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𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐁𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐁𝐄𝐄. The car had beeped his name through the radio as he drove her to her own car to drop her off. He was from outer space, a robot that was here under disguise. That was all she got from him before they parted ways. Luckily, Y/n had gotten home before Sam, and both adults were still asleep. 

She pulled into the driveway, Bumblebee following behind her without being noticed. Y/n didn't know where Sam was, but she hoped that he wasn't in too much trouble. She bid Bumblebee a goodnight before retiring to bed herself. 

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"Y/n get up," Ron's voice spoke, pulling her out of her dream state. The girl groaned and sat up, barely awake as she rubbed her eyes to clear them. 

"What's happening?" 

"Sam's at the police station he's been arrested." 

That got her awake. Her eyes snapped open to give Ron a look of disbelief. That was where he was last night when she couldn't find him. 

The girl threw her covers back and grabbed her shoes, not caring what she looks like. 

She followed Ron down the stairs to his car, noticing that Bee was still in the driveway parked behind her car. He must still be sleeping. She just glanced at him and got into the passenger seat. 

"He is so in trouble. So much in trouble," Ron grumbled, driving all the way downtown to the police station. 

The girl felt bad for Sam taking all of the heat when she was him too. In fact it was Bumblebee that kept her out of the same situation. She'd have to thank him later. 

When they got to the police station, Sam was sitting in a chair being interrogated by one of the officers on duty. 

Sam turned around and sighed in relief seeing Ron and Y/n. Y/n only gave him a shy smile, feeling guilty that he was here alone. 

"You must be the dad," The officer spoke, standing up to greet Ron. Ron nodded and shook his hand. 

"Yes I'm the dad and this is my niece Y/n. What's going on here?" 

The officer shook his head. "Well your son here was found in private property at 3 AM midnight, babbling on about some robot that turned into a car-"

"It's true!" Sam interrupted. "My car is a robot!" 

"Sam, son let the grownups talk for a minute please," Ron replied, waving him off. The officer rolled his eyes and went back to his seat in front of Sam. Ron and Y/n stood off to the side and out of the way. 

"So let me get this clear one more time. Your car just...stood up." 

"It just stood up," Sam confirmed, nodding his head vigorously.

 Y/n pursed her lips, attempting to not smile or laugh at how ridiculous Sam sounded right now. The look on the officer's face said it all: Drugs. 

"Wow. That's really neat." The officer leaned over and handed Sam a plastic orange container with a napkin, making Y/n raise her eyebrows. "Okay chiefie. Time to fill her up, no drippy drippy." 

Sam grimaced and took the container with napkin. He shot his cousin a look, who only gave him a shrug. 

What could she do? Convince him he wasn't on drugs? She could but he wouldn't believe her. 

"What are you kids rolling these days?" He added, looking in between Y/n and Sam. "Whippets, goofballs. A little wowie sauce with the boys-" 

"No I'm not on any drugs," Sam interrupted, denying the thing. Another officer tossed the chief a bottle of pills, Mojo's pills, their dog. Y/n grinned, thinking that this whole thing was humorous. 

"What's these?" The chief asked, shaking the bottle with the pills inside. He looked down at the label and read it out loud. "Mojo. Is that what the kids are doing these days? A little bit of mojo." 

"Those are our dog's pain pills," Y/n stated. "Medicine for him he's in a cast right now." 

"Y'know the little chihuahua," Ron added, mimicking a dog with his hands. The chief groaned and ran a hand down his face in frustration for a moment, as Sam's eyes darted down to his gun. 

The officer seemed to notice. 

"What was that? You eye-balling my piece 50 cent? You wanna go? Make something happen come on. Cause I promise you. I will bust you up," The chief stated, leaning into Sam's personal space. 

Sam blinked at him once and leaned in as well. With the most serious look on his face he said, "Are you on drugs?" 

The girl finally giggled, breaking the tension between the two. Ron elbowed her, only making her giggle more. Sam smirked in her direction, finding the whole thing funny as well. 

"Look he's not on drugs. I'll bail him out. Surely you have other duties that need attending to besides interrogating my son? He's just tired and babbling nonsense," Ron spoke. "Please." 

"I don't have time for this," The chief replied, standing up from the desk he was sitting on. He tossed Ron the pain pills and waved us off. "Get out of here now." 

Ron thanked him and Y/n grabbed Sam, pulling him out of the police station. Sam gave a glance towards Ron, who didn't say anything. He was probably mad. 

"Lesson learned," Y/n spoke, keeping her voice low. "Don't tell anyone what you saw unless you want to end up in a mental hospital." 

Sam nodded, taking my advice seriously and got into the car. 

───── end of chapter ─────

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