The raccoon and the trio

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It had been more than four months since Veera and Saheer had been married and hadn't become each other's husband and wife. But the situation was improving, the intensity of the feelings was increasing and the bonds of trust had been strengthening. What had happened during this period was that, the three of them - Veera, Saheer and Ovi had gotten really close to each other as a trio.

Spending their time together, either bonding over Ovi's favourite cartoons or movies or bonding over food, had become a norm for them. In fact, like typical parents, Veera and Saheer gladly took Ovi to parks and play zones, citing aside the factor that Veera was a friend for Ovi, her best friend after her papa, her VF and not her mother. But that was how their dynamic was, comfortable, and they were glad to not have the imposed burden of forced relations cast on them. Neither Veera wanted to be Ovi's mom nor did Ovi really want a mom, she had her papa and that was enough, and even Saheer did not want them to be mom and daughter.

Yes, it did warm his heart when he would see Ovi and Veera bantering, bonding, getting comfortable with each other's presence, habits, and he was in fact glad that this forced marriage of his happened with Veera. He just could not imagine what would have happened had there been some other meddlesome girl. Veera was the complete opposite of what he had expected, and he was extremely elated to have been proved wrong. After all, who does not crave mental peace each day, forever? And, Veera's presence in their home only added up to his and Ovi's peace. Isn't that what he wanted - a wonderful friend?

But lately, she wasn't just a friend, there was something more, something brewing deep within, which he could not pinpoint as of now. Not just for him, but for Veera too, and now, only the jolt of time would knock senses into these two idiots, however, presently, they were all simply happy and at peace with the way their dynamic was.

Veera was sat in the living room couch scrolling through some reels on her phone.

"Oh no, why?", she exclaimed dramatically all of a sudden.

Ovi, who was sitting nearby playing with her Legos got startled and glared at Veera with narrowed eyes for disturbing her.

"VF, why are you shouting?", she whined.

A now pouting Veera glanced towards Ovi and said, "I am sad."

"Huh", was the only thing Ovi could utter. She did not know how to handle a sad adult, especially some one who was not her papa.

"Come here, see this.", Veera called out to her, seeing her perplexed state.

Ovi peeped into her phone and Veera played the reel.

"Now you see this cute raccoon. He's got cotton candy, see", Veera pointed out. Ovi was intrigued and watched the reel curiously with her doe eyes.

Once she saw the raccoon washing his cotton candy and it disappearing, even she exclaimed in the same dramatic manner, "Oh no, why!"

"See, I told you", Veera said to a now pouting Ovi.

Saheer who had been cooking chicken curry for lunch today, abiding by both Ovi and Veera's demands, came out of the kitchen to check up on them. He saw both of his girls pouting and his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

'Oh, your girls? Someone's getting closer to their wife.', his irritating subconscious obviously had to chime in with suggestive thoughts. Saheer mentally rolled his eyes and decided to focus on the matter at hands - their pouts.

"What happened? Why do you two look like a puffer fish?", Saheer tried to crack a joke.

Veera now stared at him blankly and said monotonously, "Lame attempt dude." She knew Saheer would be riled up at this and she had succeeded. Saheer was glaring at her.

"Don't bother. Old age does that to you.", Veera decided to up her game and tease him even more. Ever since she came to know of his being eleven years her senior, she would not leave a chance of making the old-age jokes.

"Too common to be even considered a joke, dude.", now it was Saheer's turn to be monotonous. Veera scowled at him and was about to come up with a retort.

"Offo, papa, VF stop this.", Ovi flailed her arms.

"Papa ko bhi dikhao, VF", Ovi said, pointing towards Veera's phone.

(Show this to papa too, VF)

"Papa, aao tum yaha. VF will show you", Ovi called out.

(Papa come here)

Saheer came and sat on the other side of Veera peeping into her phone.

"Here, see this."

The moment he saw the cotton candy disappearing and the raccoon sporting a really sad expression, he too exclaimed in the same manner, "Oh no why!"

And much to Veera's surprise, she saw her husband truly pouting for the first time. Yes, he did pout while playing with Ovi sometimes, but that was fake, either to guilt-trip his very competitive daughter or to rile her up. But today, he too pouted just like the two of them.

"See, told you", Ovi and her VF exclaimed in unison.

The three humans then sat on the couch once again staring at that sad racoon, pouting.

Suddenly, Veera's nose scrunched, she smelt something, it was a pleasing aroma but she was not able to pinpoint what it was. She glanced towards Saheer who now had a similar expression on his face and was turning to face her.

Their eyes widened at the same time in realisation.


No one knew who shouted first, but a cacophony of two voices was heard, making Ovi flinch at that. She saw the two adults in her home rushing towards the kitchen like chickens on fire.

Anyways, there was already some chicken on fire in the kitchen, literally and the adults hoped that it would have been saved from the wrath of fire. (this is the author's attempt at a lame joke)

Saheer raised the lid as Veera stood besides him worried, she really wanted to have it. Saheer was such a wonderful cook.

"Hush, it's fine. Thank god", Saheer exclaimed with a relieved sigh.

"Phew", Veera blew some air and relaxed.

Meanwhile, Ovi who had trotted into the kitchen shook her head mocking the two adults and said," Huh grown ups, always overreact."

The next moment she hightailed out of the kitchen with a squeal, seeing two laser glares pointed at her.

"Are you sure she's just four?", Veera questioned in disbelief.

"Even I wonder that a lot of times.", Saheer shook his head.

The raccoon and his cotton candy was now long forgotten as the trio proceeded to relish the delicacy.

Where on one hand, Saheer already had this happiness in his life with his princess, he was happy to see Veera share the same bond of comfort with them. On the other hand, Veera who did not really have a moment of peace in her life before, was content to be a part of someone's life, a welcome and cherished part.

Guys, how was this?

What do you feel about the relationship between these three?

Aren't they all the cutest?

So far, who's your favourite in this story? Let me know in your comments.

Also guys, please don't be silent readers, comment, vote and share!!

See you next time :)

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