Chapter 19

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Chapter 19 - Next class

Damn, was I glad to be out of that class? I don't know who that guy was but gosh was he was irritating, he kept poking me and bugging me. I even got in trouble when I yelled at him to quit. So yeah I just hope that I have no more classes with that tall ass, gosh what do his parents feed him cuz, I'll tell you one thing that guy is too tall. Anyways like I said I was out of that class and on to my next which would be someplace around here.

I hoped, but eventually I found it and luckily it was music class, I was never really able to play any type of instrument but, I'll say this, I was really into dance so let's just hope that this class would be nice. And like last time I was the first one here apart from the teacher who was seating up and stuff. After a while people did start to fill up the room and the class had started.

Skip music class

God that was not enjoyable at all, you think a dancer would be into the music but hell na

I certainly was not, that class was hell. I would rather be in a class with that tall weirdo than in that class but nevermind that, the next period was lunch and unfortunately I did not pack a lunch or bring money. So I didn't head over to the lunch room I headed over to the school's dance studio, yeah this was a crazy rich school so they had stuff like that here.

As I made my way over I saw a lot of cool stuff on my way I saw the football team practicing I saw the cheerleaders, all practicing on the big football field. And on my way I saw the art room which I'm not gonna lie was nice, I might just switch my classes to this one. But eventually, I did make it to the dance studio, I made my way inside and headed over to the changing room, changed into my practicing outfit, and made my way out taking my speaker and my phone and just left the rest in the changing room.

I walked over to the end of the room and put my speaker on the ground and connected it to my phone so the song I would be practicing on would be playing loudly. The song that I had chosen for a little test run was NO TIME TO DIE - by Billie Eilish. I put my phone where it could see me and started to roll the camera. Just in case I Liked this routine I would have it in video and perfect it so it could be good enough to get me into the school. I played the song and just did what felt natural to me and started to move my body in the way the song felt like it needed to go.

Dance right here and on top

Once the music stopped and I had finished and not gonna lie, It had been a while since I had lasted danced and it felt pretty good to do it again. I walked over to my phone and stopped the recording and as I sat on the ground then random claps just started, I had gotten back up to look who had been clapping, and just my luck it had been that tall guy that was extremely annoying. I just groaned and went to go sit back on the floor where I was before, and started to look over the video and he walked up to me and just stood there like the weirdo he is. 

" can I help you," I said in an annoyed tone not wanting to deal with him at the moment but of course, he just had to sit right next to me on the floor. " I liked your dancing," he said then just went silent and I hand mumbled a little thank you in return. Just because he was an ass doesn't mean I'm not gonna be polite.

"Was this why you weren't at lunch, you were here dancing,"


"So did you eat at all,"

"No, I didn't," I said well being deeply focused on the video and watching it carefully I didn't even notice that he was getting up.

"let's go," he said and with no context, I had looked up at him and looked at him like I had no idea what he was talking about, Which I didn't. " go where,"

"to go get some food, you said you didn't eat so let's go,"

"Oh It's okay I don't have money, you can go ahead," I said a went back to going through my video again. " it's okay I have money let's go, go get dressed i'll be waiting."  He said pulling me up and pushing me towards the changing room well also grading my speaker and still pushing me might I add.

"Okay, okay I got it just give me a second," I said well opening the changing room door and heading in. Dam he was being pushy, I headed over to my stuff and pulled out everything, I was sweaty and probably stinky too, so I was changing full out, so let's see how, long this boy can wait.

Her outfit with neckless and rings 

Her outfit with neckless and rings 

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Her makeup look with the hairdo

Once I was done, I headed out and there he was still waiting, not gonna lie It took like about 30 minutes for me to get ready so I'm a little surprised that he still stayed

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Once I was done, I headed out and there he was still waiting, not gonna lie It took like about 30 minutes for me to get ready so I'm a little surprised that he still stayed. When I walked out his back was facing me and he was just leaning his shoulder agents the wall and just staring, creepy if you tell me. " So where are we going," I say and he turns to me and was about to open his mouth to say something but stopped, and just stared with his mouth open. 

Okay, that confirms it he's a weirdo, I pick up my hand to snap in his face a few times maybe this wired trace of his would stop it's starting to freak me out. " Hey dude you okay," He finally closes his mouth and nods, and just starts walking okayyy, " So were we going," I say well catching up to him " To this cafe that I know, they serve really good milkshakes I promise you, you won't regret going there once you've been," I just nod and give him a little smile, this should be interesting.


Hope you liked this chapter, if there was any mistake please tell me

Hope you guys have a great day love you all ❤️

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