Ch3: Let the duels begin!

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(3rd Person PoV)

At long last, it was time for the first duel to begin.

"Is everyone ready?" The unfamiliar voice shouted and the audience roared at this.

A lot of the duelists decided to hang around in an waiting room where there were couches, tables and a big screen that they could see.

Judai was sitting in one of the tables and reading a big book which surprised some people that knew him.

"What are you reading?" Sho asked as he approached him.

"Reading new dueling techniques that we haven't learned yet. I'm on the Rush Duel chapter and it's surprisingly easy," Judai explained.

"Let me see," Sho peeked over.

While they were reading, the unfamiliar voice shouted, "Please welcome our first duelists!"

A lot of people minus Judai and Sho turned their attention to the screen.

"She is a prodigy duelist with quick techniques and a smart mind. Don't underestimate her unless you want to be defeated! Please welcome Rebecca Hawkins from Team DM!" The voice shouted.

Rebecca stepped up to the podium and looked nervously but she had to keep a confident face on.

The crowd cheered and some people were waving posters.

"He's one of the best and fiercest duelist that the former Academia had. The terrifying Fusion specialist and a counterpart of...well spoilers if I told you. Please welcome Yuri from Team Arc-V!" The voice shouted.

Yuri walked up to the podium, looking rather bored.

The crowd cheered for him as well and some people were also waving posters.

"I feel bad for her," Yuya muttered.

Unfortunately, Téa heard him.

"What do you mean by that?" She asked.

"..." Yuya glanced at Yugo who was holding onto Rin like he wanted to protect her.

"It's...a long story," Yuya told her.

Téa wasn't so reassured.

"The format will be a Master Duel which is format most of you are familiar with!" The voice said.

Rebecca and Yuri prepared their Duel Disks.

"Alright then! HERE. WE. GOOOOOOO!" The voice shouted alongside the crowd.


Rebecca - 4000 LPS


Yuri - 4000 LPS

"Let's flip a coin to see who takes the first turn. Heads is Rebecca and Tails is Yuri," the voice said and a coin was flipped in their direction.


"Heads! Rebecca takes the first turn!" The voice stated.

"Ok, I draw!" Rebecca said which confused a lot of people from Team Arc-V.

Ok I got a strong hand right now but I need to play defensively this turn so I can see what kind of strategy that he'll play, she thought.

"I set a monster face down and end with a face down," she started.

Hmmm, that voice claims that she's a prodigy. Let's see if she lives up to that, Yuri thought and drew a card.

"I summon Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio (ATK: 1200. DF: 800) and by sending a monster from my hand to the graveyard, I can special summon a Predaplant monster from my deck. I special summon Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra (ATK: 1000. DF: 1500)!" Yuri started.

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