Chapter Four

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  A very long list of all names of the deceased citizens who lost their lives. They are some of the unknowns who are reported missing or taken away by Takers during evacuation four years ago. I saw my girlfriend Claire Juuzou's name in bottom row with the other fresh written names on the smooth stone wall of deaths that were reported. Dragon held my hand reading the names on the wall. When I saw her name, I bended my knees on the ground, traced her name with the tip of my fingers, and cried in my hand with my forehead on the wall. The pain of losing your love partner felt like the part of your body brutally ripped out of you. The separation from your spouse or significant others, children, family, and friends is worse. It is very painful, inhumane, and traumatic. I witnessed a ghoul child ripped out of the mothers arms by Takers at the prison facility in The Sawyer. I growled in tears with my fist clinched on the bottom of the stone wall.
  "Vi? Are you okay?" Dragon carefully rubbed my back as he felt my breathing.
  "Whoever you are. I will find you." I whispered in rage as I felt Dragon rubbing my back slowly.
  I fell into his arms as I buried my face on his chest and calmed down. Dragon calmed me down from having another relapse due to my rage.
  "We will find the culprit together. A Taker must've ran off hiding somewhere in Minnesota. Claire was like my best friend at the academy years ago. Your girlfriend was a strong woman like you. She's watching us from heaven right now. She wants us to be strong and fight the damn Takers. We will get through it." Dragon reassured.
  I miss our beautiful memories of me and Claire back in college days. Although we did have our moments but it's normal in all relationships. We used to party hardcore at rave parties, joy ride all over downtown, be silly drunks at a karaoke bar, take rides on metro transits, and jam at metal rock concerts. We were like ally cats enjoying life in the lovely city night vibes together. We played card games together with Dragon and other of our close friends at the Anteiku coffee shop late nights. Claire always had amazing personality. So sweet, caring, and honest. Fantastic under the sheets. She had black hair on the side and white hair on the other side. I used to have very long dark hair down to my ass. I used to work as a bartender at the Anteiku late nights. It is a coffee and bar restaurant open like a Japanese family café. I always loved working nights serving beverages to our night owls in town. When I walked alone at night from work, I was harassed by a group of creepy human males cat calling, whistling, and shouting degrading names. I was just walking out of the bar minding my own business tried to ignore them the best I could until one of them pissed me off.
   "Hey sweet cheeks! Do you like eating dick?! I don't mind taking a risk to fuck that ghoul pussy!" The male shouted as group of men laughed.
  "Fuck off, pigs!" I told them off as I kept walking fast as possible. The man tried to stop me from walking as he proceed to verbally assault me.
   "Bitch! That attitude will get you beaten up!" He tried to block from my walking path next to the ally. I pushed him as two other men tried to corner me into the ally.
   "Come on, sweetheart! What are you gonna do? Kill us with your tail, wing, or tentacles? Haha!" The man laughed. I growled at him as I activated my kagune then one of them tried to record me on their phone attempt to frame me as the crazy ghoul.
   "Haha! Look everyone! This bitch is crazy! We were trying to be nice, but she's trying to murder us for no reason-" Jackass tried to record as I heard a thump on his head then the phone cracked on the hard ground. He fell on the ground. I saw Claire ran in the ally to save me from the harassers. She threw an empty beer bottle on his head. Two of her other friends came to the rescue to put a stop to the ghoul harassment.
  "Leave her alone! You have ten seconds to get the fuck outta here or we will shoot!" Claire shouted at them as she pulled out her gun at them. They took off scared. One of them was such a scared asshole that he almost shit himself when he saw the gun.
  "Fuck toxic masculinity!" Claire blurted out and put her gun away.
  "Holy shit! Thank you love!" I said to Claire and her friends.
  "We just got done playing game of pool. We heard you growling and realized the harassers are still causing trouble by plotting female ghouls. We don't put up with ghoul hate or misogyny. Tiny dick energy. I tell you." Claire and I chuckled as two of her friends head home. Claire and I rode on the metro transit to her apartment together. We arrived at her apartment as we removed our gear off. Claire opened her wine cabinet and grabbed the bottle for us. I grabbed the wine glasses from the kitchen to the living room. She poured the red wine in our glasses and connected her music on the TV.
  "How's work tonight?" Claire asked as she sipped her glass.
  "Super busy. Business is going a lot smooth. It was really good. I made a lot more on tips." I sipped my wine as I counted my cash.
  "Damn woman, I'm proud of you." She praised me.
  "I'm saving my cash. Whatever happens, I'm going to need the emergency funds." I said as I locked up the cash in my case.
  "Smart. This neighborhood sucks sometimes. We're doing our best to make a living in this foolish world." Both of us laughed.
  We spent two hours talking and drinking together. Claire and I starred at each other in our eyes for couple seconds as something clicked in our minds. I kissed her soft lips as she caressed my body. I wrapped my arms around her as she pushed me on the couch and climbed on top of me. She was a top. I was a bottom. We became switches in bed. We usually switch positions few times. We moved into the bedroom, undressed each other, and threw ourselves on the bed naked. I laid on my back as she left hickeys all over my body, moved down to my lower area and I felt her tongue in between my legs. I orgasmed as she climbed on top and fingered each other. I rolled on top of her. I moved my head down as I caress her smooth waist. We made loud dirty noises in the entire apartment as the sounds echoed. The annoying neighbor heard through the walls. We used to annoy the fuck out of that homophobic Karen who tried to harass Claire with stupid booklet handout that talks about God. After our sex night, I loved the night that Claire and I smoked cigarettes on the balcony naked together just to piss off the Karen walking back inside with a pouty face. We both laughed our naked asses off. Oh I miss old times.
  Moira sat arrangement for everyone to be up early in the morning sharp for the discussion about a new plan for our mission to Shibuya Town in the cities. I heard we might meet up with another group who will be our allies in the night watch. This will be interesting.
  "It's time to wake up, Vi. Coffee is served in the living room." Dragon carefully woke me up as he rubbed my shoulder.
  "What time is it?" I asked as he grabbed my hands and lifted me up out of bed.
  "It's 6:15 AM right now. We need to be in Shibuya Town at 8:00 AM with our crew. Let's go downstairs before Moira calls Shae to bark at us in our sleep." Dragon and I smirked.
  Both of us went down to the meeting together. Ezra overslept last night. He was the last person to show up at the meeting. Five cups of coffee served in her household with side of deer meat for ghouls and donuts for those who are not ghouls. They are some half ghouls or half humans that can consume human food like sweet treats on the table.
  "I'm glad everyone is awake. We received new updates from Aogiri Tree Government and Minnesota State Government that law enforcement found survivors at the river. Names of the survivors cannot be mentioned because it is confidential with the HIPPA rights law. They cannot disclose names or information on the media. We need to remain respectful to the families of the survivors. We are offered to volunteer at the Hospital in St. Paul near by Shibuya Town to privately talk with our survivors. Remember to be respectful and patient with our survivors. They just escaped out of the Sawyer dump. Survivors are still in recovery. After we talk with our survivors, we head to Shibuya town to a secret underground. The people in secret underground may know more information about Takers in The Sawyer. We may find more information about Pandy Hakujin." Moira announced the news.
  "How are we going to capture Hakujin and take bastard in custody?" Dragon asked.
  "It is too soon to discuss about the plan to capture. Pandy is very dangerous leader. Spell bombs could get blown at you. If you get caught, Taker can slaughter and toss all of your body parts in the ditch somewhere. Underground Investigators found remains across the boarder from south bound river. Some were fed into the pit, but still unknown if there were dangerous animal or ghouls are being force fed." Moira explained.
  "Very sickening." Dragon felt nauseous as he covered his mouth.
  "Think before you put yourself in danger. If a war were to hit, then we all group together with our masks, kagune, weapons, cloaks, and extra gear. No one gets left behind. Neither of you can't go out there alone. It's still dangerous. Also, I received a call from the hospital. My sister Seika is safe in recovery. We will be picking her up today." Moira stated as she takes the photo out of her pocket.
  I stared at the photo of her sister. Brown long hair, brown eyes, ghoul eye on right side, same kagune as Moira's, and thin. I recognize this girl. Seika was property of the Hakujin elders which are parents of Pandy's. Royally rich and snobby to own a half ghoul as a house slave.
  "I seen Seika at the Hakujin's mansion. She was a house slave of his parents." I had to tell Moira about her sister. Moira had every right to know. Seika is her sister. She was shocked to know that Pandy's parents were the ones responsible.
  "Thank you for telling me, Viola. I will like more information about the Hakujin's 'wonderful' family of the year." Moira said as she reads through the file.
  "Cyber security is working on a data base on the Hakujin's clan and list of Taker of whom is running this shit show all over this country." Ezra said at the meeting.
  "You found Taker's network? When are they going to declare war? What areas are they going to attack? We need to know their predictions." Moira questioned Ezra. She seemed desperate for answers too.
  "I can't predict how we are going to go deep into database, but I can talk with our cyber team. If we can do more digging into the Taker's network, we may find more details but it can be very risky." Ezra said as he opened the laptop. "We were able to find the auction shows Takers do set every month at that huge gym in The Sawyer. The owner of the church name Chuck Mercury. He's known for setting up auctions where female ghouls are being sold and forced to marry a Taker with a rich family of humans. Male ghouls are being sold and forced to marry and spoil female Taker's or be a soldier. If the person is not "well behaved or good enough" for marriage, they are forced to be a house keeper for the Elders of the Takers, work in the shitters, work as a sex slave at the brothels, and for females are forced to get pregnant until they die in the breeding and birthing facilities. Anyone who disobeys the The Sawyer laws or attempts to escape will receive torture sentencing forced to fight with another ghoul in the pit, force fed into cannibalism, or beaten to death." Ezra explained shocking news.
  "Viola, What do you know about Mercury?" Dragon asked me.
  "If you don't feel comfortable to answer, please don't feel pressured. We understand." Moira said to me.
  "I know that fucker with his shiny golden microphone. Chuck is married to the woman name Ambrosa who sold me to Pandy four years ago at the hospital." I answered.
  "Thank you for sharing information everyone. We need to drive to the hospital. Everyone needs to get ready. I want to see my sister." Moira announced as she grabbed the paperwork and Komodo as she walked upstairs with Kaye. Shae ran upstairs with them.

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