Chapter 11 - A little visit to Madam Pomfrey.

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Harry could hear bits and pieces here and there, of a conversation going on around him. He felt hands on his body... His body, it kinda hurt... The handsome ravenette was picked up and he caught on that the person holding him, was running.

Pansy had yelled out for help, and continued to do her best, with applying pressure to the wounds. She yelled more and more, out for the help that never seemed to arrive. Suddenly Neville, Luna and Hermione came running, along with Snape. "What happened to him?!" Hermione yelled and watched as Pansy was in a state of panic, trying to hold Harry's wounds closed. "Pansy..." She said and walked over, laying a hand on her shoulder.

Pansy got startled and shook her head. "NO! No! He'll be okay! He'll be okay!" Pansy yelled out and then began to cry even more. "Granger. Lovegood. Deal with Miss Parkinson. Me and Mr. Longbottom will take Ha- Mr. Potter to the infirmary." Snape said and then picked up Harry, running off, which Hermione and Luna had to hold Pansy back from holding Harry with her.

Luna took out her wand and with a few swings the blood disappeared and then they turned to Pansy, she still had blood all over her, and was shaking. Hermione glanced at Luna, and the two nodded, gently they picked Pansy up from the ground and hooked their arms around her, walking with her to the Dungeon. Upon arriving at the painting, Hermione sighed and said. "I would slap you, but I don't want slut on my hand." The portrait nodded, impressed and swung open. On the inside they saw the Slytherins having fun, or well, that was until all eyes turned to the two in the opening. "I'll go get them..." A girl said, maybe 13, and she ran off, downa hallway.

A few other girls came over, as well as a few boys and helped Luna and Hermione get Pansy seated in a chair.

From the hallway they heard a door get slammed and out came Draco without a shirt, and Blaise fully clothed both with wide eyes as they ran over to Pansy. "What the fuck happened?!" Blaise yelled and took off Pansy's shirt, as well as his own, putting it over her. "Harry... He..." Pansy stammered out and then began to shake again. "So much blood..." She said and Draco visibly paled.

Hermione took notice of the bandages on his wrists, as well as the many scars on his body, gulping to herself.

But then Draco stormed off and Hermione's eyes widened. "Go, I'll stay." Luna said and nodded to both Blaise and Hermione, the two glancing at Pansy once more, before nodding and hurrying after Draco, who was a mere pale spot on the stairs as he ran.

They all three got to the infirmary, at around the same time, as Draco took a wrong set of moving stairs and ended up back with the other two, and then they ran off together. When they got to the infirmary all eyes turned to them.

Snape, Neville, McGonagall and Dumbledore stood there. "Harry!?" Draco exclaimed and ran in, almost making it over to the closed part of the infirmary, but Snape grabbed him and held him in a back to chest, kind of hug.

Draco thrashed and tried to get out, but to no avail. "Dragon... Calm yourself." Snape said softly and tried to soothe the boy. "He wasn't wearing his bandages..." He said and Snape hummed. "I took care of it... Don't worry... Now, why are you not wearing a shirt?" He was asked and then let go. "I was changing, into the party clothes for tonight... And Blaise gave his to Pansy so she could calm down in something cleaner..." Draco said, tears trailing down his cheeks.

Hermione and Neville were both shaken up and could not fathom what had just happened. "Who did this..?" McGonagall asked and Dumbledore sighed as he handed the two boys a shirt each. "I am afraid, it is only Harry who knows..." Hermione shook her head. "No. Pansy does as well... I can have Luna bring her-" "No need." They heard Luna's voice from behind them and all turned to them. Pansy had clearly had a quick shower, her hands were red from being scrubbed so much, her hair still wet.

"Sorry..." Pansy said and Draco's eyes widened. "Do not blame yourself for this." Pansy looked up with teary eyes. "I should have gone to check on him! He was in there fore too long!" She exclaimed and Draco grabbed her into a hug. "Don't you dare apologize for this... You did not hurt him, you have hurt, absolutely no one." He said to her and she cried into his chest.

"Miss Parkinson, we need to know who did this..." Dumbledore said and all eyes were on him. "Uhm... It was that guy, Weasley, and those two, ugh, what are their names-" "Dean and Seamus." A voice sounded behind them and there stood Ron, he raised his hands at them all, who sent him glares. "I never touched him... I tried to drag Dean and Seamus away, believe me, I didn't want..." He gestured to the direction of which Harry was in.

"This..." He sighed and finished his sentence.  Hermione walked up to the red head and then poked him in the chest. "What is your problem with, Harry?" She asked in a low tone, that made Ron gulp. "I... I thought he was being brainwashed... Controlled, even... But the terrified look in his eyes as I was in his face... I can't get that image out of my head... How fast he clammed shut and became distant..." Ron felt tears in the back of his throat, but pressed them down.

"I am so sorry... I couldn't stop them... For some reason, they were so angry, as are many of the other Gryffindors..." Hermione and Neville nodded along with that and rubbed their faces in frustration. "Okay... Mr. Weasley, I will still have to punish you, but thank you for the honesty." McGonagall said and Ron nodded and was about to leave when Madam Pomfrey came out from behind the curtain.

"He's stable now..." She said and Draco ran over, Pansy and Blaise in tow, the rest following behind slowly, kind of surprised by how fast the three Slytherins went to the ravenette. He had a chipped lip and a bruise right on his cheek bone, he had bandages on his arm with the mark, but they weren't the same as the ones on the other arm and around his chest. Draco glanced at Snape, who hummed and nodded.

Draco walked over and grabbed Harry's hand, which made the ravenette hum, his eyes cracking open, and he smiled softly. "Ah... How bad do I look..?" He asked and let out a small cough, which made it ache in his bones. "Not bad at all, Mate..." Blaise said and Ron felt a pang of jealousy in his heart.

"How ya feeling?" Pansy asked and walked over, moving some hair out of his face and giving him a kiss on the forehead. Hermione smirked and eyed Luna, who rolled her eyes and shook her head, which shocked Hermione, who shrugged and hummed.

"Like I've been run over by a truck..." Harry said and Hermione let out a snort, the other wizards and witches did not catch it and this made it all the more funny. Harry coughing a bit, from laughing, and Hermione just laughing all the while clutching her stomach.

Draco looked at the boy on the bed with a kind smile, love in his eyes as he did so. His thumb carressing the top of Harry's hand. Harry stopped laughing at looked with tired eyes at the blonde and smiled back. "So, we can tell the others that the party is gonna be moved a couple of days?" Blaise asked and Harry shook his head.

"No no... We can always have another party when I am out of here..." As Harry looked over at Blaise, his eyes caught sight of red hair in the crowd, his face falling and he sighed. "Whats he doing here..." He asked and all eyes went to Ron, except for Draco's, whos remained on Harry, not daring to look away. "He came and told us who had beaten you up, and that he tried to stop them." Luna said and Harry scoffed, letting out a cough as he did. "Oh yeah..? Did he also tell you that he turned a blind eye when they had first shoved me to the ground, sucker punching me in the gut..? And that he did in fact try to stop them, but not before I was halfway unconscious." Harry said, clutching his side, his monitor beeping a little more, and another letting out a complaining sound.

Madam Pomfrey came over and shoo'd everyone away, except for Draco, who sent her a death glare. She was about to do it, but then she noticed their hands and she narrowed her eyes.

"Harry is not allowed anymore visitors before tomorrow. He will need to rest." She told the others and then glanced at Draco. "Mr. Malfoy can stay, but only because I can't stay awake the whole night to make sure Mr. Potter gets food into his system." She said and Harry sent her a smile, closing his eyes a little.

The rest left, but Madam Pomfrey came over and had her arms crossed. "We need to talk, both of you..." She said and Harry hummed, opening his eyes. "Yeah... Okay..." He said and nodded. "We'll wait until tomorrow, get some sleep..." She said, noticing that Harry was pale, compared to his normal caramel colour, and Draco looked like he was about to pass out as well, both having used too much energy to stay awake.


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