Ch2: The Calm before the Storm

137 3 16

(3rd Person PoV)

"Ultimate...Duel Tournament?" Kotori asked.

"Why yes. You have all gathered together to duel each other," the voice said.

"But why?" Ruri asked.

"The reason...there's no particular reason other than to test your strength," the voice replied.

"That's not a reason," Battle Max crossed his arms.

"Yeah, we all have busy lives so we don't have time to test our strength against other duelists. We can opt out of this tournament right?" Roa asked.

"Nope! You can only leave when there is one winner," the voice explained.

"Then...what happens to the losers?" Serenity asked.

"..." the voice was eerily quiet.

"Hey, respond. What happens if we lose?" Edo asked.

"Well we'll figure it out on the way there. You will be provided with the necessities that you need such as food, water, someplace to sleep, dueling manuals if you need a refresh on dueling, you name it!" The voice exclaimed.

Everyone looked at each other, concerned.

"We will start the tournament tomorrow! But before we go, here are the lineups so you can prepare yourselves!" The voice shouted.

"What?" Ruka asked and then a screen flashed in front of them and names appeared on that screen.

1. Rebecca vs Yuri

2. Tiger vs Kaito

3. Aki vs Rin

4. Cathy vs Bakura

5. Judai vs Roa

6. Sora vs Ropoppi

7. Yusei vs Misawa

8. Yuto vs Rua

9. Rei vs Yuya

10. Ghost Gal vs Asuka

11. Nail vs Jack

12. Yuzu vs Crow

13. Kotori vs Ruka

14. Carly vs Battle Max

15. Kaiba vs The Gore

16. Leon vs Blue Maiden

17. Yuma vs Seatbastion

18. Yugi vs Sherry

19. Téa vs Anna

20. Rio vs Akira

21. Luke vs Tristan

22. Kenzan vs Yuga

23. Johan vs Joey

24. Asana vs Fubuki

25. Ruri vs Soulburner

26. Romin vs Gauche

27. Serena vs Gakuto

28. Sho vs Kiryu

29. Playmaker vs Shun

30. Manjome vs Droite

31. Shark vs Edo

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