Chapter 2: News of change.

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As the news of the infamous sexual harasser was killed many people were relieved including his employees.

One of them was my aunt.

My aunt made a calm expression now that she can let her guard down at work without being interrupted by the trash.

But deep down inside i knew she was scared of the person who killed Lloyd. Especially since he was killed in a gruesome way.

I could've tried disassembling his organs or parts of his body and studied it. For i was quite interested in the human anatomy. However. If i did that it'll receive more attention than i can control. I also did not have enough time to do that.

'How inconvenient. Well. There is a next time.'

I sighed and went back home.


"Aunty! I'm home!" I shouted as I entered the front door.


'Hmm. This is weird.'

I looked around the room. Searching the front.

'Normally. Aunt would rush out the kitchen to hug me. I wonder why....'

My eyes narrowed.

'I feel so.... Strange.'

I looked at the rooms hoping to see aunt.

Nowhere. She was nowhere to be found.

I settled to go upstairs to check her room.

Still none.

Until i saw a book that was definitely not one of our belongings.

I looked closer. It was a Novel.

Titled. "Juvenile Romance"

How cliche.

I then saw a piece of paper under the book.

It was from my Aunt.

"Dear. I'm out today to find a boyfriend. I've left money at the counter for you to buy foods at the convenience store. Also i left you this book in case your interested. I'm just worried for your mental being."


As i wondered about it for a few seconds i was intrigued about the book left by my aunt.

My mental being has always been so empty and hollow. I don't feel a shred of empathy for what i did from the beginning to the present. Only my Aunt knows of my circumstances.

I picked up the book and read it.

I was disappointed at the first line i read.

The Princess shalt be saved by the hero whom will destroy the demon king.

For the first time in my life. I Cringed.

I was surprised so i kept reading. Trying to feel that emotion of disgust. I felt like freaking masochist.

(1 hour later)

I summarized the whole thing.

Juve Moonwater. The Main Character of the novel. Daughter of a politician who was falsely accused of embezzlement and manslaughter. The politician. Cryo Moonwater. Was imprisoned for 20 years. Her family fell. Despaired she sought after a way to bring her family together. She made the most naive decision i have ever seen someone made. She arranged a blind date.

Her thought process was all about how money and influence are the key to a firm future.

'While the idea is sadly the truth in today's modern society. The way to combat it is an "epic fail."'

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