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Espresso's pov:


My heart was racing.. I normally try to maintain calmness but yet, a blade so close to my face, it was truly frightening.
Maybe i can convince him to let me go..

"Hey- maybe if you let me go.. i'll tell you!"

"To trust you seems.. foolish, but-"  he muttered something i choose not to question it, too keep my life.

Staying alive seems to be the most important right now.. maybe madeline will trust me more if i manage to be fine, heh...

"Fine," he got down and untied to rope, keeping me trapped on this chair i stood up and he untied my hands

"Alright, explain." He said sternly

"Im here on a mission, sent by the concil of elders, to make some sort of, i would like to call it a creation of magic to help them, as its real name is, confidential.." I began to explain.

Sourbutter nodded, he seemed to be actully listening to what i'm saying.

"Well, alright, its just.. i still dont trust you. So in order you dont go out blabbing on what just happened.." he pulled out, The keys!? "Im keeping you here, for a little while.. until your work is finished. I would ask if that's alrigh,  but this isnt debateable."

"Er.. alright.. " i walk back to my work writing out formulas and calculating a foolproof plan.. Sourbutter stands in an small bench i usually use to drink coffee

8 hours later

"Hey.. Sir, could you grab a coffee? "I called out, i yawned a bit. I didnt want to call Him by his name since his last reaction was.. violent.


Sourbutter's pov:


"A coffee? " i said in response to espresso.

"Yes, is there something wrong?" Espresso replied

"Yea.. its almost 1 am.. " i pointed at a clock "you should be getting sleep."

He laughed "Sleep? Please! I have too much work too do!"

"Alright, " i sighed "but i do belive everywhere is closed. It's way to late, maybe you can save your work for tomorrow?"

[337 words]

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