Chapter 9

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A/N: Sorry for the long wait but I've been getting back to reading and I keep on forgetting to update T^T But, I decided to clean my room and study desk to heighten my motivation and so here's an update!! I'll update To Be Happy after this hehe ALSO I MET XU KAI WTF AKFOOOSKF

Bible woke up to the noise of Mile's voice, he opened his eyes to see the older at the edge of the bed on his phone looking stressed. He silently crept towards Mile, and sat next to the older, their bodies touching.

Noticing the younger is up and sitting next to him, Mile softens and brings the younger into his arms, playing with his hair as he keeps on talking on the phone. Mile has been at it for half an hour by now, and things have been a bit rough in his office.

Another half an hour passes before Mile finally ends his call, he sighs before looking down at the younger, who has fallen asleep again in his arms. He smiles at the sight of Bible, the younger is clutching onto his shirt, as he sleeps soundly.

Mile doesn't want to wake the younger up but sadly he must. He gently coaxed Bible out of his sleep, hugging the younger and poking his cheeks. At this point, Mile has a thing for Bible's cheek, it's soft like a marshmallow and Mile just wants to bite them.

"Bibs, come on. Wake up, honey"


"Bibs, wake up, honey. Phi has something to tell you"

"W-What is it P-Phi?"

Mile is already feeling bad at what he's about to say to Bible, he doesn't want Bible to get sad or even worse, cry, but he doesn't have a choice. His heart aches as he stares at the younger, who looks so soft in his arms.

"Phi Mai?"

"Oh? Oh... Bible, listen to Phi, and don't get sad okay?"


"Phi's office needs Phi, and Phi has to go abroad for an emergency meeting"


"Yeah, Abroad. Outside of Thailand"

"Oh! O-Okay! W-We should pack!"

"Bibs, I'm sorry. But I can't bring you..."

"P-Phi is l-leaving Bibs?"

"Oh, honey. No, Bibs. Phi will always come back. Always."

"H-How long will P-Phi be away?"

"3 days. Only 3 days and I'll be back"

"Okay... Bibs is g-good boy. Bibs w-will wait here for Phi"

Mile feels his heart breaks, he doesn't want Bible to be left alone but he has tool, and seeing how Bible braves himself and trust him so much makes it hard for Mile to want to leave the younger.

"How about this! Phi doesn't want Bibs to be alone or feel lonely how about inviting P'Tong and P'Pong for a sleepover??"


"Yes, of course. Anything for my bunny"

Seeing Bible's face lightens up at the mention of Tong and Pong makes him feel a bit relieved, and so he calls the couple and starts explaining the situation, the two agrees without much thought, and they even plans to bring a friend for Bible, another hybrid.

Hearing the conversation, Bible forgets the fact he won't be seeing Mile for a couple of days, instead he's beaming up at the older and starts excitingly talks into the phone, telling the couple how excited and happy he is.

Once the conversation sets, both Mile and Bible starts getting ready for the day. Mile headed to the bathroom first, showering before heading out to pack his stuff for his trip abroad. Bible washes after Mile, making sure he's clean before going out to pick his outfit for the day.

Mile wore his suit while Bible ended up wearing Mile's hoodie and his shorts, looking soft and adorable Mile ended up hugging the younger and telling him how adorable he looks and how he'll miss him so much.

Bible giggles at the olders antics, hugging the older back and telling him that Bible will always wait for him. The two had their moment for a while before the bell rang, the two broke their hug and heads towards the front door.

The two greet Pong and Tong, with Bible jumping to Pong, giving the older a hug before going to Tong. As he is about to hug Tong, Bible realizes that there's another person with the couple.

Bible freezes while he's still hugging Pong, he looks at the stranger curiously, still hesitating to go to Tong. The older saw this and smiled at Bible, gently beckoning the younger over before introducing the younger to the stranger.

"Bible, let me introduce you to someone. This is Jeff, he's a bit older than you and he's a cat hybrid"


"Mhm, how about saying hi?"


Bible looks at Mile who gently nods at him, the younger took a deep breath before walking over to Tong, looking at the stranger curiously.

"H-Hi! I'm Bibs, I'm bunny!"

"I-I'm Jeffy... cat..."

"L-let's be f-friends!!"


Bible reaches his hand out to Jeff, offering a handshake, to which Jeff takes it. The two still seem shy with each other but it seems like they're interested in each other and would make good friends with each other.

They all went inside before Mile had to leave. Jeff still hides behind Tong, looking curiously at Bible while Bible settles on Mile's lap, waving at Jeff every time they make eye contact.

The moment Mile has to leave, realization starts hitting Bible. The older one is going to leave him, it may be only a couple of days but he'll be alone. Tears start welling up in his eyes before he starts sobbing.

He doesn't want Mile to leave, but he knows he has to and that the older will come back to him. Seeing this Mile immediately hugs the younger, comforting him and promising he'll come back and will call him every night. The two have their moment before Mile leaves, leaving him with Pong, Tong, and Jeff.

Bible ends up being hugged by Tong, who's gently comforting the younger, and seeing how Bible seems so sad, Jeff quietly stalks the bunny before patting the younger on the head.

"Don't be sad. He'll come back!"

Jeff stares at Bible before holding his hand out, the younger takes his hands before he is dragged inside, with Pong and Tong following the two hybrids. Jeff starts softly talking about what they can do, what games they can play, and what food they can eat, softly distracting Bible from feeling sad. Tong neared the two, before patting the two hybrids.

"How about Bible give Jeffy here a house tour while we prepare some food?"

Bible lights up at the idea, before nodding at Tong. He rubbed his eyes and stood up, he grabbed Jeff's hands before he started pulling his new friends to introduce the house to him. Jeff doesn't mind the slightest and lets the younger drag him around.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2023 ⏰

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