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Harry gets attacked on a late December night, by an unknown,  muggle vampire

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Harry gets attacked on a late December night, by an unknown, muggle vampire. Another vampire come to his rescue, but Harry remembers not what the last one looked like. He is hurt, broken and thought to be dead by the second vampire... What will happen when a certain pack of wolves, stumble upon the distressed child, and want to bring him home? What if he says no? What about his family? Will they still love him, even after all that has happened...

(Eyes glistening emerald green, long black curls flowing in the wind, the red cape covering their body, shielding them from the cold, basket filled with groceries over their arm, just wanting to get home, and get started on the list of things that needs to be done, before their relatives return home, they were unaware of their surroundings. Even if the hairs on the back of their neck stood up defiantly, they couldn't make out what was causing the unease within them

But the feeling of being watched wore heavy on his mind, as he passed the park, only two more miles... He should have gone shopping earlier on in the night, it was late, almost ten in the evening. But he had had other things on his mind earlier on in the day...)

What if Harry is actually the mate of a specific blonde, vampire? Will they ever find one another, through all of this madness, and Harry's understandable fear, of their kind? Do they all know, that he is a Wizard?

Read to find out, in this Harry Potter and Twilight crossover!

Gay ships
Ronald Bashing
Dumbledore Bashing
Sirius and Remus Bashing
Semi-Good Cornelius Fudge
Alive Sirius
Twilight and Harry Potter Crossover
Brothers and sisters
Good Bella Swan
Blocked magic...

Snippet of Story:

"You sure, Jacob?" Sam asked and eyed the shifter. Jacob clenched his jaw and looked around. They had caught scent of a vampire not far from this neighbourhood, and whatever had happened, it reeked of it by that one house. "I'm sure... I'm sorry, I know this mission was to get the nomad, but I am certain something is going on at this house." Sam inclined his head and let out a high-pitched whistle, which would only be heard by members of his pack, and they all flocked around him, until he gestured to the house that reeked of leeches, death and agonising pain.

As one group made their way to the back entrance, where the door was still completely open, the late December wind, blowing the pretty curtains out into the night, the other group remained outside, to keep watch.

Darkness swam within the house, no light was turned on in any corner of the house, so when Seth turned one on in the living room, they were all slightly frightened by the, almost shrine looking, place. A fat kid, with his fat father and pencil thin mother, covered every inch of the house, and it reeked of both bleach as well as blood and dirty rags. Grumbling, Sam's alpha senses tingled as he went towards the stairs, his blood running cold, making him halt by a specific door, to a small compartment under the stairs.

He flung the door open, his eyes widening at the smell that hit his sensitive nose. "It reeks of a child, and I do not reckon that fat lump fits in here..." He hissed and quickly closed the door again, turning to Jacob, he made the young man walk upstairs, along with Paul, Jared and Quill, nodding the four went up to continue their search.

Quill opened the door to a large bedroom, littered with toys, games, a computer, candy wrappers and all kinds of shit. Jared opened to the Master Bedroom, neat and proper, nothing much to it really. Paul opened the door to the room with the mass amount of locks on it, his eyes widening at the bars on the windows, the little to nothing bed, with only a thin duvet and a wool blanket, a simple closet and a desk in the corner. There was a single loose floor-board as well, which was probably where valuables of whoever lived in this room, was kept.

When Jacob opened the door to the bathroom, his heart sank and he let out the whistle, alarming everyone. "We have a kid!" He shouted out and hurried into the bathroom and over to the child on the ground. He was small, maybe between twelve and thirteen. Nothing but skin and bones on his body, and the amount of bruising...

"Paul, give me your shirt." Paul was the only one wearing one, and he didn't even hesitate to hand it over to Jacob, who quickly got it onto the boy, cradling the child in his arms. "We need to get him somewhere comfortable, he's clearly sick." Quill grumbled and Jacob gave a curt nod, before hurrying with the boy into the master bedroom and laying him onto the bed.

"He's feverish. Get an ice-pack from the freezer downstairs." Jared wasted no time in hurrying down there to get, said ice-pack. Jacob sighed and covered the boys private parts with the duvet, he wasn't bothered, but if the kid decided to wake up, well, the kid might be a bit flustered... And if the injuries were anything to take from, he had been severely hurt... Possibly even in a sexual way.

"He reeks of leech..." Paul grumbled and eyed the kid laying there, writhing in pain, in his shirt. Jacob gave the man a glare. "Have some compassion, Paul. We don't know who he is, his past or anything about him. Let alone what happened tonight..." Paul raised his hands and backed up, allowing room for Sam and Jared to enter once they returned.

"He's being abused, that's clear." Sam grumbled and eyed the pathetic form on the bed. "When we get him stabilised, we'll take him home."

"What?! Just steal him from his family!?" Quill exclaimed and Sam raised his hand at the other wolf. "Certainly, his family does not care for him. And besides..." Sam turned to Jacob. "You're related to him."

"How so?!" Jacob gasped.

"Here. A family tree, he had it in his belongings. You're his cousin. His uncle is your fathers cousin."

Jacob looked over the very odd tree and raised his brows in surprise. This meant that him and his father could legally remove the child from whoever were hurting him... Was that good news? They had no idea who this kid was, and what he was like... What if he turned out to be some kind of psychopath? Or worse, a brat...

"Think about it Jacob. First we need to settle his fever, and I don't know if we are capable of doing so."

"You don't seriously suggest-" Leah laughed and gestured to the boy. "Seriously?! You want to prance into a hospital with him!?" She whisper shouted and shook her head at her alpha, snorting incredulously, she shook her head and went to join the guard watch, sending in her brother instead, he was also closer to the kids age, or so it seemed, he may be of more help.

"According to this." Jacob grumbled, pointing to the sheet of paper that Sam had give him. "The kid is fifteen."

"No way..." Paul whispered, eyeing the small 5'2 child on the bed, his eyes wide in horror. A large amount of the boys from the reservation, were huge, he knew that. But to be fifteen, and only 5'2... That was another form of hell.


Let me know what you think of it in the comments! First chapter will be published some day in January. So, stay tuned!

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