Chapter Five

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  I went upstairs to get ready as Dragon stopped me for a moment and gave me something from the closet. It's a black cloak with violet blue indigenous patterns and a pentagram symbol on the back of it. He requested a friend to create me a designed mask to prevent me from breathing in spell gas.
  "I held on to this cloak for seven years. I couldn't give the cloak to anyone because it would not be right if I gave it to the wrong person. This cloak is too sentimental. It made me think of you." Dragon unfolded the cloak as he wrapped around my shoulders and lifted the hood on my head.
  "Where did you find this cloak?" I asked as I rubbed my thumb on the shiny black pendents on the frontal part of my cloak.
  "This cloak was from a woman name Vanna who never left the house. Before the civil war happened, she shared stories about her cloak. She lost a daughter and son about eighteen years ago. They were abducted by her abusive ex husband and gave her children away to another group of ghouls. Ex husband's elderly mother adviced him to trap her in the Cochlea ghoul detention center for 90 days just so that he could win custody for the children, but his choice was abduction. She used this cloak to wrap her children during home birth. The mother told me that her daughter born a half ghoul and son born a half human. Their biological father was full human. I was told the children were being protected by ghouls away from his twisted family. The abuser was attacked by ghouls like a pack of wolves. I guess the father might had a sketchy reputation for harming female ghouls. The mother wanted to see her children but she rather made sure the people she only trusted to help take care of her children in case if something were to happen to Vanna. She was my next door neighbor with four cats and a huge garden in her backyard. I used to bring her flesh from the meat market. Vanna was like an adoptive mother to me. I bring her food, cigarettes, vent to her, talk, and help clean and feed her cats. I couldn't understand why she gave up this cloak to me. Vanna advised me 'give it someone who is more important to you in your life and never give it up to the wrong person who belong to the evil crowd. Never give up and do what you believe it is right.' I don't know if Vanna is still around here, but she hidden somewhere fighting. Vanna told me to keep this cloak before she could go to war to fight the Takers." Dragon shared as he put on his cloak with a wolf symbol on the back.
  The scent on my cloak smelled familiar mix of my blood scent. It's kind of difficult to tell the certain types of fabric. My brother saw mother, but never explained details about our mother. I guess we've all went separate ways with our foster families who are ghouls protecting children. Do I know if Vanna might be our biological mother? Never mind. It's too early to be thinking right now.
  "Are you okay, Viola? You look lost." Dragon asked concerned again.
  "I'm fine. The scent is just familiar." I answered as Moira barged into our room.
  "Are you love birds ready?" Moira asked as Dragon and I blushed for a moment.
  "We are dressed and ready to go." Dragon chuckled scratching the back of his head a little embarrassed.
  "Good. We don't have time for loving making session or whatever you guys do is none of my business. Visitation hours may very at the until. Please hurry, I need my sister." Moira said as she walked fast downstairs.
  Dragon and I blushed as we both walked out of the room smiling and head downstairs to the garage in the car. I saw the truck in the garage next to Kaye and Moira's nice black car. Dragon and I decided to take the truck together. It's been awhile since I left the reservation to the cities during my recovery.
  The survivors are on the same floor where I was admitted three months ago. The medical staff took us to the right direction to the unit upper floors of the hospital. Moira entered in the room in shock to see her sister laying on the bed with bruises all over her arms, legs, and black eye. Red markings on her ankles from destroying and removing the tracking device before her escape with the others in the woods. Seika had trouble laying on her back as she laid on her left side for hours. Some Taker attempted to rip her kagune out. That could explain the half ass slice on her back blade. Seika was just picked up from the boarder yesterday. I heard she ran away from the husband who bought her from the auction. I'm going to assume the Hakujin's sold her to another rich Taker who might've been desperate to fuck a female ghoul like a slave and treat her like a personal house wife.
  "What happened to your back? Did the Takers try to rip your kagune?" Moira questions with tears in her eyes as she held Seika's hand.
  "I was forced to get married to a man name Noah.. I didn't want to eat my own friend that he murdered in his own shed.. He tried to force feed me her liver.. He pushed me downstairs, punched me multiple times, and tried to cut my kagune because I disobeyed him... I kicked him in the face super hard that he fell and hit his head on the edge of the stair case that knocked him out...I stole a hammer from his tool box and smashed the device off my ankle and ran out to the back door fast.. I traveled on foot for like over two days in the woods..." Seika cried in pain.
  "Have you eaten any animal flesh?" Moira asked.
  "I only ate one day ago.." Seika answered with IV fluids kicking in her vein.
  "I'm so proud of you for breaking free outta that shit hole. You are safe with us. That's all it matters. You need to eat. You've been on foot in the woods and swimming across the boarder for days. You need to recover. You going to be okay." Moira hugged Seika carefully.
  In a dark red lighting reflection in the living room of the expensive house of the Hakujin's den. The Sawyer is full of Taker's patrolling everywhere for twenty four seven with guns, white angry face masks, and red winter hats in black cop suits. Neighborhood full of greedy rich Taker's with all the citizens earnings were used for fancy materialistic stuff. Ambrosa and Chuck attends at the meeting in the living room with Pandy's elderly parents as Pandy arrives with angry expression on his face and slams his fist on the table with a cup full of whiskey escapes from the cup.
  "How the fuck did my wife manage to disappear on me?! Fucking whore!" Pandy shouted.
  "Now now, son. We will find you a new wife." His mother said in a calm voice.
  "No! I want Viola back! She was the only well behaved one!" Pandy throws a tantrum fit.
  "Chill the fuck out! We have more female half ghouls locked up in cages! Your not the only man who lost a slave. Tonia's slave husband escaped four years ago. Noah's wife also escaped few weeks ago." Ambrosa said as she sips her whiskey.
  "I don't care! How am I going to handling a new wife? What if one of these whores disobey me again?" Pandy clinched his fists.
  "We don't know how are we going to bring them back. We don't have enough supply in our warehouse cages unless you want to look into areas you want to invade for more." Chuck suggested as he gives the papers to Pandy and he snatches it out of his hand.
  "You are the man of the The Sawyer. You are our leader. You will become President Pandy Hakujin who will make America great again for us. You are the man of the house. We don't need goddamn cannibals or women in general making decisions or stealing our place. Children need more discipline to make them more successful in old fashion. It is time you can make this world perfect. You are born a Taker. You die as a Taker." Father Hakujin said.
  "You do have a good point father. You always taught me how to teach women a lesson." Pandy reads through the papers.
  "Have a cigar my dear friend." Chuck offers to Pandy as he lights up.
  "Thanks buddy." Pandy puffs on his cigar.
  "Now you gave up the cabin and moved back in our home. What are your plans?" Father Hakujin asked.
  "I want to start an invasion." Pandy said.
  "Where will you want us to invade?" Chuck asked.
  "Big areas with more ghouls to supply would be Detroit, Michigan or Iowa." Pandy suggested with an evil smirk on his face.
  "Let's go to Detroit." Ambrosa smiled as Tonia and her father walks into the house.
  "Oh Ambrosa!! I have exciting news! Mama and Papa are going to hire one of the whores to give me a baby from the fertility ward! Papa paid a Taker to put his seed in a fertile ghoul!" Tonia jumped with excitement.
  "Remember sweetheart. The baby will be your responsibility, but our new house keeper will help you." Tonia's father said as he shook Father Hakujin's hand.
  "I know Papa. Long as our house keeper knows her place then we're good. We just owned a new housekeeper. The bitch is executed for stealing my husband. He disappeared. No worries. All I always wanted was a baby. How is our future President Pandy today?" Tonia smiled as she sat next to Ambrosa.
  "Peachy. Congratulations, whatever makes you happy." Pandy rolled his eyes sipping his whiskey and puffing his cigar.
  "We won't spoil her too much. I promise you, sir." Tonia's father chucked.
  "There is a rule of owning a ghoul wife, husband or housekeeper, you can't let a slave make decisions whether if your slave wants children or not because they don't get to make the rules. As an owner, you make the rules. The slaves obey you. I am glad I didn't allow my whore wife bring her burden into this world. I don't want children. I only wanted her to myself. If you don't want children, spay or neuter your ghoul slave. We as owners make the decisions for them. Whatever money they had in past before we gave our home state name The Sawyer, money is your reward." Pandy stated with an evil smile as he finishes puff of his cigar.
  "So do you still want to take over Detroit? If so, when do you want to start the invasion?" Father Hakujin asked.
  "December on my Birthday. We will start a war." Pandy said in a devilish voice as he press the cigar on the ash tray.
  In Shibuya town, mix of humans and ghouls have family owned markets opened in midtown of St. Paul selling fresh animal meat, flesh donated from hospitals, coffee beans, tea, herbs, seasonings, fruits, vegetables, grains, and other goods. The Anteiku just opened few blocks away from here. Touka, Kaneki, and Ichika moved in Minnesota before the civil war hit in Wisconsin. I might consider flying over there for a visit later.
  "Sis! It's pumpkin season this month! Guess what?" Ezra asked with excitement.
  "Harvest time?" I guessed.
  "That's right. We gotta carve pumpkins again together." Ezra held on two pumpkins.
  "Yeah. We should later." I said as I walk with Dragon.
  "Yay!" Ezra smiled as he carried the pumpkins with him.
  "Viola, walk with me. You and I have a task to do. Dragon, you go with Ezra and Kaye. We are on a mission." Moira said as she walked me to her direction.
  "Rumors mentioned the suspect might stopped here to purchase weapons few weeks ago. The culprit had Claire's scent on its clothes. The owner of the weapon shop said that suspect had a tattoo of a red hat angry face on its right hand. Dark grey hoodie, surgical mask, grey cap, and black pants. Disappeared without a trace. We are still on the watch." Moira stated as Shae walks between us.
  "Thanks for keeping me informed. The culprit could be hiding farther from our location." I said.
  "How are your kagune wings?" Moira asked.
  "They are healing well. I am training their flying and feather shooting movements." I said as I felt my upper back tickle from recovery.
  "How are you doing with sleep? Any night terrors to keep in track in your notebook received from the hospital?" Moira questioned with concern.
  "I'm sleeping okay." I answered.
  "Well I know sleeping is not easy. Dragon worries for you. How long have you known each other?" Moira asked.
  "For about 5 years before all of this happened to us. He's known Claire for like seven years" I answered.
  "How did you guys met?" Moira asked.
  "We went to community college and grab coffee daily together. How's Seika feeling?" I said.
  "Seika is in a lot of pain, sore, traumatized, and very drained. She's staying for a couple weeks of recovery." Moira stated as she felt a voice in her ear.
  "Moira! You and Vi might want to meet us at the corner right now!" Dragon said immediate voice.
  "We are on our way! Somethings is not right. We gotta meet up." Moira said as we flew over the roof to the corner with three of the others.
  There is a man in a dark maroon cloak, black long sleeve top, raven mask, and red short hair waiting for us at the corner. His eyes shown that he is a full born ghoul. His name is Ivan. He is the leader of the Ravens group live near Northeast of Minneapolis.
  "Good morning, Ivan. I heard this is urgent. What's new?" Moira asked.
  "Michigan is under an alert. I received a message from East Minnesota boarder that a winter war might start in Detroit." Ivan stated.
  "Takers are really pushing it for a winter war in Detroit? You can't be fucking serious.." Dragon sight anxiously as he shook his head down in his hand.
  "That means we might have to travel to Michigan to save the citizens and fight. How are we going have to prepare?" Kaye asked with hesitation.
  "Not yet. We can't predict how far Takers want to push the invasion. People from my group were working for night watch by the East boarder. Two people from night watch felt the rumors in their ears." Ivan said.
  "That means I'm going to be busy data searching tonight, right??" Ezra asked as he still carried the pumpkins.
  "Cyber team will need you tonight, Ezra. We can carve our pumpkins later this week." I said.
  "Yup." Ezra said as his arms started to get tired as he placed the pumpkins on the ground next him.
  "Tomorrow morning, everyone needs to wake up for training and practice fighting with your defense skills. Train your kagunes." Moira said to all of us.
  "How about we all meet up in the woods of Aogiri Tree Reservation? We have a safe spot for practice and training purposes." Ivan suggested for us.
  "What do you guys think?" Moira asked us.
  "Yeah, let's meet up tomorrow." Dragon agreed.
  All of us agreed. It's going to be a busy week. If the Takers decide to push it farther, then the citizens in Michigan will need to evacuate soon as possible. According to Ivan, Takers want to invade on Pandy's birthday this winter but time can tell. It made me question that Pandy must be really angry and lonely. Does he want to hire a Taker to kidnap me just so that he could have me to himself again? Is The Sawyer really desperate for more ghouls to cage as supply? I will not let him crawl under my skin. I'm trying to avoid the stress about the news.

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