Chapter 6

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I woke up in a large library full of books that are not my language. Then all the memories from yesterday attacks in my mind. I scanned myself, still have those. "Hey" I looked around nobody was there. "Where are you?" "Down here" I looked to see a cat. I titlted my head in confusion. "You look cute when you do that." The cats fur is red and black like Michaels. He backed of a little and then, Michael. "
Shapeshifter" "Yas betch." Im still prossesing stuff in my mind and when I look around to see books floating around. "Telekenisis" "Hmmm Hmmm" Ashton murmerd "THUD" "ahhh what?!?" Ashton slammed the books on a table. Then I saw 2 dark shadows. When I turn around its just Luke and Calum. I know I didnt look startled. We all started walking to tha table. I took a seat and the boys surrounding me. Ashton took a seat next to me and opened a book.

Let the madness begin.

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