They respect each other

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It was quite late in the evening when Saheer returned. Veera and Ovi already had their dinners and now they were busy seeing Ovi's car collection. Or more like, Ovi took ahold of her VFs hand and made it a point to describe every single thing about each of her cars. That kid was practically obsessed with them. The fact which put Veera's mind a bit at ease was that Ovi had now calmed down and was back to her cheerful self.

Saheer did a double take when he glanced at Veera as she opened the door, his eyes zeroing on her nuptial chain and the vermillion. Of course he would be surprised, it had been the first time after their wedding that she had worn these.

"Not that I mind Veera, but why this all of a sudden?", he said pointing towards them.

Veera gulped nervously at his question. Not that she minded telling him why she wore the nuptial chain and the vermillion, but she was a bit apprehensive about Saheer's reaction about Ovi when she would tell him all of what had transpired.

"Ah, actually Saheer, your mom visited today in the afternoon.", she started, gauging his reaction. Saheer's eyebrows furrowed. Now what did his mother want.

"What did she say?", he questioned. Veera could feel the sudden chill in his voice now.

'This must be a sore topic.', she thought.

"A lot of things, many unpleasant to be honest, but you asked about these", she said taking the nuptial chain in her hand.

"She asked me to wear these, and I could not refuse nor say anything to her, so", she shrugged.

"I see."

"Tell me Veera, are you comfortable wearing these? Because this is the first time I have seen you in these.", he questioned, a curious expression on his face.

"Saheer, to tell you the truth, not really. And this is not just because we are spouses just on paper, but also because, I would not like wearing these each day.", she spoke truthfully. Saheer smiled at her. He could sense her nervousness in her confidence.

"Do not worry Veera. If you do not like, do not wear these. Its completely your choice, what you wear, what you like, dislike. No one should criticize you for your choices. And I will make sure mom doesn't interfere in this.", he calmly assured her.

Veera was extremely gladdened by the stance her husband took, but even more, her respect for him grew deeper.

'This man is indeed something different. Unlike every other person I have ever met.'

She smiled gratefully at him and then her smile faded as she decided to address the elephant in the room. Saheer could see her fading smile and wondered what had went wrong in a matter of a few microseconds.

"Saheer actually, your mom, I mean, please understand I am not complaining and I also do not know if it was my place to be so vocal about this, but this is really important and about Ovi.", she rambled in a single breath.

Initially Saheer was unsure about what Veera had been speaking and to be really honest, he was more confused, but just when he heard 'Ovi', he grew alert.

"What is it Veera? Tell me clearly."

Veera could see that he had already shifted into a defensive and protective stance.

"Saheer, have you noticed Ovi being uncomfortable around her grandmother?", she decided to be upfront.

Saheer could not understand where she was coming from, like all of a sudden, but decided to answer anyway.

"Yes, she is. My mom does not really like Ovi's being a girl and me spending practically all of my time with her, perhaps, one of the chief reasons she got me married.", he stated frankly.

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