Chapter 3

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The ride to Mile's company went smoothly, Mile listening to Bible rambling over what he wants to see in Mile's office and Mile listening attentively as he drives, halfway through the ride Bible fell asleep in his seat.

As they stopped at the red light, Mile took off his suit and drape the clothing on top of Bible's figure, smiling as he watch how Bible's nose twitched and snuggles towards the fabric, having it in his clutch. Mile pets the hybrid's head and went back to focus on his driving.

Arriving at the company went smoothly, Mile's car rolled onto the company's main lobby before stopping. Mile looks towards Bible who's still asleep, with his mouth slightly parted. Mile gently shook the smaller one awake, it only took a couple of shakes before Bible opens his eyes.

"A-are we there y-yet, Phi?"

"Mhm, Let's get out of the car, na"


Mile took his suit off from Bible's body and wore it before he opens the car and got out, he immediately went to Bible's side, opened the door for the smaller one, and waits for Bible to step out.

Once Bible steps out of the car, Mile gently puts on the hoodie on Bible, not wanting the younger one to be in the middle of attention nor does he want the smaller one to be overwhelmed by the attention. Mile put his hands out in front of Bible, letting the younger hold his hand before he closes the door and starts walking into his company.

The moment Mile enters the building, holding hands with a smaller figure, murmurs filled out the surrounding. From security to bodyguards, there is no one who didn't gasp and wonder who the smaller figure is.

Bible who felt like being watched suddenly feels intimidated. He can feel his eyes are on him and people are talking about him. He shuffles closer towards Mile, looping his arms onto Mile's, clutching them.

Mile felt Bible shuffles closer, clutching his arm pretty tight. He feels the smaller one feeling uncomfortable, he glares at the people around them, making them silent. With the murmurs gone, Bible is slightly relaxed yet still alert, his hands still holding onto Mile as he just feels safer.

As they stood in front of the elevator, Mile feels that Bible won't let go of him, he doesn't mind it but he gently unclasped the smaller hands from his arms, before gently bringing Bible into his arms, hugging him and petting him as they wait for the lift arrived.

Bible happily buries himself in Mile's arm, his own arms circling the taller's waist as he rests his cheeks onto Mile's chest. He feels Mile sways them from left to right, and he giggles at it, letting his body sway.

"The elevator is here"


Mile released his hold on Bible before he then grabs the smaller's hand and gently pulls Bible into the elevator. Bible immediately looks around the lift, amazed at the luxurious design, before he then stood in front of the panel.

"Phi! Bibs w-wanna pwess!"

"Okay, 64th floor!"

Bible nods at Mile before he scans the panel, once he found the number he pressed it, giggling as the elevator starts moving. He then went towards Mile's side and waits until they arrive on the designated floor, his eyes trained on the changing numbers on the elevator.

On the other hand, Mile and Bible head up to Mile's office. The company's staff went ballistic, they have their phones out and are informing people they know that work there about how their CEO went inside the building holding hands with someone. News spreads out fast, some believing it and some doesn't, well most of the don't believe it.

Mile Phakphum Romsaitong? Holding hands? With someone? Yeah, right. As if that will happen.

Two bodies emerges out of the elevator and onto the 64th floor, the two didn't pay much attention to their surrounding and they happily went towards Mile's office, passing through the unnoticed direct staff, who have their jaws dropped at the sight.

They halted their actions and their eyes stared at the two figures that walks passed them. Mile, their cold and overbearing CEO, is walking toward his office with a soft smile and warm aura while a smaller figure is holding his hand and swinging them cheerfully, giggling as they walk towards Mile's office.

Mile walks past the hall with Bible and went into his office, letting go of the younger hands to let the smaller one explore his office. Bible immediately went around the office as Mile took off his suit and hangs them in the coathanger.

Bible felt comfortable with Mile, he feels like he can trust the older and can be himself when with him. So when Mile gently lets go of their hands, Bible is brave enough to go around the office. Mile's office was not too big yet not too small, it has enough space for Mile's desk, a coathanger, two sofas, and a coffee table.

"Make yourself comfortable na, Bible"

"Yesh, Phi!"

Bible walks towards the sofa and plops down on it and makes himself comfortable while Mile sits on his chair and arranges his desk, putting files and gadgets on his desk, and turning on his computer. Mile then grabs his tab before standing up and heads towards Bible, who's still looking around his office.



"Here, you can watch something in here"

"Otay Phi"

Mile then hands over his tab to Bible, showing the smaller how to search through the movies before he heads back to his desk, not forgetting to pat the hybrid's head. Once Mile sat down in his chair, he got comfortable before going serious and buried himself in his works while Bible was watching a Studio Ghibli movie on the sofa.

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