Chapter 5 - Midnight Snack.

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Harry and Draco both sat in the bed that night, neither daring to go to lunch or dinner, as it had been hard to keep their hands off of the other, and the marks, of course. They could just heal or glamour them... But, they kind of didn't want to hide away that part of them.

"How long..." Harry asked and Draco blinked a couple times, blushing a bit before clearing his throat and scratching his neck. "I... Uhm..." Harry was confused and then thought about it, blushing a hard red before saying. "Not that! I meant, how long have you liked me?!" He said and hid his face in his hands. "Oh... Uhm... Well... I kind of always have..." Draco said and Harry calmed down enough to look at him in confusion.

"I have always, known... That you were perfect, that kind of perfect that I really wanted to be, or well, that was what I thought back when I was young and naive... In reality, you're the kind of perfect for my heart..." He said and Harry smiled softly, moving closer and cuddling into Draco's side. "You're perfect in my eyes too..." Harry said and looked up at Draco, who blushed and smiled. "What about you... How long have you known?"

Harry furrowed his brows and then hummed. "Well... I found you very attractive when we first met... But then thought you might be kind of an ass... But I suppose as the years progressed I grew wiser and figured out that there probably was something underneath all of the, toughness... And I was right..." He said and Draco chuckled, shaking his head. "Right..." He said and Harry looked up at him. "I'm serious..." Harry said and that made Draco raise his brows.

"And also. I am kind of hungry... Think we could pop into the kitchen real quick?" Harry asked with a pout, making Draco smile and nod. "Of course we can." The two stood and walked out of the Slytherin dorms. It was way past midnight, and both would regret not having gotten enough sleep when they woke up in the morning.

They opened up for the portrait to the kitchen and silently walked in, not being able to hold back their laughter when on the other side. "Fuck that was close... Did you see McGonagall?" Draco said and looked over at Harry, only now realizing that he had an arm around the smaller, which made them both blush. Harry chuckled softly and nodded.

Both boys stared into one anothers eyes for a little while longer, before a small voice behind them, cleared. "Master Harry? Master Draco?" Draco and Harry jumped apart and looked over at who was standing there. "Dobby! Hi buddy!" Harry exclaimed and Draco merely waved at the elf.

"Hello. What are both masters doing in the kitchen so late at night?" Dobby asked, making both Harry and Draco blush a little. "Well, we kind of forgot to eat dinner-" "Oh my! Pixie! Dixie!" Dobby called out and ran over to the stoves in the kitchen, were two elves poped up, looking at Dobby in confusion. "What, Dobby?" Dixie asked and the male elf sighed. "We need to must up a quick dinner for Master Harry and Master Draco, is that possible?" Dobby asked and the two elves glanced over at the two males, Pixie cowering slightly, but nodded.

"Master Harry! Master Draco! Please, come sit." Dobby said and the two males sat by the kitchen counter, where two high chairs had been summoned up for them. They conversed with Dobby and Dixie, Pixie didn't say much, but gave them a small smile or nod once in a while.

"Here." Dixie said and handed over two plates with food. "We hope Masters enjoy it." She said and Harry laid his head on the side, looking at all the elves. "Is there a specific reason that you call us master?" He asked and Draco smiled softly, taking a bite of his oven baked potato wedges with paprika on them.

"Well..." Dixie said and scunched up her face in confusion. "I don't know, Master Harry. I suppose that is just how we are born to respond." She said and Harry nodded slowly. "Thank you for your answer, Dixie." He said and smiled at her, she blushed slightly and popped away, as did Pixie when she noticed her other half gone. Dobby smiled at the two masters, before also disappearing.

"Wow. And I thought it was me who had your heart." Draco said shaking his head, while Harry looked at him in confusion. "What-?" Draco laughed at his confusion, clutching his belly.

The two made light banter as they ate, both feeling full afterwards, and conversing some more. "We really should head to bed..." Draco said and Harry hummed, nodding slowly. They descended from the chairs and walked off, leaving the dishes in the sink, knowing that the elves will find it as a sign of trust that they can do their job properly.

The two boys walked, hand in hand down the halls, making their way towards the Dungeon, when they heard voices from a hall, just around the corner. They both hurried to hide behind the wall and listened in.

"I need you to understand-" Dumbledore. "I understand quite well! Thank you very much! You have been using illegal Legiliamency on Harry Potter! And removed any memory reguarding meetings, from my memories, that you were unhappy with! I could hand you over to the ministry and get you detained!" McGonagall exclaimed and both Harryand Draco glanced at one another.


"But I won't. Because that would mean You-Know-Who might have a chance of getting the shovel under us. But after his downfall, I expect you to resign and go on pension, and let me take over as headmistress. Harry and Severus, deserve to know the truth." She said and then there was a series of footsteps, disappearing. A sigh came from Dumbledore, and then he quietly walked off. After around 3 minutes, Draco turned to Harry and asked. "So... Was what McGonagall said, the truth?" He asked and Harry gulped, nodding his head. Draco sneered something and then took some deep breaths.

Harry sighed and gripped the others wrist, making Draco wince and scoot away. "Draco..." Harry said and looked with worry at the other, whom visibly paled. "What's going on." Harry asked, making Draco sigh. "Can we just make it past Christmas..?" Draco looked at Harry, pleadingly. The ravenette sighed and shook his head. "No... Draco, if you're hurting yourself, we have to talk about it, now." Draco sighed and rolled up his sleeve to his left arm, showing bandages on his lower arm. "It's not what you may think..." He said as Harry began to unroll the bandages. A gasp echoed from Harry's lips as he saw the black mark on Draco's arm. "No..." He said and shook his head.

"Why..?" "I had no choice!" Draco exclaimed, before taking some deep breaths. "I most certainly did not want this... I feel that the white lines may tell you something about that fact." He said and Harry looked back down at the mark, seeing clear white lines, cutting up the mark. "Oh Draco... Why didn't you just tell me?" Harry asked and Draco blinked in confusion.

"I thought you would hate me..." "Hate you..? How could I hate you for something that you have absolutely no power over?" "I don't know... I just..." Harry had a firm grip on Draco's right wrist, his other hand carressing his cheek, softly.Harry moved his face down to the scars and the dark mark, leaving a soft kiss on it, before looking back up at Draco and kissing his lips. "I could never hate you..." Harry said and Draco let a few tears fall.

"Fuck... I was supposed to be all manly and stand up for you towards Dumbledore..." He hiccuped and Harry chuckled. "As if..." Harry said and with his thumb, he wiped a few of the tears from Draco's cheeks. "Come on... We may still be able to sleep a few hours before it is present time..."

As the two boys walked away, a man in the farther end of the very same corridor, stepped forward and smiled softly, having heard the whole thing. He looked at his own hand, which had the scars of a unbreakable vow around it and smiled. "I promise, Narcissa... Your boy will be safe." And then he wandered off. Similar white scars decorating a black tattoo of a skull with a snake, on his left arm.

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