Chapter 1

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Mile Phakphum Romsaithong, also known as the young ruthless CEO of the Romsaithong Corps. He's strict not only towards his staff but also himself, especially when it comes to working. People who work under him are scared of him yet they have mad respect for him. There's a reason why he's a CEO that young and why the Romsaithong Corps are widely successful.

Mile grew up with loving parents and a big brother, his family was very loving towards him and always supported his decisions, at first Mile had no plans in inheriting the family's business instead he wanted to pursue music, but as he grew up he's got interested in business and starts asking his parents about the family's business.

From that moment on, Mile pursue business, he majored in it and starts helping his parents with the family's business, he started from the bottom and climbed his way up to where he is now. He now handles the family's business domestically, in Bangkok, while his big brother handles it internationally, traveling here and there for business.

Currently, it's past office hours and Mile is still sitting in his office, finishing some paperwork that isn't urgent. He glanced at the clock, 20:43, I'll finish this paper then head home. He lets out a breath before focusing on the paperwork he's holding, trying to finish it as quickly as he can.

21:07, not bad. Mile stretches his body, leaning back toward his chair before he got back to his sitting position. He starts cleaning his desk, and arranging the paperwork based on the status they have, whether they're accepted, declined, or pending.

Once he has done with his desk, he went to grab his coat from the coathanger along with his briefcase. Mile scans his office, making sure everything is in place and to make sure he didn't forget to bring home anything. Once he's sure he heads out of the office towards the parking area.

He unlocks his car, puts his briefcase on the passenger seat then shrugs his suit off and throws it over his briefcase, leaving him with his dress shirt (3 buttons undone, of course) and trousers. He got into the driver's seat and starts his car, driving off as soon as he was set.

The weather at night is not good at all, it's pouring this time around and it doesn't seem to be subsiding soon enough. Mile reaches out towards the radio and turns it on, letting it become a background noise as he passes through the roads.

Once he reaches his house, he parks his car in the garage, thankful for the modern system for the fact he can open and close the garage just with a press of a button. He grabs his stuff before getting off the car. He was about to enter through the garage but forgot that he has left his keys inside, so he must enter from the front door.

Mile walks out of the garage and walks towards the front door, his eyes caught the sight of a small white ball near his front door. He furrows his eyebrows and steps closer to inspect the thing, to his surprise it's a small white rabbit, drenched from the rain and shivering badly.

Mile is not much of a fan of keeping animals, he loves animals but he's not interested in keeping any. Mile crouches down and puts his hands out towards the small bunny, which immediately neared his hands. Mile contemplates if he should bring the pitiful bunny inside or not, he took a glance at the rain, which seems to pour harder.

Mile made up his mind, he gently picks up the small rabbit in his hands and brings it inside. He carelessly threw his suit and briefcase unto the living room couch and headed toward the kitchen. He looks for any kind of cloth or towel available in the kitchen and grabs the first one he finds.

The poor white rabbit in his hands is shivering badly and Mile's eyes soften at the sight. He quickly yet gently dries the bunny as he walks toward his room. He went towards the bathroom and puts the rabbit down in the sink. He then took his hairdryer and plug it on, turning it on to a low setting and gently drying the bunny.

Mile gently pets the bunny, softly smiling at the sight of the small bunny enjoying the warmth of the hairdryer and the pats from him. He thinks to himself about how the bunny seems to trust him fully despite just meeting him. He doesn't think of it much besides the fact of how adorable the bunny looks.

Once the bunny is dried and clean, Mile brings the bunny to his bed, sets it in the middle of it, and tells the bunny to stay still. He then quickly grabs his pajamas and heads toward his bathroom. Not wanting to leave the bunny alone for too long, he ends up with a quick shower.

It doesn't take long until Mile emerges from the bathroom, his eyes immediately searching for the white fluffball. He walks toward his bed and can't help grinning as he saw the bunny staying still in the place he left him. The bunny's nose keeps twitching, eyes scanning around, and tail wiggling.

The moment the bunny saw Mile near him, he hops towards the human, stretching up and pawing the human, wanting to be picked up. Mile complies, he brings the bunny to his hold, holding it against his chest as he brought it to his kitchen.

Once in the kitchen Mile set the bunny on the counter and starts looking for vegetables in his fridge, knowing that he doesn't have any pellets so he settles for that. He prepares a bowl and brings out celery, cucumber, spinach, and lettuce. He cuts them into small pieces and puts them in a bowl then slides them towards the bunny who immediately went through the bowl and starts munching on lettuce.

Mile rests his elbows on the counter and silently watches the bunny cutely munches on the veggies. He thinks about whether he should keep the bunny or not, he's not that fond of the thought of keeping the animal but he doesn't think he's able to easily give the bunny up to a pet shelter. He ends up with the decision on keeping the bunny as it seems like the bunny is very well-behaved and listens to him well.

"What should I name you, bunny?"

Hearing his human (yes, the bunny has decided Mile is his human now) speak, he looks up from his food, abandoning it, and heads towards his human. He stands on his feet as he stares at Mile, nose twitching and tail wiggling.

Mile pets the bunny's head before reaching out for the bowl and putting it near the bunny, which got ignored by the bunny. Mile concludes that the bunny is full, so he took the bunny in his hands, bringing it to his chest, and went to the living room to grab his suit and briefcase. Throwing his suit into the laundry bag and carrying his briefcase towards his room.

Entering his room once again, Mile places his suitcase on his work desk before heading towards the bed. He places the bunny on his bed before he tucks himself under the blanket, once settling down, the bunny gently hops next to Mile and hops up onto Mile's body, settling in the human's chest, and with that, both drifted to sleep.

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