Chapter Fourteen

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I woke up dressed into a unisex suit and tie in the living room with the clear windows open with cherry blossom peddles flying into the windows. I heard someone playing the piano in the musical room. I walk outside to a wedding and all the seats were empty. I asked myself 'What am I doing here? Who's supposed to get married today?' As I slowly walk back inside upstairs. I opened the door to the master bedroom. I saw Claire staring herself in the mirror in her wedding dress as she turned and smiled.

  "Viola, I am so happy to see you." Claire gave me a hug.

  "Are we supposed to get married today?" I asked.

  "Yes. I thought about purposing to you long time ago before you were abducted by the Takers. When I joined the Ravens and Night watch, I knew Dragon fell in love with you. I never held it against him. I will never hold it against you for falling in love with Dragon. There is something you need to know before I enter into a new world." Claire said.

  "What do you mean?" I asked.

  "I sacrificed my life to protect you. I asked someone a favor to go across the border to free you out of the hidden cabin by unlocking the doors and left a foreign object for you to remove the device off your ankle. The person was caught by Takers for breaking into the cabin. Pandy was angry that the guy released you. They forced my friend to answer questions. My friend was murdered and turned its kagune into taxidermy. They hired a gunman name, Tim Coward who was your abusive biological uncle. He was my stalker. I knew it was coming to an end for me. I broke orders and chain of command. I already knew the consequences for getting myself killed. Tim will be sentenced to hell. I send my spiritual regards that if I end up killed, please remind Dragon to keep you safe. I give him my honor to marry you. Remind you that you are never alone. Both of your hearts belong to each other." Claire explained.

  "Oh. Claire I am so sorry. I should've listened and followed my gut about Pandy at the restaurant. You didn't have give up your life to save me like this." I sobbed as she held my hand.

  "Don't beat yourself up. You have a beautiful life coming for you and Dragon. I can feel it in my heart. I don't have much time left. I will always be remembered. I still love you." Claire said as she freed my hand and spread her wings to fly into the light.


  The sound of helicopters and sirens flying in the middle of the snowing dark sky at 4:30 in the morning. I heard Dragon's voice as the white noises were starting to fade away. I opened my eyes to Kaye flashing her light into my eyes and Moira injecting RC fluids into my IV.

  "Morning Vi, you lost too much blood from your upper chest close to your shoulder where Panora stabbed you. You drank too much of the wine." Sexy Bae explained.

  "You threw up too much of the blood and fell unconscious. You almost died. Thank goodness you are still with us, honey!" Dragon cried and massaged the palm of my hand.

  "At least the wine kill some of the unwanted virus out of her system. We should be getting close to the hospital by now." Sexy Bae said as my eyes blurred again and monitor beeped.

  "She's dropping again!" Sexy Bae shouted as the plane landed.

  "We are back in Minneapolis on the emergency landing!" Kaye shouted in the background.

  "Get her inside NOW!!" Moira shouted as her and Dragon held my arms down carefully. Sexy Bae and Kaye held my legs down to prevent me from getting out of control.

  I felt my eyeballs rolling back up as my body started violently twitching and hyperventilating caused me to have trouble breathing. The medical team rushed outside to escort me into the emergency ICU instantly. I heard chattering and mixed voices in the surgical room the moment I saw faded colors of darkness.

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