Papa and his Princess

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"And then, the princess defeated all those dukes and she became the queen."

"Yay, really papa, she became the queen?", sweet Ovi asked her dad.

Saheer nodded and pecked her forehead affectionately.

"Yes, beta (child), she became the queen.", he smiled gently looking towards his lifeline, his soul, his dear Ovi.

"Papa, that means, even I can become a queen some day.", Ovi asked her papa, excitement teeming in her big eyes.

"Sweetie, what do I tell you always? You can be whatever you want to be. Your papa is always with you, hmm.", Saheer caressed her cheek, his proud eyes gazing at his daughter with unconditional love.

"Okie papa. Now princess wants to sleep. Give me my froggie.", Ovi uttered in a sleepy voice.

Saheer chuckled, his hands reaching out for the stuffed toy frog which his daughter seemed to love a lot. She would refused to be tucked in unless she had it with her.

"Young lady, aren't you forgetting something?", placing the toy within her duvet, he asked her with a fake stern expression.

"Yes, my silly papa.", Ovi giggled. She then reached out for her papa and pecked his cheek wishing a sleepy goodnight. Saheer smiled and dimmed the lights, revealing the starry ceiling which Ovi was really fond of.

"Goodnight, my sweetie."

Saheer Khanna, a senior business analyst working in the reputed G.N Industries (this name is made up), could have been the VP of business analytics in his company till now, had he not chosen to work from home. But he never regretted his decision, for, a lucrative salary did not matter for him as long as he would get to spend the entire day with his princess. And, whom to earn for, other than the two of them.

Being a single parent was difficult, but he had chosen and embraced this life the moment Ovi was born. Ovi's mom did not want her and Saheer respected that decision. He was not the kind of man who would force someone to be tied down. Moreover, Ovi had been conceived as a result of a drunken one night stand, so it was not like there was any sort of love between her parents. Despite his family's endless pressure for him being married to his baby mother, Saheer refused firmly, because the lady in question did not have anything to do with marriage and children, which Saheer respected.

The moment her took Ovi in his arms, he teared up seeing the most gorgeous little kid in the world - his kid. That day, he vowed to devote himself to her, his whole life was hers now and he would be the best dad ever. He just could not understand why he was being coerced into bringing a wife into this dynamics. He had seen people uttering judgemental words like 'You do need to have a woman in your home. How can a single man take care of a baby?' He was Ovi's parent and that was more than enough of a reason for him to be solely responsible for her. He just could not fathom people's shallow and stereotypical thoughts. Not that he cared about them.

From changing diapers, to feeding her milk and formula, to staying awake at nights when she would not sleep, to tearing up when she would have as much the slightest fever, Saheer solely handled all of the parental responsibilities like a champion. He loved his princess and Ovi dearly loved her dad.

"Mom, you need to understand, I will not let you dictate my life. When I said, I do not wish to marry, I mean it. I will not change my decision. Stop interfering.", an exasperated Saheer explained his mom as calmly as he could. He just did not understand her constant nagging to get him married.

"I am not having anything of this Saheer. I want to see your wife. A woman is supposed to look after your child and home. Why do you do this?", his ever-orthodox mom exclaimed.

"That's because, I am more than capable of taking care of and loving my princess. She's my daughter, so she is solely my responsibility. And what's with this, a woman is supposed to do this, a woman is supposed to do that, stop being so misogynistic. For god's sake you are also a woman. And about Ovi, she's now four years old and the sweetest little child you would see. So, I just do not understand what your problem is.", Saheer flailed his arms, now furious.

"She needs a mother to shape her into a proper lady, not the unruly brat that you are raising.", his mom uttered sarcastically.

"Now that's the limit mom. Do not ever call my daughter wrong names. She's my daughter, my life, and I would not want anyone uttering a single bad word against her, even if the person's my mother.", Saheer spat in a calm voice, almost warning his mother.

"Oh, is it so. I will then see you in court, son of mine.", Mrs. Aparna Khanna chuckled viciously.

Saheer's brows furrowed.

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, my dear son, legally I can challenge your parental rights. You know, the court would always prefer a mother figure and a proper family - your dad and I, as compared to your dysfunctional one, just a single parent. And do you not know of your dad's influence? He will be able to secure your dear daughter's rights for us.", Aparna uttered, still smirking evilly.

Saheer was now enraged.

"You would not dare, Mrs. Khanna."

"Oh, I so would. If you wish to avoid this, marry the girl we have chosen for you within two days. Else, be ready for occasional weekend visits to your daughter. So, what's your decision, 'World's Best Dad'?, she said the last three words in a bitterly sarcastic tone.

"I am ready to marry that girl. And now, Mrs. Khanna, the moment I get married, you and your husband are going to sign paper giving up your rights on Ovi forever. This is the last thing I ask of you. And this is the last thing - this marriage - that I owe you.", Saheer said in a steely tone, anger seeping through his each word.

"Don't you understand? I am doing this for both of you.."

Saheer interrupted her, "If you are done, please leave."

She pursed her lips and left.

Saheer knew his parents weren't the world's best parents, but he had never expected them to stoop so low. As he glanced towards his sleeping Ovi, he was unsure of what the future beheld for them, for him. But he was massively sure of one thing, he would never let anyone hurt his Ovi. He knew this. No new woman would be ever be allowed to mess up their beautiful life. He would make sure of this.

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A glimpse into Saheer and Ovi's life.

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