Chapter 6

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It's the weekend and both Mile and Bible are getting ready to go out. The younger is completely out of his shell and is comfortable being with Mile, currently jumping around the bedroom after he finished wearing his (well, Mile's) clothes.

Mile on the other hand is buttoning up his shirt, a soft smile gracing his lips as he keeps his eyes trained on the younger. Their plan for the day is to buy some clothes for Bible and maybe some other stuff.

Once they're done getting dressed, the two head straight to Mile's garage and got into the car, Bible immediately plays around with the stereo, leaving it be once he hears music he likes.

Mile, on the other hand, makes sure he's buckled up before wearing Bible his seatbelt and then finally driving off towards their destination, which is a mall that his family owns. The drive doesn't take that long as it's located not too far from Mile's place.

The two soon arrive at the mall and they both got off in the main lobby, where Mile then hands out his car keys to the valet person before going to stand next to Bible, who's looking around the entrance in awe.

Bible looks around with sparkly eyes, he has never been to a mall like this, before meeting Mile, he rarely goes out of his house as he does prefer staying in, and besides going to accompany his mom to the groceries, he likes staying in his backyard or front yard, never going too far especially alone. The furthest he went out alone is only a couple of houses down.

Mile gently grabs Bible's hand, intertwining their fingers before tugging Bible into the mall. Mile guides the younger toward the clothing stores, all of them high-end brands, and enters one of them when the older feels like the clothing in the shop would suit Bible.

Bible walks quietly beside Mile, latching himself as closely as he can to the older. The mall is huge for small little bunny hybrid Bible and once walks inside there are lots of walking around and passing him. The younger can't help but shuffle closer to Mile, not wanting to get separated from the older.

Once the two inside one of the shops, Mile doesn't waste a minute and starts talking to the shopkeeper, who approaches them, telling them to recommend him some hoodies, shirts, and pants.

The shopkeeper nods at Mile and then guides the two of them towards their sofa while they get some clothes out. Mile and Bible both sit on the sofa, the older leaning back while the younger sits straight, hands planted on the older thigh as he keeps looking around.

"What are you looking at, Bunny?"

"Clothes, P-phi! So manyyy~"

Mile chuckles at the younger, who keeps looking around in awe with his big sparkling eyes and mouth slightly agape. The shopkeeper then soon came back with clothes and Mile gently nudges Bible to stand up before guiding the younger to look at the clothes.



"If you see something you like, tell Phi na. Phi will buy it for you"

"Otay Phi~"

Bible then was guided by Mile to look through the clothes, feeling the fabric and when it comes to pants, Mile nudges Bible to try the one that catches the younger's eyes. Bible nods as he clutches the pants he likes, but when he was guided by the shopkeeper towards the changing room and realized Mile is not following him, he immediately shuffled to the older and latches himself on the older side. Mile was looking at the clothes when Bible latches on his side, he looks at the younger questioningly.

"Bible, why aren't you following the shopkeeper?"

"Dun w-wanna be a-alone..."

"Do you want Phi to accompany you?"

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