Chapter 4: Acceptance

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I am Yuo Xime. The owner of Xila Enterprises. I have a wife named Chauen Xime who is the owner of Crone Co. I have recently became a father with the birth of my son. Yuein Xime. I could not fanthom the amount of happiness I felt. I just wanted to fall and thank God for all.

Anyway. After my son was born my wife became the happiest woman I know. She's always cherishing our son to the point that it looks excessive.

However. My son looked how do I put this? Looked indifferent and shocked. Like he somehow had a consciousness before he was born. I swore he noticed my doubt when he suddenly smiled. While my wife was overjoyed with the development. I. On the other hand is quite doubtful of that sudden change in expression. Nonetheless. My doubtfulness withered at my son's smile. Look at that cute smile

Anyway. My son turned a year old this year. My wife and I are overjoyed. We even debated who he will take after. Me or her. I said he'll be the Strongest of the century that'll put all men to shame. She said he'll be the genius of the century that'll put all idiots to their place.

In the end it was a useless argument that bore no fruit.

When we were competing for our son's future he awoken.

We were right in front of his cradle when we were competing. Which. Inevitably awoken him from his sleep. I took a glance down at him and I noticed he was awake now. However. When my wife and I took action to put him back to sleep. After all no one wants to hear a baby crying. We couldn't help but notice he didn't throw a crying fit. Instead. He was staring uninterestedly at us. Like he was staring to an idiotic bunch.

Nonetheless. I decided to wipe my thoughts of such doubt. He is but a baby. He has yet to develop a consciousness to think.

"Oh Sweet Yieun..Were you awoke by this noisy father of yours?" My wife sarcastically ask.

I pouted. Not daring to speak back since it's true i was declaring my statement way too loud.

Then a thought struck my mind.

"Hey! You were also very loud. Dear!" I started contrasting.

Man I really have fallen into submission by my wife.

"My voice is relatively lower than your voice! Look! Yieun is scared because your voice is super loud!" She shouted while holding our son up in the air.

Our pointless and dumb argument over our son ended in smothering the child with love. Even if our son only existed a year ago. We were prepared to fight for him as he is our family.


(Yieun Xime's POV)

I am now 5 years old. Living with my bothersome parents. Every day is just filled with wholesomeness and love. Which to be honest was quite uncomfortable at first since living everyday basically spoiled by presents and gifts was quite an unusual experience. But I get a hang of it and their uncontrollable love for me that knows no bounds that is directed to me. Currently a child.

Who knows. Maybe I could use this for my advantage in the future.

For now. I'll have to bear with it.

Anyway. Since right from birth I could already tell I have been in a rather cliche romance novel. Not as a main character. But as The major antagonist that appears after the other side antagonist dies. He was responsible for quite literally everything in the novel. From the heroine's father's demise to the end of the novel. Which I forgot to say. But I'll summarize for you.

The end: The heroine learns of Yieun Xime's death. She also learns that he killed himself. She wondered why. But shrugs it of. She then proceeds to bring light to the innocence of her father in the public saying that the prime minister is full of garbage. They retorted against the prime minister and they won. The male lead became the greatest businessman in all of history with the power of creation at his hands. While the female lead became prime minister and won the people's hearts as the moon maiden who grasp the purity of the moon. Together they became the ultimate power couple the world has ever seen.

But she wonders why her political power never seemed to extend at the far corners of the country. There have been looming reports of hate corrupting the country.

The reason?

Yuein had devised a plan to overthrow Juve from political power. He pretended to be a saint that was ostracized by the capital. Framing that he was publicly cut off only because he was a threat to the power. He manipulated and changed their ways from loving and supporting the current government to despising them. Of course. He had done that without the government knowing his scheme.

He hid his name publicly. Since he had never actually appeared as the heir of Xila Enterprises that nobody noticed a thing. Those who were fired or resigned and saw his face would be wiped in their memory as well as staff who work there.

So he proclaim himself as Yuein Holyias. Due to his last name being Holyias from the word "holy" people assumed he was a saint due to it. Since the people far out of the country had barely any riches and were plagued by famine his lie led even deeper.

Yuein had succeeded to fool each and every citizen to do his biddings. And once he died he made sure that the news going towards that direction was news covered with lies. It would be very easy to just fake his death. But he wanted to die so it's better if you sprinkled the lie with a tiny piece of truth.

So they rebelled. Because they thought he was killed because he was hated by the people of the capital.Truly.  People fueled by anger can be manipulated very easily.

In the end. The only line that marked the end of Juve Moonwater was.

"Juve has never won against Yuein Even until death he died yet he carried the both of them to hell."

" The end "

What a pathetic fall for a protagonist.

I have read through the reviews of the novel itself. Many reviews state that they did not expect the protagonist and male lead to die due to the antagonist since there was quite literally no tragedy tag.

What a tragedy.... I've been reincarnated as the antagonist of the novel. And I don't care.

I have thought of what I should do in this life. But I figured since I'm in a rich family If I commit a crime I could just buy myself out. Well assuming I get caught. But to honest. I should just be a politician. Turn a couple gears here and there then surprise! I've made a communist country. I can legally commit genocide like a certain Austrian man.

But I'll just lay low now since I have absolutely no motive to do in this world


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