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Sourbutter's pov:


He fell asleep, for a while i stayed up watching him, I felt like i knew him for years and yet.. i didnt. Well i guess i did but, after that one day of adventuring and I fell into a coma for a week i can barely remeber anything

I held him close it was peaceful i slowly fell asleep making sure to not let go of him, as if i even tried to leave, he looked stressed.

Next day

I woke up and there was Espresso! Oh my light! I forgot i even slept with him! I felt my face turning red, What was i going to tell him?

He shifted and pushed up from my chest and rubbed his eyes, had he not noticed? He went to reach his glasses confused why i was there i choosed to pretend to sleep.

"Huh-.. !!" I heard him.. he slowly put his glasses back and.. went back to me?!

He laid back down and whispered "i know you're awake.."
I opened my eyes to face him.. i was really embarrased now.. i felt my face turning red.

"Hey... just.. sleep a little bit longer.. i havent rested this well in a while" and he closed eyes and fell asleep.

Do i.. like him? This is flirting right? I had barely been in relationships with others, let alone cuddleing or even sleeping together.. i was amazed, i think.. i enjoyed it. I closed my eyes again and fell asleep wrapping and arm around him.

4 hours later (11 am)

Espresso's pov:


I awoke again checking the time... 11! Oh my- i slept in?.. Ah- yes.. i slept with Sour... I SLEPT WITH HIM!! I notice he has his arm around me, i slowly slide out and walk to the restroom grabbing my glasses i stand there, my face feels overheated.. i cant.. i notice my eyes look red.. did i cry last night? I cant recall anything besides, asking him to stay a little while..

I ASKED HIM TO KEEP SLEEPING WITH ME, I wanted to leave the world and never see him again and yet.. that was the best sleep i had ever gotten, i wanted to stay with him.

No matter.. im taken and happy, right?

I opened a drawer of letters i used to write to him, but yet never send off to him, back when we were younger photos, our secret letters go meet at places..

I heard a knock, i quickly put everything away and opened the door, there stood an exhausted Sour.

"You seem tired.." i restate what he probably already knows.

"Yeah.. i dont like sleeping in.." he yawned, he looked so.. cute

I laughed "sorry about that.."

"Its fine, how did you sleep? Are you okay from last night? You were crying about your boyfreind?"

"I slept fine, very warm, honestly best sleep i've had in.. a while" I smile, trying to ignore the secound part of his question

"How about your boyfreind? " he insisted.

"What are you? A clingly ex?" I laugh and walk to go do my work.

He stared at me, he know i was dissmissing, it felt wrong not to tell him.

[533 words]

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