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Sourbutter's pov:


I know i hear someone.. i swear if this person doesnt come out, i'll make sure they never see the light or the day.

"Come out. NOW." I called out, i should've brought my sword, this is really a pain in the ass.

I start walking around looking for whoever this person is.

I peaked around a corner some guy with brown hair, he looks like he's shaking, i spot multiple cups of coffee on the ground. Who is this, maybe if...

Espresso's pov:


I hear something.. did some.. cookie break into my labatory!?HOW DARE! No. Its probably my mind playing tricks on me. I rubbed my eyes, im so incredible tired, maybe a coffee-

I black out, and fall to the ground.

I awoke from a sleep that seemed to last forever.. i find myself tied to.. a chair? Okay, i've.. been kidnapped.. "I'VE BEEN KIDNAPPED" I feel a swarm of anger ingulf me. "LET ME GO! THIS IS MY LABOTARY."

"Yours?" A voice called out.

"Yes, mine! My father bought it for me. Im Espresso cookie! Wait till i get out of here! You'll wish you never crossed my path again!"

The real question is.. how do i get out? Think logically Espresso..

A shadowy figure steps out, i cant see his face its covered by a mask, but i notic his blonde hair poking out, with a sort of.. demon tail? What an idot, i'll have him jailed in no time.

"Espresso you say? Rather.. er, no. You dont need to know. What are you even doing here, Sir. " the shadowy figure said pulling down his mask.

Is that..? "Sourbutter?.." I dont know why i said it outloud, it cant be him. Why would someone who i used to be so close to even-

"HOW DID YOU- MY.. NAME!?? " He pulled out a knife, bringing it up to my neck. I paniced a bit,

"Er.. I-.. well- " I wasnt sure on what to say.

"SAY SOMETHING, BEFORE I SLICE YOUR FACE OFF..!" I sensed a bit of hesitation, but i wasnt going to count on that.

"I heared some other cookies speaking of you!- " It really was him, i couldnt believe my eyes..

"I heared some other cookies speaking of you!- " It really was him, i couldnt believe my eyes

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[371 words]

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