Chapter 18

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Chapter 18  - Angel Pov

Chapter 18  - Angel Pov

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Her pjs

Her outfit of the day

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Her outfit of the day

Beep Beep Beep

I wake to the annoying sound of my stupid phone going, I turn it off and sit up to see it's 6:30. Ughhh what the fuck, morning fucking suck, I pull the cover off of me and put my fuzzy slippers in and head make my way to the kitchen to get some of that lighued golden. When I walk into the kitchen I open up the door to see Enzo with a pair of reading glasses well he's typing away on his computer. I just walk by him to the coffee pot and grab myself a glass when Enzo thinks it's a good idea to talk to me. " Morning how did you sleep," I turn to him and give him the biggest glare I coud give, " Shut the fuck up Enzo, know ones talking to you," I then turn back pour myslef a cu[ of coffe then poroced to put creamer and suger in. Then I sit next to Enzo and he gives me a look, I then take a big drink and a small smile appears on my face.

" So how was your night? slept well," I said in a happy tone, taking another sip of my coffee and he just sat there looking at me like I had just grown two heads. He then proceeds to get up and make himself another cup of coffee and I hear him mumble under his breath "It's too early for this shit," He then sits back down, " so you ready for your first day of school,"

" No not really not gonna lie I'm not the best fan of school," I sigh and look up at him, " yeah I wasn't either, but you just got to bear through it and maybe you'll end up like me with my own business," He says well a small smile appears on his face. " I actually want to maybe be a famous ballet dancer and own my own studio one day," I get up and put my cup away and head up the stairs, not really giving him a chance to reply.
I make my stair and do my daily skin routine and brush my teeth after, and head over to the closet and get a cute outfit of the day. 

The hole outfit including the shoes and the bag
I get dressed and get all my stuff together. I grab my phone and check the time to see it's 7: 40 and I honestly have no idea when my school starts. I make my way out of my room and head down stairs to see Enzo waiting by the front door going through his phone. He must have noticed me cuz when I made my way to him he looked up to me and put his phone back into his pocket. " Okay Angel lets go, I'm taking you to school," He then opened the door for me and I quietly said thank you as I walked past him and then waited for him to choose out of the like 5 cars in his driveway. I wonder what his garage looks like. Anyways he ends up walking towards the beautiful 2021 Lamborghini Huracan STO.

God she was a beaut, mat black with red lining on the edge and she was beautiful. We get into the car and Enzo pulls out and reverses and heads out the gate and makes his way toward the school. " Are you gonna always be taking me to School," I ask as we stop at a red light. " Yes, well when I can, if I can't take you to school I'll have one of my drivers take you," I just nod at his answers and sit back.

After about like 5 min I start to see the school gates ahead of us, and Enzo pulls in and parks the car. " Okay i'm gonna walk you in get all of your stuff ready ok,"

"Kk," we then head over to the main office and as we walk towards the office I can already feel eyes on me and Enzo, as we walk. We make it towards the office and Enzo doesn't even knock, he just bar barges and he just heads in with me in toe. The receptionist noticed us right away and went to open what I presume  is the principal's office. And as we walk in she gives me a sweet nod.

An hour later

We talked with the principal about my schedule and stuff, gave me all the rules and also gave me a map to this huge school and gave me my locker number. Then Enzo left a few minutes after, then the principal sent me on my way to go find my locker and classes like dude at least give a guide. But no so now i'm wondering about this big ass school with my face shoved in this stupid map well looking for my locker. And me being me all distracted I ran into a fucking wall.

I ended up on my ass, and as I looked up I saw a 6,7 good looking ass man that was in my way and made me fall on my ass. "Watch where you're walking, it's a big ass hall, but you just had to walk right in front of me," I Said to the giant ass man in front of me as I gathered all my stuff off the floor and dusted off my ass as I got up. " Well maybe you should be paying attention, like you said it's a big hallway you should have moved out of my way," he said back at me, gosh the nerve of this green eyed man. " just move out of my way asshole," And as I try to move past him, like I said try this man has the audacity to pull me by my arm and pin me against the wall, " listen here you look like your new, so i'm gonna let this slide, but talk to me like that again and I promise It won't be good for you Αγαπημένος,"

Who does this guy think he is? I muniver my hands so they're no longer in his, well tripping him and landing on top of him, in a straddle-like position I grab hold of his hands and pin them down like he did to me. " Grab me like that again and I promise it won't be good for you Αγαπημένος," I say back at him using his words. I get off of him and grab my stuff and head over to my class if I can find it.

An hour later

I managed to find my class and was now Heading over to my next class. I made my way over and opened the door to see that no one was here yet, so I made my way to the back of the class and just waited till people started to show up. And after a while they did, and for some reason a lot of people were looking at me and whispering. Like damn I know I'm new, but like could you stop, and once the teacher made his way into the classroom and started the lesson the whispering went down a little which I was grateful for I just wish they stopped completely. About a few minutes into the lesson things started to go down a bit till someone slammed the door open and walked in. It was the green eyed man that I interacted with this morning. Gosh how I prayed that he was not in any of my classes but I guess the gods just love making my life a living hell. And of course the man just had to make his way over to me. " You're in my seat," I sighed. I did not want to deal with this. " There are plenty of seats open, go sit in one of them." And yet the man just didn't want to move and stayed there, " Move or i'll make you move," He said in a down killing voice, I looked up and this man was none other than perfection but I wasn't gonna tell him that It might just make his ego so big his head would explode. I just looked up to him and said the one thing I probably shouldn't have said, " Make me then,"

And I Honestly did not think this man would actually move and sit down, but he did and of course it was right next to me.


Hope you liked this chapter, if there was any mistake please tell me

Hope you guys have a great day love you all ❤️

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