Chapter 8

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Blake was driving it was late at night and they had just came out of the carnival, and in the back was a huge teddy bear. Blake had won it for Taryn at the basketball hoops; he had played several times to win it. Taryn was hugging that huge bear like the world was going to end in a minute. Her head rested on the bear and she slowly drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Her conversation resumed with Jessica “what are we going to do!” Jessica looked at her. It looked like Jessica wasn’t hopeful; her eyes where glazed over staring in the direction of Taryn, and her head was cocked. Taryn felt as if she was talking to a big brick wall. But it was a sort of uncemented brick wall that would surely collapse if it wasn’t maneuvered properly. Taryn devised a game plan for the two of them. Jessica listened slowly as Taryn explained that they were going to grab anything that looked like a weapon and they were going to dash for the door. Taryn stood up and helped Jessica up also. Taryns heart was jumping through her rib cage because she was scared to death. Jessica trailed behind her staggering from fright.

The exit was straight ahead she could see the dark , deep blue sky with what looked like sparkly diamonds shining all over. Taryn reached the door when a hand reached out and grabbed her.

Jessica let out the most terrifying screech out that she had ever heard in her life. The hand was cold, but in a way warming her bones. The hand also had a tight grip on her arm, so tight that she could not wriggle her way out of his spooky grasp. Taryns glance never left Jessica who was being pulled back down the hallway. Taryn tried everything she could to get out of the hold, but ultimately she had to accept that she was doomed. “TARYN BREATHE!”

She awoke to Blake’s deep voice. She had been hyperventilating apparently. “ I- I what is wrong with me!” Taryn whispered. “It’s just so scary, I’m not having dreams I’m having Nightmares” Taryn hugged the bear even tighter than she was and took in the music that surrounded her. She let the music resonate in her brain not just listening to the song but actually listening to the lyrics. She had a tendency to do that when she was sad or scared.

Blake looked over at her and put his hand softly on her leg to reassure her everything was going to be alright. Blake rolled down the window to let her get some air. Taryn stared out at the same dark, deep blue sky with the sparkling diamonds hanging in the musty air. When they arrived at Taryns house Blake opened her door and let her out. Blake walked her to her door and kissed her cheek, and hugged her goodbye. He whispered in her ear, "Thank you I had a fun time!"

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