Bonus Chapter III

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Make sure to read the Author's Note at the end of this chapter

"And my sweetheart, how about a trip, say about 15 days later - the three of us, before princess starts her 12th grade?", Saheer had Veera within her arms and was nuzzling her neck. Veera too reciprocated the gesture by rubbing her face in his broad chest. She went even further to place a chaste kiss there.

"Baby, it's been more than 12 years to our marriage, and you still haven't learnt even the most basic things.", Saheer whispered huskily in the crook of Veera's neck, then proceeding to rub his beard there causing Veera to shudder.

"Huh?", a perplexed Veera asked and then winced as Saheer pinched her waist.

"Didn't you know, you should kiss your husband on his lips first before placing any kisses elsewhere, hmm?"

Saying so, Saheer placed a sloppy kiss on her neck, while rubbing that area of her waist where he had pinched her.

"Oh is it Mr. Khanna? Then the same rules apply to you too.", Veera too proceeded to pinch his waist.

Over the years she had grown quite comfortable and bold with Saheer's proximity, but would still occasionally blush, which Saheer thoroughly enjoyed.

"Hmm, that's like my wife. Demanding from her husband the way she ought to be.", Saheer had now placed his arms around Veera's neck and pulled her closer, leaning towards her face.

Veera too maintained an eye contact with him whilst approaching him when they heard the sound of a throat clearing.

Saheer and Veera were quick to pull apart. They saw a mischievously grinning Ovi gazing at them with twinkle in her eyes.

"Woah, wow, romance and all huh?", Saheer's tiny little princess had grown into a mischievous teenager.

"Ovi", Veera whined at her teasing as her cheeks turned red at having been caught by her.

"Veeee", Ovi teased her in the same whining tone.

Over the years, Ovi had taken up on calling Veera Vee, instead of VF. Though in same rare occasions when it came to buttering Veera, she would still call out VF and then the three of them would burst out in laughter.

Ovi never felt the need of calling Veera as her mom, because their relationship never needed any labels. Moreover, Veera too wasn't really fond of someone calling her mom, thanks to her emotional trauma and pain instilled in by her parents. The both of them shared a really deep bond, almost as close as Ovi's bond with her papa, but there was no need for either of them or even for Saheer, for Veera to be addressed as mom by Ovi. That's how they felt comfortable and despite of what any other person might feel or think, their family's comfort was the most important thing for them.

"Papa, don't tell me, she still blushes.", Ovi gasped, or more like fake-gasped feigning surprise. Her intention was to tease her Vee.

"Hai na (isn't it), I mean more than twelve years to our marriage and look at her.", Saheer chuckled, playing along with Ovi, as they both glanced mischievously at a now furiously blushing Veera.

"You two dad and daughter always do this. Gang up against me.", Veera pouted in response and huffed making Ovi and Saheer chuckle aloud yet again.

"See princess, look at your shy Vee.", Saheer had the complete intention of riling up his wife today, completely knowing the fact that it might lead him out of their bedroom today lest Veera were to get really angry. But Saheer being Saheer, just could not get enough of his dramatics.

Ovi who was earlier thrilled to tease Veera, now gazed at Saheer with an annoyed look.

"Papa yaar, princess mat kaho. I am a grown up girl now.", she whined flailing her arms dramatically.

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