Chapter 10 - Everyone is in for a Surprise.

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Pansy and Blaise stared at Harry with wide eyes and mouthes ajar as they walked to the dining hall. It was empty in the halls, which indicated that they were fashionably late. Neither one of them wore their Slytherin robes, as it was not a must. They entered right in the middle of Dumbledores speech, which made all eyes turn to them, gasps echoing through the room.

"Mate! Come on!" Ron yelled and waved Harry over, Hermione smiled at Harry and waved to him, but not in a gesturing manor, more like a neutral, 'hello'.

"Malfoy, Parkinson, Zabini and Mr. Potter." Dumbledore said with a sigh and the four looked up at him with raised brows. "Care to explain why you're late?" He asked and Harry smiled. "Why sir. A wizard is never late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to." He said and the Ravenclaws all giggled.

"Harry." Dumbledore said with a threatening tone of voice, which merely made Harry raise a brow at him. Dumbledore sighed and shook his head. "Take your seats, and let us continue before the youngest starve." He said and the four all bowed their heads and went to the Slytherin table, catting as they did so. "Harry Potter! I said sit at your tables!" Dumbledore yelled out and Harry flashed him a smile, while McGonagall stood as did Snape. 

"Yes. Actually. Dumbledore, that is what we wanted to say this fine morning." McGonagall said and as Harry sat down, he made eye contact with Ron, who stared in horror and Hermione merely shrugged.

"Harry Potter, came to me before christmas. Asking to be resorted. The sorting hat let him change to Slytherin, and he has been settling in over the last three weeks." She said and then bowed, sitting down with Snape to let Dumbledore continue speaking.

But all of the new information had caused everyone to just sit in silence and stare at the Slytherin table, while the ones at said table all stared with wonder at the ravenette. He looked the same, but something was different. Not everyone were happy, but most were neutral about it.


After dinner, the group of four was stopped by Ron, Hermione and Ginny just following along with a sigh.

Neville was there too, the same for a few other Gryffindors. "Harry!" Ron yelled and gripped Harry's shoulders, his eyes wide and his body trembling. "Why on earth would you go to the Snakes!" He spat out and Harry sighed, pushing Ron's hands off of him. "Ron. You of all people should know just how miserable I had it in the Gryffindor house. I got poisened and they laughed, some of my things got snatched and hidden away... In my eyes, it ain't the Slytherins that are the bad ones here. Gryffindor thrives to be the 'loyal' and 'goldenhearted'. But you can't even look at Draco, at the mere possibility that he has the dark mark. The MERE possibility... And now you can't look at me, either." Harry could practically hear the snap, with how fast Ron's head rose and their eyes met. Well, eye.

His red eye was covered by hair, and a little bit of glamour magic, he had to get himself a patch over it. "Harry... You look weird..." He said and Harry could tell that he was saddened. Harry turned his head and Ron gulped, shaking his head. "He's not wrong Harry... Your aura has changed." Harry felt the hairs on his neck raise at Hermiones words, and it was clear that she noticed him tensing up. "Harry." She said and then Pansy placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Harry... You had something to ask Hagrid, remember?" She asked and looked at Hermione with a sly smirk. "Yeah... Thanks Pan..."

Hermione felt tears rise in her eyes and then Harry walked over to her. Or well... He tried to. Ron stepped in between which made Harry raise his brows. "RONALD!" Ginny exclaimed and Hermione stared at the red haired male, in shock. "You're not touching her." Harry felt a small part of his heart, break. "Weasley. Wow..." Blaise said and shook his head.

"Ron... How could you..." Hermione asked, tears falling from her eyes. "He's one of them now. He's made that pretty darn clear... Can't believe that Mother and Father invited you into our home." Ron said nad Harry's eyes grew cold. "Your parents know." He said and straightened his back, his whole demeanor changed to one of stone. Hard and cold, his face ridden of all emotion. His sharp jaw, tense and his eyes held no recognition.

"What..?" Ron asked and Harry shrugged. "Your mother, sent the presents by owl, to the Slytherin house. She knew, before I even had to tell her. Molly-" "Don't say her name!" Ron yelled and Harry took in a breath and nodded. "You said that even if I came with the darkmark, you would love me. I merely swapped houses, and this is how you react. What a liar you are." Harry said and sent Hermione a look his eyes softened a bit, as did it when he looked at Ginny, who looked about ready to rip off Ron's head. "Take care..." He said and then grasped Pansy's hand, walking off with his friends.

"Harry... You okay?" Pansy got no answer as they walked to Hagrids hut. "Hey 'arry!" Hagrid said with a wide grin, which melted Harry a bit, and he walked up to the giant, giving him a big hug. "Hey Hagrid..." "The green really suits ya, my boy!" Hagrid said and they all went inside, Fang came running over and began to lick Harry all over. "Fang! Lay down, will ya!" Hagrid said and Fang huffed before going to lie in his bed by the couch. Harry and Draco sat down beside one another, while the other two went to the chair and sat, both fitting in it.

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure?"

They talked to Hagrid for a couple of hours, before remembering that they had a party to attend back at the dorms. "I have to use the bathroom, meet you in mine and Draco's room." Harry gave Draco's hand a squeeze and then hurried into the bathrooms over in the next corridor over. "Mm... You guys go, I'll wait for him." Pansy said and smiled, Blaise and Draco nodded and went off, both more comfortable now that Pansy would walk with Harry back to the dorms.

Harry entered the bathroom and hurried into a stall, finishing his business. As he was washing his hands, having put his rings on the counter, the door to the bathroom opened, and in walked Ron, Seamus and Dean. Harry raised a brow and dried off his hands, before slowly putting his rings back on. He thought they just needed to take a leak, and he went to leave.

But as he walked away from the sink, the other males stepped in between and blocked the way. "What?" Harry asked. He was getting tired of this. "Were we not enough for your ego?" Dean asked and crossed his arms. "Did the perfect boy, not feel that Gryffindor fit in with his perfect life?" He spat and Harry looked at Ron with raised brows.

"Perfect life... Huh. Never thought that would have come from you lot... Especially you Ronald. When you know damn well, that it is a lie." Harry said and tried once more to come past, drawing in a deep breath when he was blocked once more.

"Harry Potter... The snake." Seamus said and rolled his eyes. "Should have figured... Only a follow of the dark lord himself, would be able to withstand the killing curse, not once, but twice." He scoffed and Harry rolled his eyes. "What do you want?" He asked and let his arms fall down to either side of him, not getting why everything had to be THIS different, just because he wore green.

"We want you to admit that someones controlling you. Even if we have to beat it into your brain. You've clearly been brainwashed." Ron said and Harry looked at him with raised brows and mouth ajar, not gathering the level of stupidity from the boy. "I- What!? Do you know just how insane you sound?!" He asked and looked at them all. "How insane you all sound!? I am still Harry! I just didn't feel comfortable in the Gryffindor house! How does the fact that I am a slytherin in any fucking way, change who I am!?" Ron rolled his eyes once more and pushed Harry back, a finger poking him in the chest.

"Harry would have never just switched and become friends with death eater snakes... My brother would have never lied to my face about where he belonged..." His voice was low, but deafening. "Ron." Harry said and the look on his face, made Ron falter a bit. Harry looked scared... He gulped and took a step back. "I am not friends with death eater snakes... I am friends with Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy... Who are all teenagers. They are in no way able to make or stand responsible for decisions that are made without their consent, as they are not of legal age. And for your information..." Harry said and straightened his back,closing his eyes as he flicked his hair, first making sure that it covered the red eye, before looking at the three again.

"They are good people. Kind, trusworthy and loyal. More Gryffindor than any other Gryffindor that I have ever known. They are also cunning and harsh, which is why they are in Slytherin." He said and dusted off his suit. His cold eyes looked at them all three, putting up his mask once more. "Now. If you'll excuse me. I have a party to attend..." He said and then walked past Ron.

But Seamus was not finished and sent a fist to Harry's gut, making the boy groan and double over. "What the fuck..." He gasped out and then looked at them all. Ron had his face turned, while Seamus and Dean began to beat up Harry on the ground.

In that same moment, Pansy checked her wristwatch and sighed. "How fucking long are boys about taking a piss or a dump?" She asked and rolled her eyes, contemplating wether or not she should go in. Five minutes or so later, the door opened, but it wasn't Harry who came out. It was Ron, Dean and Seamus, all just walked in the opposite direction of Pansy.

A minute or two later, the door opened again and Harry came limping out. Pansy's eyes widened. Harry was seemingly unharmed in the face, but he had a trail of blood after him as he walked. Pansy ran over and caught him just before he collapsed.

"Harry!?" She exclaimed and then tried to lift him, but couldn't. And her wand was back in her room.


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