomach like a heat pad.

-"Lamar I'm on my period" "so no sex?" "No sex" "but i read that orgasms can help with cramps" "LAMAR I SAID NO"
-doesn't get it and doesn't really want to.
-he leaves it to chop to cheer you up.

-if your cramps are hurting you badly he will literally start crying.
-"Wade why are you crying?" "Because your in pain and I can't do anything"
-stacks up on a shit ton of your fav ice creams for you. What a sweetheart.

-rather good when your on your period. Understands your hormones have took over you so keeps on your good side.
-runs you a bath whenever your cramps get too bad.
-he also knows exactly when your period is gonna begin. He literally walks in and throws a pack of pads or tampons at you.

-is actually really good when your on your period.
-is stocked up on all your fav snacks, wether it's sweet or savoury.
-if your in really bad pain he will either take the day off or bring you to work with him.

-"you want some chocolate?..."
-yeah he's also clueless. He just throws food at you in hopes you will stay content.
-if you get upset or angry he will literally hide.

-"you need anything bought just take the my card"
-doesn't give two shits.
-will buy you things to keep your mind off the cramps.

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