Ch4: The Battle of Two Older siblings

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(3rd Person PoV)

To say that everyone was shocked would be an understatement.

Some people, especially the more younger duelists there, began to panic.

The older ones kept their cool but even they couldn't hide how shocked they were.

"Nya, no way! If we lose then we going to lose our souls?" Cathy asked.

"I'm too young to lose my soul!" Yuma cried.

"Oh man, oh man!" Battle Max panicked.

Carly seemed to cling onto Jack and he held her tightly.

"W-we need to stay calm and think rationally," Téa spoke up.

"Stay calm? How can we stay calm like this?" Yugo asked.

"No, she's right. Panicking isn't going to help us in any meaningful way," Rin explained.

"They're both right. If we at least attempt to have a cool head in this, then we'll figure out something. Like maybe how to get out of here or figure out what's going on with this 'tournament,'" Judai explained.

"Yeah, something fishy is definitely going on here," Luke nodded.

"Can't argue with that," Ghost Gal shrugged.

Serena decided to walk away from the group in order to find Yuri. She needed to see what goes he think of all of this.

It took a while but she eventually found him, sitting on the floor.

He looked up at her.

"Here to torment me? To call me a terrible person by defeating and sending her soul straight to wherever this Shadow Realm is?" Yuri asked but to his surprise, Serena shook her head.

"No. I wanted to see what you think of all of this especially with that they have been saying," she motioned to where she came from so Yuri would know whom she was talking about.

"So what have they've been saying?" Yuri asked.

Serena repeated what Téa, Rin and Judai had previously said.

"It's harder to keep a cool head especially in a situation like this," Yuri pointed out.

"I am aware but whatever gives them hope, I guess," Serena stated.

Why am I surprisedly calm when talking to her? Yuri thought.

Then the voice spoke up which made everyone look to the direction of where the voice was coming from.

"And now we head to the second round. Can those in line to duel please come to the arena?" The voice asked.

Back with the group, some people looked around.

"Hey, Kaito. Isn't it your turn to duel?" Kotori asked.

"Yeah," Kaito merely responded.

Shun was about to approach him to say something but he held back. Now wasn't the time.

"So who's going to be his opponent?" Crow asked.

Tiger stepped up and Luke gasped, "No way! Haruka!"

A red tick mark appeared on the side of her head.

"How many times do I have to tell you? My name is TIGER!" She shouted which made Luke fall backwards.

"My bad," he said.

"Good luck, Tiger," Yuga told her.

She gave him a nod and went out of the room to go to the arena.

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