The group chapter 2

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Diary entry #2

      I was of course in the group. I knew that they all loved me. Well in their own way. They had always been like a second family to me. My chosen family, you could say since I don't have siblings.

When they found out about what happened.
     They made up some jokes that were quite insensitive i I mean it wasn't so much toward me as it was to each other but I still didn't want to hear any of it. I did find this annoying so I stopped talking to them for a while, at first it was a day and they didn't learn their lesson so I started separating myself from them for longer. Well other then Billy and Stu cause they're relentless. Anyway who makes up these jokes about someone's mother like that? Well she wasn't my mom but Sid's mom and- whatever you get what I'm trying to say. All I know is if it was my mom I'd have to lunge and hope I wasn't caught my Stu or Billy or worse both.

Sidney got closed off after what happened and shy. She just kinda closed herself off from me so I guess I had started following her kind of like a lost puppy to try to find out what I could do to fix it. She played dumb and just denied it all. I mean deny must be going through her head repeatedly. I tried to explain to her that I love her and I won't leave just because she shut me out but she replaced me with Tatum so I had no choice but to stop and separate myself from her. I had to revaluate myself after I realized that a month and a half of following after her like a puppy fine yes I admit it. Trying to speak to her wasn't going to make her care so I stopped.

   It honestly threw me off entirely when I started hearing rumors that I was obsessed with Sid and I killed her mom to keep her all to myself. At a point I thought even Sid believed that one. I just couldn't stop thinking about her. I really miss her. She no longer stuck up for me either. She was a shell of herself after so I couldn't really blame her. I know that she didn't agree with what people said I mean I've never heard her express she did at least. It doesn't change the fact that it hurts.

I broke fractured a girls nose in 3 places when I heard her talking about Sidney cruelly. Worse the girl seemed to really like me like a lot. Sidney cast me a glance a concerned one but it wasn't enough when I had three teachers escort me to the principles office in the middle of the halls with a bloody lip. I mean the girl got one good hit as I was getting drug off her. She got pretty messed up. I just wanted her to stop struggling but she wouldn't. She kept trying to hit me so I just well kept on hitting her over and over. I couldn't control it. The girl deserved it and I still don't regret it. I don't remember her name but I heard she got a nose job and a completely new personality after.

      Then when I thought everything was all good and well that nothing could get worse, I heard about this one. People got even more creative with the rumors because they even had the balls to say that my parents set me up for it as a career boost for pity or I did it myself to make my parents closer. If that was my plan it did work they don't really argue anymore, they manage to both be in my life and are actually going to be neighbors I think they said when we move to South Cali.

    Anyway the more rumors that got spread the more I became closed off I ignored them especially because I don't need stupid people who will probably be stuck in a small town for the rest of their lives to affect me in the way they want them to.

I wanted to forget what happened around me I separated myself more from a lot of people including the insensitive assholes in the group. I was going to tell everyone but I wanted to tell Sidney first and I can't get within an inch without Tatum dragging her away and Stu and Billy throwing me over one of their shoulders taking me away and teasing me within an inch of my life I'm starting to think they don't care about Sidney and it's only to get me annoyed. Last time I tried to lunge at Stu and I was caught by both of them I mean seriously I think both of you is over kill. I can barely take down one of them not that I know from experience but I'd have more luck with Stu I think. Anyway yep I moved without telling anyone so they don't try to bombarde me with apologies before I leave.. because then I may want to stay and I can't afford that risk.

    We already have the two houses in South Cali picked out and have our stuff on the U-haul. 

we're renting the house out so I can only imagine when the group will text me choice words of "haha Perces house looks so empty what's going on there?" Or will it take longer? "Anyone know why Perce isn't at school today?" I should stop thinking or I may want to stay scratch that I 100% will try to stay.

I could still run off to Stu's and hide in his pool house or something. The problem is he'll want a reason and if I give him it I'm afraid he may actually kidnap me and not let me leave. Even worse if he calls Billy and they both team up on ways to keep me here. As amusing as that would be in the context used and the fact it would be me tied up well I'm not finding as much enjoyment as I could watching Stu and Billy team up if they were to kidnap someone.

Not that I find them kidnapping someone if they were to funny. Far from it gosh I am not a psychopath I don't actually want them to do that I'm just saying if they were to it may actually be kind of entertaining. You know? No? Ok never mind then.

    Bye Bye Woodsboro and best of luck Sidney


Conclusion you ask? WOODSBORO and the PEOPLE in it  FUCKING SUCK.

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