Ch1: The Transport

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(Btw I will be using the original names other than Duel Monsters. Also some of the timelines is going to be different depending on the series like for Duel Monsters, it's before the Pharaoh finds out his name)

(1st Person PoV: Yugi)

I woke up suddenly and saw darkness. Last I checked, I was walking home from school and then...wait what happened?

"You got knocked out in the head," a voice in his head explained.

Yami? Then, where are we? I asked in my thoughts.

"That I don't know," Yami admitted.

I wiggled around to see that my hands were tied up and that something was covering my head.

I then began to struggle against whatever was tying up my hands.

All I know is that I was sitting on something cold.

I struggled some more.

"Hold on, Yugi. I think I hear something," Yami suddenly said.

Huh? What do you mean? I stopped to listen. There were some people talking but it sounded more like cheering.

What is going on?

"And now to introduce the first team!" A booming voice shouted and a large roar of cheers suddenly shouted out.

Team? I was confused.

Then that thing that was covering my head was ripped off and my hands were suddenly untied.

The downside is that I felt like I was moving up on a platform.

I got up and saw that my legs were chained down to the platform. I could barely move.

Then I raised my hand to shield my eyes from the light.

What happened next shocked me.

"Welcome Team DM!" That same voice shouted. It wasn't familiar.

I wasn't alone. There were others with me.

"You guys!" I cried out.

"Oi Yugi, what's goin' on?" Joey asked.

"Joey?" Serenity, Joey's little sister, asked.

"Hold on, Rebecca? Leon?" Tèa asked.

I looked around and saw how many of us.

10 people.

"Can any of you tell me what's going on?" Kaiba asked, folding his arms.

"Does it look like we know?" Mai rolled her eyes.

"This...this is bad," Bakura muttered.

"Are we in an arena?" Tristian asked and looked around.

Why are we here? What's even going on? I thought.

"And now to introduce the next team!" The same voice announced.

"Team?" Rebecca asked.

No one had an answer for her sadly.

(Judai's PoV)

I was heading over to Obelisk Blue Dorm to fetch Asuka for something when I felt whack on the back of my head and knocked me out.

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was that it was pitch black.

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