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you know when its your first time with someone, especially if you feel a connection with them, or are very close to them, and after you guys made love, you get really clingy and attached...?

thats billie...

ever since sex between her and dani became more common, she felt herself getting more and more attached.

but, she knows its wrong to feel that way. she doesn't want community dick inside of her, and its dani...a player and said "bad news".

she could care less for those label's against dani though, because not many know her like she does.

right now, she is mostly worried about her current morning sickness....

dani said she hasn't been with anyone other than mariana, ever since she moved there.

but also mariana and dani have been arguing nonstop like a married couple. the last time they had seen each other was nearly two weeks ago.

billie would assume dani had stopped talking to all the girls she was talking too, and finally cut off mariana?...

they both feel the same right?

either way none of that matters because nothing between billie and dani was ever made official.

'we both like eachother, its clear... she wouldn't continue talking to mariana if we felt the same...' billie thinks hard to herself, sitting in front of her mirror getting ready for the quote end quote party...

dani had told her it was just gonna be more of a hangout than a party which was more that okay for her, she didn't like so much of party party.

but again its high school. a hangout always turns into a party...

she looks at her outfit one last time... smiling thinking of dani. there was no denying that shes truly fallen in love with her.

speaking of dani... "you look beautiful." she says peaking through billies door, eyeing her down.

"shit- you scared me..." billie says slightly jumping, walking up to dani to peck her lips.

she gave her a small twirl to show her her outfit.

she was wearing a small black laced dress, with pink loafers and sheer tights under, and lastly she had over a pink unbuttoned t-shirt she stole from dani's closet.

"you're really beautiful you know?" billie blushes at dani's words. hugging her "thank you. you look just as good" she says truthfully, shyly eyeing her down.

she really makes it hard for her to not like her...

dani has her curls down, a brown tank top under a black button up, black trousers, paired with her black cats. and before billie got caught staring she quickly looks away with her cheeks obviously red. her brain trying to suppress certain thoughts.

they take each others hands ready and headed down the stairs.

"hey girls, are you guys gonna be home late?" they get asked by Marie who was working on her computer.

"uhh... whats late for you?" billie asks her mom pursing her lips in question.

"be back at 11:30 latest 12:00 am" her mom says looking into the two girls eyes. "thanks mom, love you" billie says excitedly giving her mom a kiss on the cheek as she walks out the front door.

"mmm. be careful you guys..." Marie says giving a dani a hug and kiss on her forehead. "and you honey. please take care of her" she tells the tall girl. "yes of course i wont let her go crazy" she smiles at the mom before walking out to her car.

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