All that ends well

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"Happy anniversary Mrs. Khanna."

Veera was gently shaken out of the throes of slumber by a husky whisper in her ears. Not yet ready to face the tender morning sun, she snuggled deeper into her pillow, her face almost sticking with the pillow covers.

Saheer chuckled at her antics. Waking Veera from her sleep wasn't actually a tough task, but there would be days when she would resist and probably this day of their first wedding anniversary was one of such days.

Veera felt her hair being slipped off her neck and she shuddered slightly feeling a warm breath on her nape. That breath was replaced by short butterfly kisses being placed. Squirming slightly, she tried to give in to sleepiness, but her husband wasn't having any of that.

She groaned and turned to face him opening her eyes.

"That's my girl."

Saheer was gazing into her eyes with such an intensity that the first thing which Veera did after completely coming to her senses was blush furiously.

"I often wonder when you would stop being this shy, my sweetheart. Its been one year now.", he gently caressed her cheek with his knuckles.

"Happy anniversary Jaan.", Veera said in a groggy tone, a shy smile on her face.

Saheer's lips took hers for a sweet kiss. It was just love, pure and unconditional love which he had for his wife. Veera responded with an equal fervor. It was as though, no words were needed, just this sweetest gesture of love was enough for them to know what lied in the other's heart.

"C'mere, I have gotten a cake for us."

Saheer took her hand within his own and led her into the dining space where an excited Ovi was already bouncing on her feet waiting to devour the cake.

Seeing Veera, she leapt off towards her and embraced her feet with a "Happy anniversary VF". She had already wished her papa the first thing in the morning.

Settling themselves such that Ovi was in between them, the trio held the knife altogether and cut the cake. Both Saheer and Veera took a piece and fed Ovi first and then each other.

"Doraemon kaha hai?", Saheer asked looking around.

(Where's Doraemon)

It was surprising for him that there was a dessert on the dining table and the little brat wasn't there.

"He's sleeping papa. He's very lazy, just like VF.", Ovi stuck out her tongue to tease Veera.

"Accha beta.", Veera narrowed her eyes.

(Is it?)

"Why Saheer, do you miss your little brat?", Veera teased her husband.

Saheer did not like to agree to this, but he had come to like the little puppy, very much. There would be times when he would simply take Doraemon within his arms and snuggle into his shiny black fur. Ovi and Veera would often tease him for this, but he would simply scowl at them and refute the obvious.

As expected, Saheer glared at his wife at her question earning a snicker from her.

He cut a larger piece of the cake and chucked it in her mouth all of a sudden making her look at him with wide eyes while trying to chew the cake.

"Mujhe bhi", Ovi whined wanting a larger piece of cake for herself.

(I want it too)

The three of them then sat themselves at the dining table and feasted on the cake. That was their weakness, yummy food, and the three of them being complete foodies, it wouldn't be long before they would devour the entire cake.

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