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𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 they going? Bee just took off as soon as Sam and Mikaela crawled inside. The car's engine could be heard underneath the hood as the car booked it, leaving the cop car to chase after them. It was a high speed car chase one only saw in movies. Y/n stared at the cop car, twisting around in her seat, the backseat to watch him, or rather it

"We're so gonna die, we're gonna die!" Mikaela shouted, bringing the girl out of her internal panic. The two were grabbing onto each other, Bee not paying attention. Sam tried to reassure her, claiming that the car was a kick ass driver, which in a way he was. 

The car had already proven that he can be super agile and amazing at driving, giving the twists and turns the car was doing to attempt to lose the cop car. Y/n gripped onto the seat, momentarily freaking out. Sam and Mikaela's hysterical episode did nothing to ease her mind. 

Bee slammed through a window without a second thought and drifted right. The cop car wasn't really able to keep up with the other's movements, falling behind. It was only then that Bee slowed down. 

He drove a couple of more feet and then turned into a parking garage, as the sun was now setting. Evening was falling. Y/n stayed quiet, observing her surroundings and the two people in front of her. Bee pulled into a parking spot and shut his lights off. 

She heard the faint click of the locks, indicating the car locked them inside, presumably for their own safety. Sam tugged at the little lock, hoping to get it undone, but to no avail. The car knew what it was doing. 

"He locked us in," Mikaela whispered, scared to break the silence with her actual volume. She stayed crouched in the passenger seat, keeping her limbs to herself as Sam looked at the ignition keys. He sighed in momentary relief and smiled. 

"At least we ditched the monster right?"

Y/n couldn't help the eye roll that she gave her cousin, nor the anticipation as said monster just drove past them. The soft whirring of his engine and his tires moving across the pavement filled the silent parking garage. Everyone held their breath as it passed. The car -Bee- turned his key and started his ignition. 

It was then that the cop car stopped on his breaks with a squeak, and began to reverse. Bee slammed on the gas, accelerating past the cop, just barely missing his bumper as he swerved out of the parking garage. 

Y/n was thrown out roughly, along with Sam and Mikaela as the car opened his door to get rid of them. The girl had to jump back to avoid being squashed by his big metal food as Bee transformed. 

It was still so awe inspiring and amazing, seeing the car transform, all of its metal parts and bolts coming together to form a robot that was standing in front of them. 

Y/n stumbled to her feet and took off, avoiding getting in the middle of Bee and the cop car as they battled. The sound of scraping metal and parts crashing together filled the air. The cop car tackled Bee and tossed him into a power line, sending electric sparks everywhere. 

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