xxix. we're gonna be okay, pear

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briar had gotten kicked out of the kook academy

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briar had gotten kicked out of the kook academy. they'd called chase and cecelia about two weeks before school started. it was a private school, and therefore they could expel students for whatever reason they wished. so briar was pregnant and for the first time in her whole life, forced to attend a public school.

but she had kie, jj, and pope. and that helped. holly was still attending kook academy, she still had her spot and her parents made her take it. she didn't mind, she had good kook friends.

so, here briar was, getting out of kiara's car on her first day at kildare county high school.

"hey, chill out," kie snapped at jj as he took a sip from his flask. briar had on a pair of maternity jeans and a pink tank top that flowed beautifully over her bump.

"if i black out, don't remind me," jj said as the group walked into school. jj held briar's backpack for her.

"that's not funny," kie snapped. people whispered as the pogues walked in. the poor kids, their pregnant rich friend, who's baby daddy was a "murderer," it was pretty hot gossip.

"oh," briar gasped as the group stared at john b's monument.

"i feel like people are staring at us," kie commented.

"oh yeah," jj looked around.

"guys, i can't be late," pope began to walk away.

"hey. hey," kie stopped him. "we gotta stick together." she took pope's hand and looped her arm through jj's. jj grabbed briar's elbow gently and the broken, lonely pogues walked into school.

"hey," briar split from jj after they entered. "where's the office? i need my schedule."

"i'll show you the way, princess," jj grabbed her hand and dragged her away.

"good morning, mrs. woods," jj slammed his hands into the front desk. "my lovely friend here needs a schedule."

"spectacular," mrs. woods smiled at briar. "briar valentine, i'm assuming from the bump?" the older woman chuckled before patting her own small baby bump.

"that's me," briar said sarcastically. "little miss pregnant."

"okay," mrs. woods tapped her computer. "looks like you're ahead in several classes from your old school, but you still have. . . one class with jj here."

"awesome," briar smiled and took the printed copy of her schedule and the combination to her locker. "thank you."

"have a good first day, you two," mrs. woods shooed them to class.

"we have history first!" jj smiled wide. "let's fucking go, we have a class together!"

"language, jj," mrs. woods chided from inside the office.

𝐃𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐋𝚬 𝐒𝚬𝐂𝐑𝚬𝐓, ʲᵒʰⁿ ᵇ ʳᵒᵘᵗˡᵉᵈᵍᵉWhere stories live. Discover now