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Tyler POV

I was laughing with the guys and said I'd see them tomorrow for training, when I looked back she was gone. Y/n she was gone, I looked around thinking she had just gone further down the oval but she was completely gone. I grabbed the camera bag walking back up the same way we came into the oval and looked around trying to find her. "Hey Tyler" a group of girls called and I just ignored them showing no interest in them, I left the oval and walked down the pathways eventually stopping to see y/n sitting on the ground hugging her knees to her chest.

"Y/n what's wrong?" I asked siting down beside her, she looked at me putting on a smile and shaking her head. "Nothing is wrong" she said relaxing her legs but she still looked tense, I moved closer to her and leaned in with my arm behind her. "You look tense" i said and she looked over at me as I rested my head on her shoulder, "you said I only look good in photos" she said in a whisper. "You don't only look good in photos you look good in person too" i whispered in her ear. "Now what do you say we return this camera upload the photos and skip the rest of school just for today" i suggested and she looked hesitant to agree at first but eventually agreed. I helped her up to her feet holding her hand twirling her around seeing her smile as she turned, 'she has a beautiful smile' i thought as i looked at her. We went back to the media classroom and uploaded the photos, man the photos of her looked gorgeous. "See you look gorgeous in person and in pictures" I said nudging her shoulder playfully, once we were done we got dismissed 5 minutes early and the teacher wanted us to let the others know which we didn't do and instead we snuck out of the school grounds.

"What do you feel like eating?" I asked her as we stopped running as soon as we were far enough from school, "now I thought you said 6pm?" She asked breathing heavily. "I did but if you want to go somewhere now we can" I said catching my breath, "can we go get a cold drink?" She asked sounding like her breath had evened out. "Smoothies?" i asked and she nodded excitedly, we walked to the local bus stop taking the bus to the shopping center in Massapequa, New York. I waved down the bus seeing it pull over but the bus driver had a weird look on his face as he opened the bus doors letting us on. We went to the back and i motioned for y/n to sit by the window and I followed sitting near the aisle. I looked at y/n as she looked out the window seeing us leave the bus stop, "this is probably out of your comfort zone" I said getting her attention as she turned her head my way. "I've never skipped" she said as she held her bag in her lap, "neither have i" i said and she raised an eyebrow. "What I haven't ever" i defended and she shook her head, "that is hard to believe" she said giggling.

"If I'm not at school it's usually because i am sick which is not common" i said and she shrugged reaching towards me poking my cheek. "What was that for?" i asked and she giggled, "nothing" she said innocently and i raised an eyebrow at her. "Nothing?" I asked and she averted her eyes before looked back at me, "you just have some stubble" she said brushing her fingertip against my chin. "Well I haven't shaved jeez" i said looking up to see where we were, "don't worry you look good anyways" she said and I watched a small blush appear on her cheeks. "You look cute when you blush" i complimented making her cover her cheeks, I reached over pressing the stop button to hop off.

"After you" i said standing up and letting y/n leave first, we walked off the bus and to the mall going to the food court first to grab a bite to eat. "Is there anything you want to look at?" I asked as we lined up to buy food, "not specifically but I do want to go to the bookstore" she said with a tiny smile. "You don't need to pay I can do it" she said as she saw me pull out my wallet but I just shook my head and placed my hand over hers as she went to grab her purse, "no I'll pay" I said as we reached the counter to order. "Pick whatever you want princess" I said and she looked at me surprised, "but I'm not that hungry" she whispered. "Pick whatever you want" I whispered back and she ordered her food. "You didn't have to do that" she said as we walked to the back waiting for our food, "but I wanted to" i said putting my arm around her waist pulling her closer into me.

"What do you want to do after we eat?" I asked and she looked deep in thought, "y/n?" I asked getting her attention. "Just walk around really first" she said still looking off into the distance, "what are you looking at?" I asked looking in the same direction until my eyes caught sight of a group of girls from our school. "Just great" she mumbled, "hey ignore them" i said turning her attention away from them and back to me. Wow she has beautiful e/c eyes that I've never noticed mainly because we've never spoken before today. Her freckles on her cheeks and the dimples when she smiles. The way her hair looks the way it's styled suits her, "order 156" a lady called and I went to get our food before leading y/n over to an empty table.

"Sit" i said as i sat across from her and she searched the bag for her order pulling it out and unwrapping the papers. "Thank you" she said smiling and I returned the smile back to her, after eating we went and walked around seeing the shops and well the mall was pretty crowded for a week day. We walked past one of the stores which was a sports store and I saw an old ecw match playing on the tv, it was dad and bam bam bigalow's match. "What is it?" Y/n asked as she noticed I had stopped, "nothing just something that was on in the store" I said and we continued walking.

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