Chapter 5

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A couple of hours passed and it was time for Mile to head to his first meeting, he slowly nudged the hybrid in his lap. Bible who ends up falling asleep after his short crying session slowly opens his eyes and rubs them. Mile gently grabs Bible's wrist to stop the smaller one from rubbing his eyes too much.



"Wake up, Bible. Phi needs to go to his meeting"


Bible tightens his hold on Mile's suit, burying his face in the older chest, not wanting to move from his position. He knows that Mile has to leave him for his meeting but Bible just can't help but not want to be separated from the older. He doesn't know where his families are and currently, and Mile is currently the closest thing he has to a family, someone with who he finds comfort. What if after this Phi Mile leaves me?

Mile wraps his arms around the younger's smaller frame, swaying from side to side as he rubs his back. Mile gently reassures Bible that he will come back and that if Bible feels bad while he's away, he will come to Bible.

As the two are bundled up together, a knock was heard and two men appeared, one (being obvious) is Pong, and the other, following Pong, is probably his boyfriend. The two walked towards Mile's desk and stood in front of it.

The moment the door opened and footsteps walking towards the two were heard, Bible slightly tensed. He peeks from his hiding place (aka Mile's chest) and watches as Pong and a stranger walk towards him and stand in front of the desk.

"Sir, This is Phi Tong, my boyfriend. Phi Tong, this is my boss, Sir Mile"

"Nice to meet you, Mile"

"Same goes for you, Tong"

"I'll be outside on my desk to get some documents for the meeting."

With that Pong excuses himself from the office, sharing a short conversation to his boyfriend, telling him that he'll see him later with a sweet smile, Pong disappeared through the door. As Pong walks away, Mile nudges Bible to introduce himself.

"Bible, why don't you introduce yourself to Tong"


"Hello, I'm Phi Tong! Can you tell Phi your name?"

"... 'm B-bible"

"Hello, Bible! Nice to meet you!"

"N-nice to m-mweet you too..."

Mile smiled at the short introduction, he pats Bible's head as he motions Tong to take a seat on the sofa. Mile then brings Bible to stand up, grabbing his stuff from his desk, he then guides Bible to the sofa.

Bible waddles behind Mile as they head towards the sofa, clutching onto Mile's suit from the back as he keeps his eyes trained on Tong, eyes curious at the older man. Bible is curious at him as the older has white hair. Bible's hair is black... Phi Mai's hair is black... How come he has white hair???

Mile then brings Bible out of his hiding, gently nudging the smaller one to sit next to Tong. He gently brushed the younger's hair and patted them, gently smiling at the younger one looking at him with sparkly eyes.

"Bible, Phi has to go na. You'll stay with Tong and if you need something you say it to him, okay?"


"Good boy, I'll see you later, okay."

"O-otay... Um... B-bible will miss P-phi Mai"

"Phi will miss Bible too. I'll go now."


Bible watches Mile walks out of the office with his body turned to face the door from the sofa. Bible's face turns grim, his mouth turns into a huge pout and his eyes start to turn watery. A sob made its way out of him and he dropped his head down, staring at the blurry figure in his lap.

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