Chapter 3 - One hell of a Day.

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Harry and Draco were walking through Diagonally, the blonde looking at the other with sympathy, and the ravenette was in pure shock. "I'm..." Harry said and turned his face away, while Draco smiled softly and raised a brow.

Harry cleared his throat and looked down, before taking a glance up at the blonde, who still looked at him, waiting. "As of, when we return, I am a Slytherin." He said and Draco took a few seconds to realize what had left Harry's mouth, before stopping abrubtly. His eyes wide and mouth ajar.

Harry hesitated and then stopped, turning to the blonde, who was a few steps behind him. Harry chuckled at his expression, and then Draco smirked. "Well well well, Pottah, a Slytherin. I would have nevah." He said and Harry rolled his eyes, holding out his hand towards the blonde, kind of like how Draco did in their first year. And how Harry asked for his friendship in their fifth.

"Hello. I'm Harry, Harry Potter. And I am transfering to the Slytherin dorm. Would you like to show me around?" He asked and Draco smirked, once more, before taking Harry's hand and pulling him in, close to his chest. And leaned down, whispering in his ear, tightly grasping his hand and having his other arm up to the back of Harry's neck. "Well, Harry... I suppose we could figure something out..."

Harry felt goosebumps going down his back and he shivered slightly, which made Draco smirk knowingly as he took a step back, a gleam in his perfect grey eyes.

"Harry?" A voice asked behind Draco, and Harry blinked a few times before looking over there. "Oh. Mrs. Weasley, hi." Harry said and Draco moved to the side, but didn't turn around, his face grim. "Oh Harry! Why have you not come home?" Molly asked and Harry glanced to his side, before smiling and looking at the woman. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Weasley. I can't make it this year... Snape is holding me back at the school to do some extra work in potions and other things, as I am behind." She hummed and looked conflicted. "Do you want me to contact Dumbledore about it?" "No! No. It is quite alright." Harry waved his hands before him in adismissive manor.

"I will send owls with your gifts then." She said and walked up, clapping his cheeks with a bright smile. "Oh!" She looked to her side and noticed that it was Draco standing there. "Well, if it isn't young Mr. Malfoy." Harry noticed the flinch, coming from Draco at his own name. "Malfoy!" Ron spat and grimaced. "Mate, what are you doing here with him?" He asked and Harry furrowed his brows. "We bumped into one another here, and decided to just walk along together."

"Mate... Why?" Ron asked and Harry glanced at Ginny, who just smiled and then jabbed Ron in the side. The two had a special bond, whenever Harry was conflicted in slapping Ron, she happily hit him. Harry was the soft brother to the hard sister, and Ginny didn't mind that.

"Ow! Ginny!" Ron exclaimed and Harry snickered, before smiling at Molly and then sighing. "I really should get going. I'll owl your gifts as well, talk to you all after christmas." He said and then turned, walking along. When Draco didn't follow, he furrowed his brows, stopped and turned to the male. "You coming along?" He asked and saw Ron's shocked face, while Molly just smiled, proud of her boy.

Draco looked conflicted and then cleared his throat and nodded. And so the two walked off. When out of hearing range, Draco asked. "Harry... Why are you friends with me..?" To which Harry raised his brows in shock and then smiled softly. "Because... Deep down, under the whole 'Fuck off from me, peasents' facade... You're a good person." Draco felt tears in his throat, but held them back and glanced at Harry out of the corner of his eye. "Draco... You're a good person..." Harry said and looked at the blonde, a soft look in his eyes, tears showing in Draco's.

They walked in silence for a while, until they walked past a boutique and Harry's face lit up, running over there like a little kid in a candy store. "Oh my MERLIN!" Harry said and Draco raised a brow, walking over slowly, looking over the shorter males, head of hair. Draco being 5'9 and Harry being 5'7. "What?" He asked and Harry chuckled, pointing at the item, of which he had been admirering.

It was a ring. It was of silver with a snake and a green emerald in its mouth. Draco smirked and hummed. "Kind of Slytherin looking, don't you think." He whispered and Harry rolled his eyes. "Well, gotta look the part, ya know." Harry said and looked up, gulping as Draco looked down with a smirk. Their faces inches apart.

"Say, Harry..." Draco said, making Harry hum in acknowledgement. "Why did you switch house?" Harry chuckled and pushed away from the window, walking away from it as he shook his head. Draco turned around and followed after him. "Does one need a specific reason?" He asked and Draco hummed, shrugging his shoulders. "I suppose not... I was just curious, you never really wanted to discuss the issues at the Gryffindor house."

Harry pocketed his hands and then looked at the blonde with a soft smile. "I felt more at home with you... In the Slytherin dorms, over the past year... Than I had in the Gryffindor house, for the past 6." He said and this made Draco smile. "Well then." He said and wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulder. "Should I give you that official tour now?" He asked and Harry laughed, nodding his head. Draco got so very cocky when it had anything to do about him.


The day after, Harry sat at breakfast, he wore normal muggle attire, as there was no school and they could all wear whatever they wanted. Harry wasn't really much for showing the few people that were there, that he was a Slytherin. He was waiting for the start of after new years.

Draco walked over and sat beside him with a grin. "Hey, Pottah." He said and some of the others snickered, while Harry just raised a brow at the boy before him. "Say, Malfoy. Why aren't you home with your rich family?" Harry asked and Draco sent him a smirk, which could be seen as angry, but Harry knew differently. "Well, I could ask you the same. Perfect family of yours, why not spend time with them?" After neither of them answered, they ate in silence, both stealing small glances at one another.

After breakfast, Harry got out his book and began to read, which surprised Draco. "You read?" He asked and Harry smirked. "Of course I do, idiot." Draco glanced around and saw that most of the others had left, and that they were mostly alone, which made him lean over and whisper.

"Wanna head out..? We could go to the astronomy-tower or... Our room." Draco said and Harry blinked rapidly. He hadn't slept in the Slytherin dorms that night, due to Snape saying there was no room available, at least not for a few days. Harry smiled and raised a brow. "Our room?" He asked and Draco smiled softly. "Yep. Wanna go. I know you're seen it before, but, thought you might want to put some of your stupid stuff in it." Harry let out a soft laugh and nodded. "Lets go then." Draco stood and left, Harry leaving a minute after.

"Here it is." Draco said and Harry walked into the familiar room. It had one super wide king bed, with two sets of pillows and duvets. One decorative pillow had the letter D beautifully sown into it, and another had the letter H, sown the same way, on either side. The nightstand on the side where the pillow with the letter D, was decorated with pictures, or Pansy, Blaise, himself and Harry, all in the photoes together. But there was one, with just Draco and Harry himself, the both of them sleeping. Draco's head on Harry's stomach. The other nightstand was empty.

"So..." Harry said and Draco smiled softly. "I know. A tad bit small, but we'll make it work." He said and Harry rolled his eyes. "Tad bit small, my arse." He said and Draco grinned.

"Well... Welcome home."

Don't Wanna go - Part 1 - Before the War.Where stories live. Discover now